



  • 書名:問題與思考:中國旅遊發展的過去現在和未來
  • 頁數:  518頁
  • 裝幀:平裝 
  • 開本:16


出版社: 旅遊教育出版社; 第1版 (2011年10月1日)
外文書名: Issues and Exploration:Past, Present and Future of China's Tourism Development
叢書名: 中國旅遊學術推廣文叢
正文語種: 英語
ISBN: 9787563722365
條形碼: 9787563722365
尺寸: 22.8 x 16.8 x 2.8 cm
重量: 621 g


張凌雲,男,教授,畢業於華東師範大學地理系,南開大學旅遊經濟學碩士。曾赴英國薩利大學訪問研究。現任北京第二外國語學院旅遊發展研究院院長,兼任中國旅遊研究院學術委員、中國社會科學院旅遊研究中心特約研究員、《旅遊學刊》特約學術委員、《旅遊科學》學術委員、人大報刊複印資料《旅遊管理》學術顧問、5A景區驗收組特邀專家、全國旅遊標準化技術委員會(SAC/TC 210)委員、全國休閒標準化技術委員會(SAC/TC 498)委員。


Common Future: Tourism Globalization and Global Tourism
Retrospect and Prospect. International Background of China's Tourism Development
On Moderate Scale of Tourism in China
The Model of China's Tourism Industry Development
Cooperation in the Midst of Competition. Theoretical Issues Regarding Foreign Investment in Tourism Industry
Is Tourism Really a Labor-intensive Industry?
One More Query: Is Tourism a Labor-Intensive Industry?
Discussion on Deep Reform of Travel Agency Industry
On Travel Agencies' "Development in Collectivization".
The Options and Outlets for the Reform of China's Tourism Administrative System
The Advantages and Disadvantages of the Tourist Attraction-Operating Companies' Going Public
On the Complexity and Irregularity of the Cyclical Changes of Chinese Tourism Industry
A Study on the Macro Scale of Chinese Tourist Hotel Industry
A Few Theoretical Issues in Developing the Travel Agency Industry in China
Primary Study on the Use Tax of Tourism Resources
Stagnation and Way-out: Changing China's Travel Trade
From Brokers to Suppliers= The Only Way for the Transforming and Upgrading of China's Travel Agencies
From Foreign Exchange Earning to Balance of Payments= Review of China's Outbound Tourism Development Strategy
An Overview of Research on China's Travel Agencies in 2006
Recommendations to Build the Wholesale and Retail System for Travel Agencies in China
Hong Kong Disneyland and Its Possible Impact on China's Theme Park Industry
Research on the Connotation and Index System of Building Up China's Tourism Power
The Retrospect of China's Tourism Development in the Past 30 Years


