

《國外生命科學優秀教材:生物技術與生物工程》是2011年科學出版社出版的書籍,作者是蒂曼(William J.Thieman)。


  • 中文名:國外生命科學優秀教材:生物技術與生物工程
  • 外文名:Introduction to Biotechnology (Second Edition)
  • 作者:蒂曼(William J.Thieman)
  • 語言:英語
  • 出版時間:2011年07月
  • 出版社科學出版社
  • 頁數:368 頁
  • ISBN:9787030317599, 7030317599
  • 開本:16 開




About the Authors
1 The Biotechnology Century and Its Workforce
2 An Introduction to Genes and Genomes
3 Recombinant DNA Technology and Genomics
4 Proteins as Products
5 Microbial Biotechnology
6 Plant Biotechnology
7 Animal Biotechnology
8 DNA Fingerprinting and Forensic Analysis
9 Bioremediation
10 Aquatic Biotechnology
11 Medical Biotechnology
12 Biotechnology Regulations
13 Ethics and Biotechnology
Appendix 1 Answers to Questions & Activities
Appendix 2 The 20 Amino Acids of Proteins


作者:(美國)蒂曼(William J.Thieman) (美國)Michael A.Palladino
蒂曼(William J),Thieman taught biology at VenturaCollege for 35 years and biotechnology for 11 years be-fore retiring from full time teaching in 2005. He contin-ues to teach the biotechnology course at Ventura part-time. He received his B.A. in biology from CaliforniaState University at Northridge in 1966 and his M.A.degree in Zoology in 1969 at UCLA. In 1993, he starteda biotechnician training program at Ventura Collegewhere he has been teaching since 1970. In 1995, headded laboratory skills components to the course andarticulated it as a state-approved vocational program.
Mr. Thieman has taught a broad range of under-graduate courses including general, human, and can-cer biology. He received the Outstanding TeachingAward from the National Biology Teachers Associa-tion in 1996 and the 1997 and 2000 Student SuccessAward from the California Community CollegesChancellor Office. The Economic Development Asso-ciation presented the biotechnology training programat Ventura College its 1998 Program for EconomicDevelopment Award for its work with local biotech-nology companies. His success at acquiring grants tosupport the program was recognized at the NationalCenter for Resource Development Conference in2007.
Michael A. Palladino is Dean of the School of Sci-ence, Technology and Engineering, and an AssociateProfessor of Biology at Monmouth University in WestLong Branch, New Jersey. He received his B.S. degree inBiology from Trenton State College (now known as The College of New Jersey) in 1987, and his Ph.D. inAnatomy and Cell Biology from the University of Vir-ginia in 1994. From 1994 to 1999, he was a facultymember at Brookdale Community College in Lincroft,New Jersey. He joined the Monmouth faculty in 1999.
Dr. Palladino has taught a wide range of undergrad-uate courses. He has received several awards forresearch and teaching including the DistinguishedTeacher Award from Monmouth University, CaringHeart Award from the New Jersey Association for Bio-medical Research, the New Investigator Award of theAmerican Society of Andrology, and the OutstandingColleague Award from Brookdale Community College.At Monmouth, he has an active lab of undergraduatesinvolved in research on the cell and molecular biology ofmale reproductive organs. He is founder and director forthe New Jersey Biotechnology Educators Consortium, astatewide association for biotechnology teachers.
Dr. Palladino is author of Understanding the HumanGenome Project, the first volume in the BenjaminCummings Special Topics in Biology Series for which healso serves as series editor. Dr. Palladino recentlyjoined the writing team of W.S. klug, M.R. Cummingsand C.A. Spencer on Concepts of Genetics and Essentialsof Genetics, both published by Benjamin Cummings.


