- 中文名:嚴進洪
- 出生地:廣東省廣州市
- 出生日期:1958年
- 職業:教授
涉及廣泛的研究領域,研究方向均為神經行為科學和運動科學(Neuroscience and Motor Control and Learning), 包括心理學,神經科學,生物力學,運動學,統計學,和老人醫學。(1) 人類行為學習與控制, (2)行為發展與老化,和(3)認知能力與技能行為。並從事實驗心理,大腦神經系統對行為控制和學習的關係, 行為科學研究方法,老人行為,老人智慧障礙痴呆的行為診斷和治療,心理健康等方面的研究。從事行為學習-控制機制,心智健康-腦可朔性,決策心理-訓練培養,和個性差異-行為評定。
2008年提出“腦適能”和“動適能”(動作控制和學習能力)概念。我們生活在一個不斷變化的環境中,需要我們終身學習和適應環境。“腦適能”訓練是指通過具體的行為練習和專門訓練,提高腦的各項功能,例如注意力,記憶力,計畫能力,執行能力,和意志力,使我們能夠更好地學習各種生活技能,提高自控能力和動作執行能力,更好地適應環境變化,保證我們的生活質量。從廣泛的意義上說,“腦適能”訓練是基於體適能和動作能力的培養,訓練“腦適能”可以最終提高我們的“學適能” (2015年提出的概念,見文獻部分)。
Ø 《中國少數民族大學生心理健康狀況的元分析》,發布在《心理科學》,時間2010年3月
Ø 《青少年體育鍛鍊態度與行為的關係性研究》,發布在《天津體育學院報》,時間2009年第24卷第1期 文章編號:1005-0000(2009)01-0072-03
Ø 《反應時與動作速度精確度之關係》,發布在《體育科學》2001年1月 第21卷第1期 文章編號:1000-677X(2001)01-0066-03
Ø 《體育科技英文寫作要點》,發布在《上海體育學院學報》,時間2011年10月第35卷增刊
Ø 《注意焦點對動作技能學習的影響》,發布在《上海體育學院學報》,時間2013年3月20日第37卷第2期 文章編號:1000-5498(2013)02-0081-04
Ø 《需要改變的四條健康守則》,發布在《新民晚報》,發布時間2012年7月9日星期一
1. Payne, V. G., Yan, J. H., & Martin, B. (2010). Human motor development in individuals with and without disabilities. Nova Science Publishers.
INVITED BOOK CHAPTERS (6) 書章節 (* Correspondingauthor通訊作者)
1. Chan, J.S.Y., Yan, J.H.,* & Payne,V.G. (2013). Cognitive Training Enhances MotorPerformance and Learning. Motor Behavior and Control: New Research. Nova Publisher: New York.
2. Thomas, J. R.,Thomas, K. T., & Yan, J. H. (2008). Measuring Growth and MotorDevelopment. In G. Payne & P. Geng. (Eds.), Introduction to human motor development. Beijing, China:People’s Education Press.
3. Yan,J. H.,* Abernethy, B., & Thomas, J. R. (2008). Developmental and biomechanicalcharacteristics of motor skill learning. In Bartlett, R.,& Hong, Y.L. (Eds.), Routledgehandbook of biomechanics and human movement science(pp 565-580). Routledge Press.
4. Yan, J. H.* (2005). Effects of attention deficit hyperactivitydisorder on children’s motor control. In M.P. Larimer (Ed.), Attentiondeficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) research developments (pp 143-156).Nova Publishers.
5. Yan, J.H.,* Thomas, J.R.,& Payne, G.V. (2002). How children and seniors differ from adults incontrolling rapid aiming arm movements. In J.E. Clark & J. Humphrey (Eds), Motordevelopment: Research and reviews (vol. 2, pp 191-217). Reston, VA:NASPE.
6. Yan, J.H.*(2002). Variable Practice Improves Children's Motor Skill Acquisition: Implicationsfor Physical Education. In C.G. Johnson (Eds). Western CollegePhysical Education Society Monograph Series (vol. 12, pp.1-7).
English (SCI/SSCI) (* Corresponding author通訊作者)
1. Chan, J.S.Y, Wang, Y.F., Yan. J.H*., & Chen, H.F. (2016). Developmental implications of children’s brain networks and learning. Reviews in the Neurosciences, DOI 10.1515/revneuro-2016-0007
2. Wang, C.M., Chan, J.S.Y., Ren, L.J., & Yan, J. H.* (2016). Obesity reduces cognitive and motor functions across the lifespan. Neural Plasticity, 1-13. ID 2473081
3.Wang, Y.F., Long, Z.L., Cui, Q., Liu, F., Jing, X.J., Chen, H., Guo, X.N.,Yan,J.H.*, Chen, H.F. (2015). Low frequency steady-state brain responses modulate large scale functional networks in a frequency-specific means.Human Brain Mapping. DOI: 10.1002/hbm.23037
4. Ren, J., Guo, W.,Yan. J.H*., Liu, G.M., & Jia, F.J. (2015). Practice and nap schedules modulate children’s motor learning.Developmental Psychobiology, 8, 1-13.
5. Wang, Y.F., Dai, G.S., Liu, F., Long, Z. L.,Yan, J. H*., & Chen, H.F*.(2015).Steady-state BOLD response to higher-order cognition modulate slow-frequency neural oscillations.Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 27:12, 2406–2415.
6. Wu, Q.F., Chan, J.S.Y., &Yan,J.H*.(2015). Mild cognitive impairment affects motor control and skill learning.Reviews in the Neurosciences, 20, 1–21.
7. Chan, J.S.Y., Wu, Q.F., Liang, D.X., & Yan, J.H*. (2015). Visuospatial working memory training facilitates visually-aided explicit sequence learning. Acta Psychologica, 161, 145–153.
8. Chan, J.S.Y., Luo, Y.J*., Yan, J.H*., Cai, L.Y., & Peng, K.P. (2015). Children’s age modulates the effect of part and whole practice in motor learning.Human Movement Science, 42, 261-272.
9. Wang, Y., Jing, X., Liu, F., Li, M., Long, Z., Yan, J. H*., & Chen, H*. (2015). Reliable attention network scores and mutually inhibited inter-network relationships revealed by mixed design and non-orthogonal method. Scientific Reports, 5, 10251.
10. Wang, Y.F., Liu, F, Long, Z.L., Duan, X.J., Cui, Q., Yan, J.H.*, & Chen H.F*. (2014). Steady-state BOLD response modulates low frequency neural oscillations. Scientific Report, 4, 7376 | DOI: 10.1038/srep07376
11. Liu, G.M., Chan, J.S.Y., Chen, D.P., Peng, K.P., Qin, C.B., & Yan, J.H.* (2014). Visuomotor control in continuous response time task across lifespan. Perceptual & Motor Skills: Motor Skills & Ergonomics, 119, 1, 169-182.
12. Liu, Y., & Chan, J.S.Y., &Yan, J.H.* (2014). Neuropsychological mechanisms of falls in older adults. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience. 6: 64. doi: 10.3389/fnagi.2014.00064
13. Wang, J.F., Liu, L., & Yan, J.H.* (2014). Implicit power motive effects on the ERP processing of emotional intensity in anger faces. Journal of Research in Personality, 50, 90-97.
14. Cai, L., Chan, J.S.Y., Yan, J.H.,* & Peng, K. (2014). Brain plasticity and motor practice in cognitive aging.Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience, 6: 31. doi: 10.3389/fnagi.2014.00031.
15. Chan, J.S.Y., Yan, J.H.,* & Payne, V. G. (2013). The impact of obesity and exercise on cognitive aging. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience. 5: 97. doi: 10.3389
16. Kisiel-Sajewicz, K., Siemionow, V., Seyidova-Khoshknabi, D., Davis, M.P., Wyant, A., Ranganathan, V.K., Walsh, D., Yan, J.H.,* Hou, J., & Yue, G.H. (2013). Myoelectrical manifestation of fatigue less prominent in patients with cancer related fatigue. PLOs One. 31: 8(12): e83636. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0083636.
17. Liu, Y., Cao, C.M., Yan, J.H.* (2013). Functional aging impairs the role of feedback in motor learning. Geriatrics & Gerontology International, 13, 849-859.
18. Ren,J., Wu, Y.D., Chan, J.S.Y., Yan, J.H.*(2013). Cognitive aging affects motor performance and learning. Geriatrics and Gerontology International, 13, 19–27.
19. Chen,D.D., Pei,L., Chan, J.S.Y., & Yan, J.H. *(2012). Transfer effects of manipulating temporal constraints on learning atwo-choice reaction time task with low stimulus-response compatibility. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 115, 415-426.
20. Li, H.T., Cheung, S-Y., Chan, J.S.Y., & Yan, J.H.* (2012). Inhibitory control differentiates rare target search in children. Perceptual Motor Skill, 114, 339-351.
21. Jiang, Z., Wang, X.F., Kisiel-Sajewicz, K., Yan, J.H.,* & Yue, G.H. (2012). Strengthened functional connectivity in the brain during muscle fatigue. NeuroImage, 60, 728-737.
22. Chan, J.S.Y., Wong, A.C.N., Liu, Y., Yu, J., Yan, J.H.* (2011). Fencing expertiseand physical fitness enhance action inhibition. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 12, 509-514.
23. Yan, J.H.,*Li, H., & Liao, Y. (2010). Developmental motor function plays a key role in visual search. Developmental Psychobiology, 5, 505-512.
24. Yan, J.H. (2010)*. Cognitive styles affect choise response time and accuracy. Personality and Individual Differences, 48, 747-751.
25. Yuan, J.J., Luo, Y.J., Yan, J.H., Meng, X.X., Yu, F.Q., & Li, H. (2009). Neuralcorrelates of the females’ susceptibility to negative emotions: An insight intogender-related prevalence of affective disturbances. Human Brain Mapping, 30, 3676-3686.
26. Yan, J.H.,* & Zhou, C.L. (2009). Effects of motor practice on cognitive disorders in older adults. European Review of Aging and Physical Activity, 6 (2), 67-74.
27. Yan, J.H.,*Abernethy., B., & Li, X.J. (2009). The effects of aging and cognitive impairment on on- and off-line motor learning. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 24, 200-212.
28. Yan, J.H.,*Rountree, S., Massman, P., Doody, R., & Li, H (2008). Alzheimer's disease and mild cognitive impairment deteriorate fine movement control. Journal of Geriatric Research, 42, 1203-1212.
29. Yan, J.H.,* &Dick, M. B. (2006). Practice effects on motor control in healthy seniors and patients with mild cognitive impairment or mild Alzheimer’s disease. Aging, Neuropsychology, and Cognition, 13, 1-26.
30. Yan, J.H.,* Rodriguez, W.,& Thomas, J. R. (2005). Does data normality change as a function ofpractice? Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 76, 494-499.
31. Yan,J.H.,* & McCullagh, P. (2004). Cultural influence on children’s motivation of participation in physical activity. Journal ofSport Behavior, 27, 1-13.
32. Yan, J.H.,* &Jevas, S. (2004). Developmental skills in young girls’ underarm throwing. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 99, 39-47.
33. Christensen, C.L., Payne, V.G., Wughalter, E.H., Yan,J.H., & Henehan, M. (2003). Effects of varying levels of physical activityon VO2 and psychomotor function of older men. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 74, 136-142.
34. Yan,J.H.,* Thomas, K.T., Stelmach, G.E., & Thomas,J.R. (2003). Developmental differences in children’s ballistic aiming movementsof the arm. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 96, 589-598.
35. Yan, J.H.,* & Thomas, J.R. (2002). Arm movement control: Differences between children with and without attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 73, 10-18.
36. Yan, J.H.,* & Downing,J.H. (2001). Effects of aging, grip span, and grip style on hand strength. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 72, 68-74.
37. Yan, J.H.* (2000). The effects of aging on linear and curvilinear arm movement control. Experimental Aging Research, 26, 393-407.
38. Yan,J.H.,* Hinrichs, R.N.,Payne, V.G., & Thomas, J.R. (2000). Normalized jerk: A measure to capture developmental characteristics of young girls’ overarm throwing. Journal of Applied Biomechanics, 16, 196-202.
39. Yan, J.H.,* Payne., V.G., &Thomas, J.R. (2000). Developmental kinematics of young females’ overarm throwing. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 71, 92-98.
40. Yan, J.H.,* Thomas, J.R.,Stelmach, G.E. & Thomas, K.T. (2000). Developmental features of rapid aiming arm movements across the lifespan. Journal of Motor Behavior, 32, 121-140.
41. Thomas, J.R., Yan, J.H., & Stelmach,G.E. (2000). Movement characteristics change as a function of practice in children and adults. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 75, 228-244.
42. Yan, J.H.* (1999). Tai Chi practice reduces movement force variability for seniors. Journal of Gerontology: Medical Sciences, 54A, 12, M629-M634.
43. Yan, J.H.,* & Downing,J.H. (1998). Tai Chi: An alternative exercise form for seniors. Journal of Aging and Physical Activity, 6, 363-375.
44. Yan, J.H.,* Thomas, J.R.,& Downing, J.H. (1998). Meta-analysis of the influence of locomotion on spatial performance. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 87, 67-82.
45. Yan, J.H.* (1998). Tai Chi practice improves senior citizens’ balance and arm movement control. Journal of Aging and Physical Activity, 6, 271-284.
46. Yan, J.H.,* Thomas, J.R.,& Thomas, K.T. (1998). Practice variability facilitates children’s motor skill acquisition: A quantitative review. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 69, 210-215.
47. Yan, J.H.,* & Thomas,J.R., & Stelmach, G.E. (1998). Aging and rapid aiming arm control. Experimental Aging Research, 24, 55-69.
48. Yan, J.H.* (1995). The fitness and health benefits of Tai Chi. Journal of Physical Education, Recreation & Dance, (November/December), 61-63.
49. Yan, J.H.,* & Thomas,J.R. (1995). Parents’ assessment of physical activity in American and Chinese children. Journal of Comparative Physical Education and Sports, 17, 38-49.