



  • 中文名:單鴻波
  • 類型:人物
  • 職稱:教授
  • 性別:男


Assembly Automation (ISSN:0144-5154)、Mathematical and Computer Modelling (ISSN: 0895-7177)和Robotica(ISSN:0263-5747)等期刊審擊婆臘稿專家享料;Reviewer of Int. Journal of Assembly Automation(ISSN:0144-5154) , Mathematical and Computer Modelling (ISSN: 0895-7177)andRobotica(ISSN:0263-5747)。
美國University of Michigan-Ann Arbor訪霸想剃問學者(2009-2010年度);Visiting Scholar at University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, USA (2009-2010)







Ø 面向碳纖維材料的管狀織物構件性能分析,中央高校基本科研業務費資助項目(在研,主持);
Ø 立體管狀織造裝備煮鴉道祝及技術,國家科技部支撐計畫(在研,主要參與);
Ø 面市屑喇匪向輕質高強複合材料的三維管狀織物織造設備的研究,中央高校基本科研業務費資助項目(已完成,主持);
Ø 現代產品設計過程中功能流變換、演變的相關研究,上海市教委優青專項資助項目(已完成,主持);


Press in Journalsor Int. Conference (Ranked the 1st Author):
1. ValueChain-based Business Process Optimization Modeling for the Third PartyLogistics Enterprise, Applied Mechanics and Materials. 2011, 44-47: 782-787(EI:20110313585949)
2. Researchon assembly sequence planning based on genetic simulated annealing algorithmand ant colony optimization algorithm. Assembly Automation. 2009, 29(3):249~256 (SCI:ISI000268969800007/EI:10812615)
3. Functionprinciple structure model for conceptual design, Proceedings of the 2009 IEEE10th International Conference on Computer-Aided Industrial Design &Conceptual Design (CAID&CD 2009), Wenzhou, China, 2009, 1150~1153 (EI:11057686/ISTP: ISI000275947300264)
4. TheComparison between Genetic Simulated Annealing Algorithm and Ant ColonyOptimization Algorithm for ASP. The IEEE International Conference on WirelessCommunications, Networking and Mobile Computing, Dalian, China, 2008 (EI:090111835791/ISTP:ISI000263466105450)
5. AntColony Optimization Algorithm-Based Disassembly Sequence Planning, The 2007IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics and Automation, Harbin, China,2007, 867~872 (EI:075110979336/ISTP:ISI000251178101013)
6. Geneticsimulated annealing algorithm-based assembly sequence planning, The 2006International Technology and Innovation Conference, Hangzhou, China, 2006,1573~1579 (EI:072610669376)
7. Function-and Graph-based Product Principle Structure Modeling and Optimization forConceptual Design. Journal of the Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers.2004, 21(5): 484~493 (EI:05239142367)
8. 本體範疇下一種新的功能定義及對應的產品設計過程劃分. 工程設計學報, 2011, (18)1:9~16.
The function'sdefinition and corresponding division for product design process on ontologydomain(in Chinese). Journal of Engineering Design, 2011, 18(1): 9~16.
9. 基於功能矩陣空間和變換法的產品設計需求功能獲取. 工程設計學報, 2007, 14(3):187~193.
Acquisition ofProduct Designer Requirement Function Based on the Method of Function MatrixSpace Union Transformation (in Chinese). Journal of Engineering Design, 2007,14(3): 187~193.
10. 功能範疇下產品概念設計階段用戶需求功能的表達. 東華大學學報. 2007, 33(3):277~281.
Research onExpression of Customer Requirement Function for Product Conceptual Design Phasein Function Domain (in Chinese). Journal of Donghua University (Natural ScienceEdition). 2007, 33(3): 277~281.
11. 基於進化博弈的企業R&D外包聯盟研究. 機械製造, 2007, 45(5): 1~4.
Enterprise R&DOutsourcing Coalition Based on Evolution Game Theory (in Chinese). Machinery,2007, 45(5): 1~4.
12. 基於空間定性推理的用戶需求功能轉換. 機械科學與技術, 2007, 26(8):1071~1075.
Transformation ofProduct Customer Requirement Function Based on Space Qualitative Reasoning (inChinese). Mechanical Science and Technology, 2007, 26(8): 1071~1075.
13. 現代產品設計理論相關研究現狀綜述. 東華大學學報. 2006, 32(5):118~124.
Survey of CurrentResearch on the Modern Product Design Theory and Methodology (in Chinese).Journal of Donghua University (Natural Science Edition). 2006, 32(5): 118~124.
14. 產品DFA相關研究現狀及展望. 中國製造業信息化, 2007, 36(11):18~23.
Survey of CurrentResearch on DFA and Forecast of Future Work (in Chinese). ManufactureInformation Engineering of China, 2007, 36(11): 18~23.
15. 基於Web的面向裝配設計系統研究與實現. 計算機輔助設計與圖形學學報, 2005, (17)2:341~346.(EI:05129008525)
Research onWeb-Based Design For Assembly System (in Chinese). Journal of Computer AidedDesign & Computer Graphics. 2005, 17(2): 341~346. (EI:05129008525)
16. 面向問題域的產品概念設計階段需求功能的描述及轉換研究. 中國機械工程, 2005, (16)3:234~238.(EI:05108876270)
Problem DomainOriented Requirement Function Description and Transformation in ProductConceptual Design Process (in Chinese). China Mechanical Engineering, 2005,16(3): 234~238. (EI: 05108876270)
17. 基於模糊集表達和熵處理的用戶需求評價. 工程設計學報, 2005, 12(6):329~333.


The EthicsPace-setter, DongHua University, 2007
The ExcellentYoung Teacher, DongHua University, 2007
The second prizeof Teaching contest, DongHua University, 2007
The ExcellentAdvisor for undergraduate's Sci&Tec activity at off-class, DongHuaUniversity, 2009
The YUCAIExecellent Teacher, Shanghai City, 2009
The ExcellentIndividual in Extending Employment, DongHua University, 2011
3. Functionprinciple structure model for conceptual design, Proceedings of the 2009 IEEE10th International Conference on Computer-Aided Industrial Design &Conceptual Design (CAID&CD 2009), Wenzhou, China, 2009, 1150~1153 (EI:11057686/ISTP: ISI000275947300264)
4. TheComparison between Genetic Simulated Annealing Algorithm and Ant ColonyOptimization Algorithm for ASP. The IEEE International Conference on WirelessCommunications, Networking and Mobile Computing, Dalian, China, 2008 (EI:090111835791/ISTP:ISI000263466105450)
5. AntColony Optimization Algorithm-Based Disassembly Sequence Planning, The 2007IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics and Automation, Harbin, China,2007, 867~872 (EI:075110979336/ISTP:ISI000251178101013)
6. Geneticsimulated annealing algorithm-based assembly sequence planning, The 2006International Technology and Innovation Conference, Hangzhou, China, 2006,1573~1579 (EI:072610669376)
7. Function-and Graph-based Product Principle Structure Modeling and Optimization forConceptual Design. Journal of the Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers.2004, 21(5): 484~493 (EI:05239142367)
8. 本體範疇下一種新的功能定義及對應的產品設計過程劃分. 工程設計學報, 2011, (18)1:9~16.
The function'sdefinition and corresponding division for product design process on ontologydomain(in Chinese). Journal of Engineering Design, 2011, 18(1): 9~16.
9. 基於功能矩陣空間和變換法的產品設計需求功能獲取. 工程設計學報, 2007, 14(3):187~193.
Acquisition ofProduct Designer Requirement Function Based on the Method of Function MatrixSpace Union Transformation (in Chinese). Journal of Engineering Design, 2007,14(3): 187~193.
10. 功能範疇下產品概念設計階段用戶需求功能的表達. 東華大學學報. 2007, 33(3):277~281.
Research onExpression of Customer Requirement Function for Product Conceptual Design Phasein Function Domain (in Chinese). Journal of Donghua University (Natural ScienceEdition). 2007, 33(3): 277~281.
11. 基於進化博弈的企業R&D外包聯盟研究. 機械製造, 2007, 45(5): 1~4.
Enterprise R&DOutsourcing Coalition Based on Evolution Game Theory (in Chinese). Machinery,2007, 45(5): 1~4.
12. 基於空間定性推理的用戶需求功能轉換. 機械科學與技術, 2007, 26(8):1071~1075.
Transformation ofProduct Customer Requirement Function Based on Space Qualitative Reasoning (inChinese). Mechanical Science and Technology, 2007, 26(8): 1071~1075.
13. 現代產品設計理論相關研究現狀綜述. 東華大學學報. 2006, 32(5):118~124.
Survey of CurrentResearch on the Modern Product Design Theory and Methodology (in Chinese).Journal of Donghua University (Natural Science Edition). 2006, 32(5): 118~124.
14. 產品DFA相關研究現狀及展望. 中國製造業信息化, 2007, 36(11):18~23.
Survey of CurrentResearch on DFA and Forecast of Future Work (in Chinese). ManufactureInformation Engineering of China, 2007, 36(11): 18~23.
15. 基於Web的面向裝配設計系統研究與實現. 計算機輔助設計與圖形學學報, 2005, (17)2:341~346.(EI:05129008525)
Research onWeb-Based Design For Assembly System (in Chinese). Journal of Computer AidedDesign & Computer Graphics. 2005, 17(2): 341~346. (EI:05129008525)
16. 面向問題域的產品概念設計階段需求功能的描述及轉換研究. 中國機械工程, 2005, (16)3:234~238.(EI:05108876270)
Problem DomainOriented Requirement Function Description and Transformation in ProductConceptual Design Process (in Chinese). China Mechanical Engineering, 2005,16(3): 234~238. (EI: 05108876270)
17. 基於模糊集表達和熵處理的用戶需求評價. 工程設計學報, 2005, 12(6):329~333.


The EthicsPace-setter, DongHua University, 2007
The ExcellentYoung Teacher, DongHua University, 2007
The second prizeof Teaching contest, DongHua University, 2007
The ExcellentAdvisor for undergraduate's Sci&Tec activity at off-class, DongHuaUniversity, 2009
The YUCAIExecellent Teacher, Shanghai City, 2009
The ExcellentIndividual in Extending Employment, DongHua University, 2011


