主要從事微生物燃料電池以及生物能源相關研究,曾將新型納米複合材料套用於微生物燃料電池,顯著提高了電池的功率密度,同時將基因工程細菌套用於微生物燃料電池,為解決該研究領域的瓶頸提供了新的途徑。研究成果在ACS Nano、 Chem. Comm.、Energ. Environ. Sci.等SCI雜誌上發表。現共發表和接收SCI學術論文20餘篇,被引400餘次,H因子為11。其中有兩篇入選ESI (Essential Science Indicators)高被引論文前百分之一。碩博期間,作為課題組主要成員參加了科技部國家十五重點攻關項目、國家自然基金面上項目、新加坡南洋理工大學先進納米生物系統中心項目的研究;參加多次國際國內學術會議並做分會場報告。
(1)Y. Qiao, C. M. Li: Nanostructured catalysts in fuel cells. J. Mater. Chem., 2011, 21 (12): 4027-4036.
(2)Y. Qiao, S.J. Bao, C. M. Li: Electrocatalysis in Microbial Fuel Cells – From electrode material to direct electrochemistry. Energy & Environmental Science, 2010, 3, 544 - 553.
(3)Y. Qiao, C.M. Li, Z.S. Lu, H. Ling, A. Kang, and M.W. Chang, A time-course transcriptome analysis of Escherichia coli with direct electrochemistry behavior in microbial fuel cells. Chem. Commun., 2009, 41: p. 6183-6185.
(4)K.J. Xiang, Y. Qiao*, C.B. Ching, and C.M. Li, GldA overexpressing-engineered E. coli as superior electrocatalyst for microbial fuel cells. Electrochem. Comm., 2009. 11(8): p. 1593-1595. (*共同一作)
(5)Y. Qiao, C.M. Li, S.J. Bao, Z.S. Lu, and Y.H. Hong, Direct electrochemistry and electrocatalytic mechanism of evolved Escherichia coli cells in microbial fuel cells. Chem. Commun., 2008(11): p. 1290-1292.
(6)Y. Qiao, S.J. Bao, C.M. Li, X.Q. Cui, Z.S. Lu, and J. Guo, Nanostructured polyanifine/titanium dioxide composite anode for microbial fuel cells. Acs Nano, 2008. 2(1): p. 113-119.
(7)Y. Qiao, C.M. Li, S.J. Bao, and Q.L. Bao, Carbon nanotube/polyaniline composite as anode material for microbial fuel cells. J. Power Sources, 2007. 170(1): p. 79-84.
(8)J. Liu, Y. Qiao, Z. S. Lu, H. Song, C. M. Li. Enhance electron transfer and performance of microbial fuel cells by perforating the cell membrane. Electrochem Comm, 2012. 15: 50–53.
(9)J. Liu, Y. Qiao, C. X. Guo, H. Song, C. M. Li. Graphene/carbon cloth anode for high performance mediator-less microbial fuel cells. Bioresource Technology, 2012.114: 275-280.
(10)Z.M. He, J. Liu, Y. Qiao, C.M. Li, and T.T.Y. Tan, Architecture Engineering of Hierarchically Porous Chitosan/Vacuum-Stripped Graphene Scaffold as Bioanode for High Performance Microbial Fuel Cell. Nano Lett., 2012; 12:4738-4741.