



  • 中文名:嚴啟龍
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 專業方向:航空宇航科學-航空宇航推進理論與工程
  • 任職院校:西北工業大學
  • 職稱:教授


工作經歷 Work Experience
2017.2-至今: 西北工業大學,航天學院,教授,博士生導師
2015.6–2017.1: 以色列特拉維夫大學,化學工程學院,博士後
2008.4–2011.9: 中國兵器第四研究院,固體火箭動力技術研究所,工程師


(1)本科生課程:本科生專業基礎課《航天推進理論基礎》(推進劑及熱化學部分)、本科生專業必修課《Structural Characterization》(瑪麗女王工程學院)、留學生專業課《Rocket Propulsion Technology》(Propellants and Thermochemistry)、專業選修課《航天動力前沿講座》(含能材料與推進劑方向)等




(1) 自然基金面上項目,51776176,石墨烯基含能配位聚合物對複合推進劑熱分解及燃燒的催化機理,2018/01-2021/12,在研,60萬人民幣,主持
(1) Z.-H. Xue, X.-X. Zhang, B.-B. Huang, X. Bai, L.-Y. Zhu, S. Chen, Q.-L. Yan*, The structural diversity of hybrid qy-HMX crystals with constraint of 2D dopants and the resulted changes in thermal reactivity, Chem Eng J, 2020, 390, 124565. DOI: 10.1016/j.cej.2020.124565 (中科院1區, IF=10.9)
(2) Lyu, J.-Y., Yu, J.-H., Tang, D.-Y., He, W., Tao, B.-W., Guo, X., Q.-L. Yan*, Unexpected burning rate independence of composite propellants on the pressure by fine interfacial control of fuel/oxidizer, Chem Eng J, 2020, 388, 124320. DOI: 10.1016/j.cej.2020.124320 (中科院1區, IF=10.9)
(3) B. Huang, Z. Xue, S. Chen, J. Chen, X. Li, K.Z. Xu, Q.-L. Yan*, Stabilization of ε-CL-20 crystals by a minor interfacial doping of polydopamine-coated graphene oxide, Appl Surf Sci, 2020, 510, 145454. DOI: 10.1016/j.apsusc.2020.145454(中科院1區, IF=5.9)
(4) S. Hanafi, D. Trache, W. He, W.-X. Xie, A. Mezroua, Q.-L. Yan*, Thermostable Energetic Coordination Polymers Based on Functionalized GO and Their Catalytic Effects on the Decomposition of AP and RDX, J Phys Chem C, 2020, 124 (9), pp. 5182-5195. DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.9b11070 (中科院2區, IF=4.5)
(5) C. Huang, Z. Yang, Y.C. Li, B.H. Zheng, Q.-L. Yan, L. Guan, G. Luo, S.B. Li, F. Nie, Incorporation of high explosives into nano-aluminum based microspheres to improve reactivity, Chem Eng J, 2020, 383, 123110.
(6) D.-Y. Tang, J.-Y. Lyu, W. He, J. Chen, G.C. Yang, P.-J. Liu, Q.-L. Yan*,Metastable Intermixed Core-shell Al@M(IO3)x Nanocomposites with Improved Combustion Efficiency by Using Tannic Acid as a Functional Interfacial Layer, Chem Eng J, 2020, 384, 123369. (中科院1區, IF=10.9)
(7) W. He, Z.H. Li, S.W. Chen, G.C. Yang, Z.-J. Yang, Z.Q. Guo, P.-J. Liu, Q.-L. Yan*, Energetic Metastable n-Al@PVDF/EMOF Composite Nanofibers with Improved Combustion Performances, Chem Eng J, 2020, 383, 123146.(中科院1區, IF=10.9)
(8) W. He, W. Ao, G.C. Yang, Z.-J. Yang, Z.Q. Guo, P.-J. Liu*, Q.-L. Yan*, Metastable Energetic Nanocomposites of MOF-activated Aluminum Featured with Multi-Level Energy Releases, Chem Eng J, 2020, 381, 122623..(中科院1區, IF=10.9)
(9) D.-Y. Tang, S.-W. Chen, X.-L. Liu, W. He, G.C. Yang, P.J. Liu*, M. Gozin*, Q.-L. Yan*, Controlled Reactivity of Metastable n-Al@Bi(IO3)3 by Employment of Tea Polyphenols as an Interfacial Layer, Chem Eng J, 2020, 381, 122747..(中科院1區, IF=10.9)
(10) S.-W. Chen, W. He, C.-J. Luo, T. An, J. Chen, Y. Yang, P.-J. Liu, Q.-L. Yan*, Thermal Behavior of Graphene Oxide and its Stabilization Effects on Transition Metal Complexes of Triaminoguanidine, J Hazard Mater, 2019, 368, 404–411. (中科院1區,IF=7.7)
(11) Q.-L. Yan*, Z. Yang, X. Zhang, J. Lyu, W. He, S. Huang, P. Liu, C. Zhang, Q. Zhang, G. He and F. Nie, High Density Assembling of Energetic Molecules under Constraint of Defected 2D Materials, J Mater Chem A,2019, 7, 17806-17814. (中科院1區,IF=10.7)
(12) W. He, B.-W. Tao, B. Z.-J. Yang, G.C. Yang, X. Guo, P.-J. Liu, Q.-L. Yan*, Mussel-Inspired Polydopamine-directed Crystal Growth of Core-shell n-Al@PDA@CuO Metastable Intermixed Composites, Chem Eng J, 2019, 369, 1093–1101. (中科院1區,IF=10.9)
(13) J.-Y. Lyu, S. Chen, W. He, X.-X. Zhang, D.-Y. Tang, P.-J. Liu, Q.-L. Yan*, Fabrication of High-Performance Graphene Oxide doped PVDF/CuO/Al Nanocomposites via Electrospinning, Chem Eng J, 2019, 368,129–137. (中科院1區,IF=10.9)
(14) W. He, P.-J. Liu, F.-Y. Gong, B.W. Tao, J. Gu, Z.-J. Yang, Q.-L. Yan*, Tuning the Reactivity of Metastable Intermixed Composite n-Al/PTFE by Polydopamine Interfacial Control, ACS Appl Mater Interfaces, 2018, 10(38), 32849-32858. (中科院1區,IF=8.7)
(15) A.K. Chinnam, N. Petrutik, K.-C. Wang, A. Shlomovich, O. Shamis, D. Shem Tov, M. Suceska, Q.-L. Yan*, R. Dobrovetsky, M. Gozin*, Effects of closo-Icosahedral Periodoborane Salts on Hypergolic Reaction of 70% H2O2 with Energetic Ionic Liquid. J Mater Chem A, 2018, 6(41), 19989-19997. (中科院1區,已選為封面文章,IF=10.7)
(16) A.K. Chinnam, A. Shlomovich, O. Shamis, N. Petrutika, D. Kumara, K. Wanga, E.P. Komaralab, D. Shemtova, M. Suceska, Q.-L. Yan*, M. Gozin*. Combustion of Energetic Iodine-rich Coordination Polymer-Engineering of New Biocidal Materials. Chem Eng J, 2018, 350, 1084-1091. (中科院1區, IF=10.9)
(17) W. He, P.J. Liu, G.Q. He, M. Gozin, Q.-L. Yan*, Highly Reactive Metastable Intermixed Composites (MICs): Preparations and Characterizations. Adv Mater, 2018, 30(41), 1706293. (中科院1區,IF=23.8, 特邀綜述)
(18) Q.-L. Yan*, P.-J. Liu, A. F. He, et al. Photosensitive but mechanically insensitive graphene oxide-carbohydrazide-metal hybrid crystalline energetic nanomaterials. Chem Eng J. 2018, 338(15) 240-247. (中科院1區,IF=10.9)
(19) Q.-L. Yan*, A. Cohen, A. K. Chinnam, N. Petrutik, A. Shlomovich, L. Burstein, M. Gozin*, Layered 2D Triaminoguanidine-Glyoxal Polymer and Its Transition Metal Complexes, as Novel Insensitive Energetic Nanomaterials, J Mater Chem A, 2016, 4, 18401-18408. (中科院1區, IF=10.7)
(20) Q.-L. Yan*, F.-Q. Zhao*, Kenneth K. Kuo, X.-H. Zhang, S. Zeman, Luigi T. DeLuca, Catalytic Effects of Nano Additives on Decomposition and Combustion of RDX-, HMX-, and AP-Based Energetic Compositions, Prog Energ Combust Sci, 2016, 57, 75–136. (中科院1區, IF=29., 特邀綜述)
(21) Q.-L. Yan, A. Cohen, N. Petrutik, A. Shlomovich, J.-G. Zhang, M. Gozin*, Formation of Highly Thermostable Copper-Containing Energetic Coordination Polymers Based on Oxidized Triaminoguanidine, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2016, 8,33, 21674–21682. (中科院1區, IF=8.7)
(22) Cohen, Y.-Z. Yang, Q.-L. Yan*, et al., Highly Thermostable and Insensitive Energetic Hybrid Coordination Polymers Based on Graphene Oxide-Cu(II) Complex, Chem Mater, 2016, 28 (17), 6118–6126. (中科院1區, IF=10.2)
(23) Q.-L. Yan, N. Petrutik, A. Shlomovich, L. Burstein, S.-P. Pang, M. Gozin*, Coordination Nanomaterials Based on Functionalized Graphene Oxides, J Mater Chem A 108(10), 2016, 111-117.(中科院1區, IF=10.7)
(24) Q.-L. Yan, W. A. Trzciński, S. Cudzilo, J. Paszula, T. Eugen, M. Liviu, R. Traian, M. Gozin* , Thermobaric effects formed by aluminium foils enveloping cylindrical charges, Combust Flame, 2016, 166(1),148-157. (中科院1區, IF=4.1)
(25) Q.-L. Yan, M. Gozin*, F.-Q. Zhao, A. Cohen, S.-P. Pang, High energetic compositions based on functionalized carbon nanomaterials, Nanoscale, 2016, 8, 4799-851. (中科院1區, IF=7.2, ESI高被引)
(1) XXX高燃速改性雙基推進劑,ZL201110014267.2,2014-7-16;(GF專利,已授權)
(2) CL-20超細化處理方法,ZL201110014442.8,2014-7-16;(發明專利,已授權)
(3) XXX改性雙基推進劑,ZL201418003494.X,2014-7-25;(GF專利,已授權)
(4) XXX混合溶液配置方法,ZL201418004452.8,2014-9-10;(GF專利,已授權)
(5) 石墨烯基碳醯肼金屬配合物晶體含能材料及其製備方法, 2017, ZL201710104307.X (發明專利,已授權).
(6) 一種摻雜改性硝銨炸藥晶體的製備方法, 2018, CN201810242628.0 (發明專利,已受理).
(7) 金屬有機框架材料改性納米金屬顆粒的製備方法, 2018, CN201811365411.5 (發明專利,已受理)
(8) 一種聚基於多巴胺界面調控硝胺炸藥改性鋁粉及製備方法,2019,CN201910020312.1 (發明專利,已受理)
(9) 聚合物基複合含能材料包覆改性納米金屬顆粒的製備方法,2019,CN201910671433.2 (發明專利,已受理)


(2)2015年5月,獲得捷克帕爾杜比采大學 “優秀博士論文獎”;


