



  • 書名:國中生英美時文閱讀精選·八年級上冊
  • 作者:方晨
  • 出版社:南京大學出版社
  • 出版時間:2011年7月
  • 頁數:107 頁
  • 定價:15 元
  • ISBN:9787305084645




Section 1 Messages
Part 1 Food Label Tricks
Part 2 Amusing Signs and Notices Found in Toilets
Part 3 Dario's Dial-a-Pizza-Takeaway Pizza
Part 4 Sports Results
Part 5 Competitions
Part 6 Text Messages
Part 7 Notes
Part 8 Movie Review._ Diary of a Wimpy Kid
Section 2 People
Part 1 CV
Part 2 Missing People Website
Part 3 Informal Letter: Exchange Visit
Part 4 Biography
Part 5 Job Application
Part 6 Newspaper April 07: Horoscope
Part 7 Overweight Teenagers
Part 8 Friends
Section 3 Places
Part 1 Backpackers
Part 2 Formal Letter: Booking a Holiday
Part 3 Official Notes
Part 4 Houses
Part 5 Cities around the World
Part 6 Room
Part 7 The Global Village
Part 8 Travel
Section 4 Things
Part I Products .. Mail Order
Part 2 Informal Letter: Describing a Computer .
Part 3 Informal Letter: Letter of Thanks
Part 4 Advertisements: For Sale
Part 5 Wonderful Inventions
Part 6 Language Learning
Part 7 Animals
Part 8 Eating Habits
Section 5 Fiction
Part 1 Cartoon
Part 2 Rhymes
Part 3 Comic
Part 4 Love Story
Part 5 Recipe
Part 6 Festivals
Part 7 Customs
Part 8 Detective Story
Section 6 Fact
Part 1 How to Survive an Earthquake
Part 2 Headlines
Part 3 Diary
Part 4 Newspaper Story 1 : Events
Part 5 Newspaper Story 2: People
Part 6 Newspaper Story 3: Sports
Part 7 Encyclopaedia Entry: U.S. Government
Part 8 Ideas


