

《國際形勢和中國外交藍皮書2012(英文版)》內容簡介:China Institute of International Studies (CIIS), founded in 1956, is the think tank of Chinese Minjstry of Foreign Affairs. It conducts research and analysis focusing primarily on medium and long term policy issues of strategic importance, particularly those oncerning international politics and wodd economy. It also makes comments and policy recommendations on Miajor events and hot-spot issues.


  • 書名:國際形勢和中國外交藍皮書2012
  • 作者:中國國際問題研究所
  • 出版日期:2012年5月1日
  • 語種:英語
  • ISBN:9787501242641
  • 外文名:The CIIS Blue Book on International Situation and China's Foreign Affairs.2012
  • 出版社:世界知識出版社
  • 頁數:590頁
  • 開本:16
  • 品牌:世界知識出版社發行部




International Situation in 2011: Chaotic, Difficult, Risky, and Changing
Part Ⅰ The International Situation in 2011
Chapter 1 New Changes of the World Structure
Chapter 2 Trends in the US Foreign Policy in 2011
Chapter 3 Russia's Intensive Pursuit of a Pragmatic Diplomacy
Chapter 4 EU Is Faced with Tough Reform and Transition
Chapter 5 Japan in 2011: Unchanging Diplomatic Guideline amidst Changing Political Situation
Chapter 6 CentraI Asian Countries Move Forward amidst Challenges
Chapter 7 Palestinian-Israeli Relations Face a Profound Dilemma
Chapter 8 Drastic Changes in West Asia and North Africa and Their Strategic Implications
Chapter 9 Situation on the Korean Peninsula in 2011
Chapter 10 The Iranian Nuclear Issue at a Critical Point - Review of the Iranian Nuclear Issue in 2011
Part Ⅱ China's Foreign Affairs in 2011


