


  • 中文名:國際組織的閱讀與寫作
  • 作者:徐雪英 、[德] 本諾·華格納、[伊朗] 馬吉亞 
  • 出版時間:2022年8月
  • 出版社:浙江大學出版社
  • 頁數:268 頁
  • ISBN:9787308226806
  • 開本:16 開
  • 裝幀:平裝


本書以項目為導向,在巨觀層面上,分為三大編,分別為:了解國際組織,國際組織各類檔案的閱讀,國際組織各類檔案的寫作。在每一編下,選取國際組織相關的全英文一手資料,圍繞聯合國提出的17個可持續發展目標中具有代表性的四個:糧食和農業,氣候變化,教育,裁軍和維和,微觀地展開各個章節,全方位、立體化地進行編寫。研究基於項目式學習(Project-Based Learning)的教學理念,遵循互動式、體驗式、互動式、探究式和合作式的教學方法和學習方法。


PART ONE Understanding International Organizations
Chapter I A Brief Introduction to Global Governance
1.1 Definitions
1.2 History
1.3 Regimes
1.4 Future Challenges
Chapter 2 International Organizations: Definition, Classifications Powers
2.1 Definition
2.2 Classifications
2.3 Powers of International Organizations
PART TWO Reading for International Organizations
Chapter 3 Constituent Instruments
3.1 Forms of Constituent Instruments
3.2 Contents of Constituent Instruments
Chapter 4 Legal Instruments of IOs
4.1 Klabbers' Categorization of Legal Instruments of IOs
4.2 Another Categorization of Acts of IOs
Chapter 5 Treaties and MOUs
5.1 Treaties and MOUs Terminology
5.2 Structure of Treaties
Chapter 6 Judicial Documents
6.1 International Court of Justice
6.2 Permanent Court of Arbitration
6.3 Court of Justice of the European Union
6.4 European Court of Human Rights
6.5 African Court of Human and People's Rights
6.6 Inter-American Court of Human Rights
6.7 International Criminal Court
6.8 International Tribunal on the Law of the Sea
6.9 International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes(ICSID)
6.10 Iran-United States Claims Tribunal
Chapter 7 Writings of Scholars
Chapter 8 Official Statements
PART THREE Writing for International Organizations
Chapter 9 Text Production of General Correspondence
9.1 Guidelines for Specific Types of Correspondence
9.2 English Writing Style
9.3 Gender-Inclusive Language
Chapter 10 Text Production of CV and Cover Letter
10.1 CV
10.2 Cover Letter
Chapter 11 Text Production of Reports
11.1 Reader and Purpose
11.2 Pre-Writing Techniques
11.3 Standard Report Format
11.4 Sentence and Paragraph Development
11.5 Clarity in Writing
11.6 Writing a Summary
11.7 Drafting Conclusions and Recommendations
11.8 Some Last Tips
Chapter 12 Text Production of Project Documents
12.1 Formulating Programs
12.2 Designing Development Projects
Chapter 13 Writing for International Organizations in Brief
13.1 Before Writing
13.2 During Writing
13.3 After Writing
Chapter 14 Final Remarks
Further Reading


