- 中文名:喬從豐
- 國籍:中國
- 民族:漢族
- 出生日期:1963年5月
- 職業:教授
2003年3月至今為中國科學院研究生院物理科學學院教授,2003至2009年曾任中國科學院研究生院物理學院副院長、常務副院長、執行院長,2009年至今任校科研處處長; 2002年中科院"引進海外傑出人才(百人計畫)"入選者;2002年10月至2003年3月德國漢堡大學理論物理所訪問學者;2000年11月至2002年9月 日本廣島大學JSPS學者; 2000年6月至2000年11月德國漢堡大學理論物理所DFG博士後;1998年8月至2000年5月德國漢堡大學理論物理所洪堡學者;1996年8月至1998年7月中科院中國高等科技中心博士後;1993年9月至1996年7月北京大學物理系博士生。 已在國際本學科核心期刊發表論文百餘篇。
1)量子信息 2)粒子理論
課題組常年招收 量子信息 及 高能物理方向 碩士、博士研究生,博士後。
招生專業 理論物理
招生方向 量子信息 粒子物理
招生方向 量子信息 粒子物理
微擾量子場論中的高階修正問題、 量子場論、 重味物理討論班、 人類對物理世界的認識與STS教育科普系列講座、 群論1、 規範場理論、 群論(1)
(1) Baryonium Study in Heavy Baryon Chiral Perturbation Theory,Physical Review D,2012,第2作者
(2) Study of Doubly Heavy Baryon Spectrum via QCD Sum Rules,Communication of Theoretical Physics,2012,第3作者
(3) Local Unitary Classification of Arbitrary Dimensional Multipartite Pure States,Physical Review Letter,2012,通訊作者
(4) Classification of the entangled states L × N × N,PHYSICAL REVIEW A,2012
(5) Determining 1?? heavy hybrid masses via QCD sum rules,JOURNAL OF PHYSICS G: NUCLEAR AND PARTICLE PHYSICS,2012
(6) Scalable Generation and Characterization of a Four-Photon Twelve-Qubit Hyperentangled State,Journal of Moden Optics ,2012,通訊作者
(7) W Boson Inclusive Decays to Quarkonium at the LHC,Europian Physics Journal C,2011,第1作者
(8) The NLO QCD Corrections to B c Meson Production in Z 0 Decays,Journal of High Energy Physics,2011,第1作者
(9) DJpsiFDC: an event generator for the process gg!J= J= at the LHC,chinese physics C,2011
(10) Classification of The Entangled States of 2*N*N,Journal of Physics A:Methematical And Theoretical,2010
(11) Testing charmonium production mechanism via the polarized J/ψ pair production at the LHC,JOURNAL OF PHYSICS G: NUCLEAR AND PARTICLE PHYSICS,2010
(12) Next-to-leading order corrections to top quark decays to heavy quarkonia,PHYSICAL REVIEW D,2010
(13) Testing local realism in P → V V decays,Science China,2010
(14) New possibilities for testing local realism in high energy physics,Physics Letter A,2009
(15) Phase diagram for Nflation,Physics Letters B,2009
(16) EtabFDC: An ηb event generator in hadroproduction at LHC,Computer Physics Communications,2009
(17) Detecting hc( 1P1) at the LHC,Physics Letters B,2009
(18) Leggett 不等式和非定域實在論,中國科學院研究生院學報,2009
(19) 2 ?? 5 ?? 5 純態量子體系完全糾纏態的分類*,中國科學院研究生院學報,2009
(20) Cosmological evolution of a tachyon-quintom model of dark energy,Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics,2009
(21) A uniform description of the states recently observed at B-factories,J. Phys. G: Nucl. Part. Phys.,2008
(22) On the number of Nflation fields,Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics,2008
(23) The spectrum of curvature perturbation for multi-field inflation with a small-field potential,ournal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics,2008
(24) Possible contributions to e(+)e(-)--J/psi+eta(c) due to intermediate meson rescatterings,PHYSICAL REVIEW D ,2008
(25) 高能物理的Bell不等式,Bell Inequalities in High Energy Physics,HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS AND NUCLEAR PHYSICS,2007
(26) Hunting etab through radiative decay into Jpsi,Journal of High Energy Physics,2007
(27) 對北京譜儀上新觀測態的一個理論解釋,One Interpretation for Recent BES Observation,HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS AND NUCLEAR PHYSICS,2007
(28) Investigation of the bottomonium ground state etab via its inclusive charm decays,PHYSICAL REVIEW D,2007
(29) 膠子到重夸克偶素的碎裂函式抽取問題討論,On the Application of Gluon to Heavy Quarkonium Fragmentation Function,HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS AND NUCLEAR PHYSICS,2007
(30) 0-+ trigluon glueball and its implication for a recent BES observation,Physics Letters B,2006
(31) Ds Asymmetry in Photoproduction,International Journal of Modern Physics A,2006
(32) Estimate of the hadronic production of the doubly charmed baryon Xicc in the general-mass variable-flavor-number scheme,PHYSICAL REVIEW D,2006
(33) B-meson wave function with contributions from three-particle Fock states,PHYSICAL REVIEW D,2006
(34) Rare decays of B to Jpsi D(*)and B to eta_c D(*) in the perturbative QCD approach,PHYSICAL REVIEW D,2006
(35) One explanation for the exotic state Y(4260),Physics Letters B,2006
(36) Feasibility of testing local hidden variable theories in a Charm factory,PHYSICAL REVIEW D,2006
(37) Ds+-Ds-asymmetry in photoproduction,Physics Letters B,2005
(38) Hadronic production of the Bc(Bc *) meson induced by the heavy quarks inside the collision hadrons,PHYSICAL REVIEW D,2005
(39) Color-octet contributions to P-wave Bc meson hadroproduction,PHYSICAL REVIEW D,2005
(40) Inclusive Jpsi production at e+e- colliders,PHYSICAL REVIEW D,2004
(41) J/ψ +C+Cbar photoproduction in e+e- scattering,PHYSICAL REVIEW D,2004
(42) Transverse momentum distribution in the B mesons in the heavy-quark limit:the Wandzura-Wilczek part,Modern Physics Letters A,2003
(43) Detect deltaG at BNL-RHIC via double quarkonium production,Physics Letters B,2003
(44) Charm-sea contribution to high-pT ψ production at the Fermilab Tevatron,J. Phys. G: Nucl. Part. Phys.,2003
(45) A new approach for analytic amplitude calculations,PHYSICAL REVIEW D,2003
(46) Exclusive J/ψ productions at e+e-colliders,Physics Letters B,2003
(47) B-meson light-cone wavefunctions in the heavy-quark limit ,Nuclear Physics B,2003
(48) J/ψ pair production at the Fermilab Tevatron,PHYSICS REVIEW D,2002
(49) Double Jpsi production at photon colliders,PHYSICAL REVIEW D,2001
(50) t → cΥ within and beyond the standard model,J. Phys. G: Nucl. Part. Phys.,2001
(51) (r*--qqbar)-Reggeon vertex in next-to-leading order QCD,PHYSICS REVIEW D,2001
(52) B-meson light-cone distribution amplitudes in the heavy-quark limit,Physics Letters B,2001
(53) Finding etac_prime and hc(1P1) at DESY HERA-B,PHYSICAL REVIEW D,2000
(54) Photon wave function in nonforward diffractive scattering with nonvanishing quark masses,PHYSICAL REVIEW D,2000
(55) Demonstration of the double Q*2-rescaling model,Commun.Theor.Phys,1999
(56) Possible retardation effects of quark confinement on the meson spectrum. II,PHYSICAL REVIEW D,1999
(57) P-A和A-A碰撞中重夸克偶素的產生和吸收機制,Charmonium Production and Absorption in p-A and A-A Collision,高能物理與核物理,1999
(58) The supersymmetric QCD radiative corrections to top quark semileptonic decays,Physics Letters B,1999
(59) The Proposition of Color-Octet Production of J/ψ and the Signature to the Electroweak Background in e+e- Collision,Nuclear Physics B,1998
(60) Quarkonium production in standard model Higgs decays,J. Phys. G: Nucl. Part. Phys.,1998
(61) Decay LamdaB to proton lepton nutrino-bar in QCD sum rules,Physics Letters B,1998
(62) Radiative Higgs boson decays H to f f_bar gamma beyond the standard model,PHYSICAL REVIEW D,1998
(63) Jpsi electromagnetic production at e+e- colliders,PHYSICAL REVIEW D,1998
(64) Color-singlet and color-octet Jpsi production in top quark rare decays,PHYSICAL REVIEW D,1998
(65) D-wave heavy quarkonium production in fixed target experiments,PHYSICAL REVIEW D,1998
(66) Production and suppression of charmonium in nuclear collisions,PHYSICAL REVIEW C,1998
(67) Gluon fragmentation to 3DJ quarkonia,PHYSICAL REVIEW D,1997
(68) Prompt Jpsi production at e+e- colliders,PHYSICAL REVIEW D,1997
(69) Determination of color-octet matrix elements from e+e- processes at low energies,PHYSICAL REVIEW D,1997
(70) Jpsi production in top quark decays,PHYSICAL REVIEW D,1997
(71) Jpsi production associated with a hard photon and the color-octet signature in e+e- annihilation,PHYSICAL REVIEW D,1997
(72) Crucial test for the color-octet production mechanism in Z0 decays,PHYSICAL REVIEW D,1997
(73) D-wave charmonium production in B decays,PHYSICAL REVIEW D,1997
(74) What about the contribution from reggeons in hard process of strong interactions,Commun.Theor.Phys,1997
(75) Possible retardation effects of quark confinement on the meson spectrum,PHYSICAL REVIEW D,1996
(76) Electromagnetic annihilation rates of xc0 and xc2 with both relativistic and QCD radiative corrections,PHYSICAL REVIEW D,1996
(77) Top quark decays into heavy quark mesons,PHYSICAL REVIEW D,1996
(78) Mass matrix of left-right-symmitric model,Physical Review D,1994
(2) Study of Doubly Heavy Baryon Spectrum via QCD Sum Rules,Communication of Theoretical Physics,2012,第3作者
(3) Local Unitary Classification of Arbitrary Dimensional Multipartite Pure States,Physical Review Letter,2012,通訊作者
(4) Classification of the entangled states L × N × N,PHYSICAL REVIEW A,2012
(5) Determining 1?? heavy hybrid masses via QCD sum rules,JOURNAL OF PHYSICS G: NUCLEAR AND PARTICLE PHYSICS,2012
(6) Scalable Generation and Characterization of a Four-Photon Twelve-Qubit Hyperentangled State,Journal of Moden Optics ,2012,通訊作者
(7) W Boson Inclusive Decays to Quarkonium at the LHC,Europian Physics Journal C,2011,第1作者
(8) The NLO QCD Corrections to B c Meson Production in Z 0 Decays,Journal of High Energy Physics,2011,第1作者
(9) DJpsiFDC: an event generator for the process gg!J= J= at the LHC,chinese physics C,2011
(10) Classification of The Entangled States of 2*N*N,Journal of Physics A:Methematical And Theoretical,2010
(11) Testing charmonium production mechanism via the polarized J/ψ pair production at the LHC,JOURNAL OF PHYSICS G: NUCLEAR AND PARTICLE PHYSICS,2010
(12) Next-to-leading order corrections to top quark decays to heavy quarkonia,PHYSICAL REVIEW D,2010
(13) Testing local realism in P → V V decays,Science China,2010
(14) New possibilities for testing local realism in high energy physics,Physics Letter A,2009
(15) Phase diagram for Nflation,Physics Letters B,2009
(16) EtabFDC: An ηb event generator in hadroproduction at LHC,Computer Physics Communications,2009
(17) Detecting hc( 1P1) at the LHC,Physics Letters B,2009
(18) Leggett 不等式和非定域實在論,中國科學院研究生院學報,2009
(19) 2 ?? 5 ?? 5 純態量子體系完全糾纏態的分類*,中國科學院研究生院學報,2009
(20) Cosmological evolution of a tachyon-quintom model of dark energy,Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics,2009
(21) A uniform description of the states recently observed at B-factories,J. Phys. G: Nucl. Part. Phys.,2008
(22) On the number of Nflation fields,Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics,2008
(23) The spectrum of curvature perturbation for multi-field inflation with a small-field potential,ournal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics,2008
(24) Possible contributions to e(+)e(-)--J/psi+eta(c) due to intermediate meson rescatterings,PHYSICAL REVIEW D ,2008
(25) 高能物理的Bell不等式,Bell Inequalities in High Energy Physics,HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS AND NUCLEAR PHYSICS,2007
(26) Hunting etab through radiative decay into Jpsi,Journal of High Energy Physics,2007
(27) 對北京譜儀上新觀測態的一個理論解釋,One Interpretation for Recent BES Observation,HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS AND NUCLEAR PHYSICS,2007
(28) Investigation of the bottomonium ground state etab via its inclusive charm decays,PHYSICAL REVIEW D,2007
(29) 膠子到重夸克偶素的碎裂函式抽取問題討論,On the Application of Gluon to Heavy Quarkonium Fragmentation Function,HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS AND NUCLEAR PHYSICS,2007
(30) 0-+ trigluon glueball and its implication for a recent BES observation,Physics Letters B,2006
(31) Ds Asymmetry in Photoproduction,International Journal of Modern Physics A,2006
(32) Estimate of the hadronic production of the doubly charmed baryon Xicc in the general-mass variable-flavor-number scheme,PHYSICAL REVIEW D,2006
(33) B-meson wave function with contributions from three-particle Fock states,PHYSICAL REVIEW D,2006
(34) Rare decays of B to Jpsi D(*)and B to eta_c D(*) in the perturbative QCD approach,PHYSICAL REVIEW D,2006
(35) One explanation for the exotic state Y(4260),Physics Letters B,2006
(36) Feasibility of testing local hidden variable theories in a Charm factory,PHYSICAL REVIEW D,2006
(37) Ds+-Ds-asymmetry in photoproduction,Physics Letters B,2005
(38) Hadronic production of the Bc(Bc *) meson induced by the heavy quarks inside the collision hadrons,PHYSICAL REVIEW D,2005
(39) Color-octet contributions to P-wave Bc meson hadroproduction,PHYSICAL REVIEW D,2005
(40) Inclusive Jpsi production at e+e- colliders,PHYSICAL REVIEW D,2004
(41) J/ψ +C+Cbar photoproduction in e+e- scattering,PHYSICAL REVIEW D,2004
(42) Transverse momentum distribution in the B mesons in the heavy-quark limit:the Wandzura-Wilczek part,Modern Physics Letters A,2003
(43) Detect deltaG at BNL-RHIC via double quarkonium production,Physics Letters B,2003
(44) Charm-sea contribution to high-pT ψ production at the Fermilab Tevatron,J. Phys. G: Nucl. Part. Phys.,2003
(45) A new approach for analytic amplitude calculations,PHYSICAL REVIEW D,2003
(46) Exclusive J/ψ productions at e+e-colliders,Physics Letters B,2003
(47) B-meson light-cone wavefunctions in the heavy-quark limit ,Nuclear Physics B,2003
(48) J/ψ pair production at the Fermilab Tevatron,PHYSICS REVIEW D,2002
(49) Double Jpsi production at photon colliders,PHYSICAL REVIEW D,2001
(50) t → cΥ within and beyond the standard model,J. Phys. G: Nucl. Part. Phys.,2001
(51) (r*--qqbar)-Reggeon vertex in next-to-leading order QCD,PHYSICS REVIEW D,2001
(52) B-meson light-cone distribution amplitudes in the heavy-quark limit,Physics Letters B,2001
(53) Finding etac_prime and hc(1P1) at DESY HERA-B,PHYSICAL REVIEW D,2000
(54) Photon wave function in nonforward diffractive scattering with nonvanishing quark masses,PHYSICAL REVIEW D,2000
(55) Demonstration of the double Q*2-rescaling model,Commun.Theor.Phys,1999
(56) Possible retardation effects of quark confinement on the meson spectrum. II,PHYSICAL REVIEW D,1999
(57) P-A和A-A碰撞中重夸克偶素的產生和吸收機制,Charmonium Production and Absorption in p-A and A-A Collision,高能物理與核物理,1999
(58) The supersymmetric QCD radiative corrections to top quark semileptonic decays,Physics Letters B,1999
(59) The Proposition of Color-Octet Production of J/ψ and the Signature to the Electroweak Background in e+e- Collision,Nuclear Physics B,1998
(60) Quarkonium production in standard model Higgs decays,J. Phys. G: Nucl. Part. Phys.,1998
(61) Decay LamdaB to proton lepton nutrino-bar in QCD sum rules,Physics Letters B,1998
(62) Radiative Higgs boson decays H to f f_bar gamma beyond the standard model,PHYSICAL REVIEW D,1998
(63) Jpsi electromagnetic production at e+e- colliders,PHYSICAL REVIEW D,1998
(64) Color-singlet and color-octet Jpsi production in top quark rare decays,PHYSICAL REVIEW D,1998
(65) D-wave heavy quarkonium production in fixed target experiments,PHYSICAL REVIEW D,1998
(66) Production and suppression of charmonium in nuclear collisions,PHYSICAL REVIEW C,1998
(67) Gluon fragmentation to 3DJ quarkonia,PHYSICAL REVIEW D,1997
(68) Prompt Jpsi production at e+e- colliders,PHYSICAL REVIEW D,1997
(69) Determination of color-octet matrix elements from e+e- processes at low energies,PHYSICAL REVIEW D,1997
(70) Jpsi production in top quark decays,PHYSICAL REVIEW D,1997
(71) Jpsi production associated with a hard photon and the color-octet signature in e+e- annihilation,PHYSICAL REVIEW D,1997
(72) Crucial test for the color-octet production mechanism in Z0 decays,PHYSICAL REVIEW D,1997
(73) D-wave charmonium production in B decays,PHYSICAL REVIEW D,1997
(74) What about the contribution from reggeons in hard process of strong interactions,Commun.Theor.Phys,1997
(75) Possible retardation effects of quark confinement on the meson spectrum,PHYSICAL REVIEW D,1996
(76) Electromagnetic annihilation rates of xc0 and xc2 with both relativistic and QCD radiative corrections,PHYSICAL REVIEW D,1996
(77) Top quark decays into heavy quark mesons,PHYSICAL REVIEW D,1996
(78) Mass matrix of left-right-symmitric model,Physical Review D,1994