



  • 中文名:商務英語900句:玩轉英語就這么簡單
  • 出版社:人民郵電出版社
  • 頁數:278頁
  • 開本:32
  • 作者:優尼創新外語研發中心
  • 出版日期:2014年8月1日
  • 語種:簡體中文, 英語
  • ISBN:7115361436




Chapter 1 Daily Business 日常業務
1.To Establish Business Relations
建立業務關係 2
2.Asking for Materials
索要材料 7
3.Starting to Inquiry Formally
正式詢盤 12
4.Responding to Clients' Inquiry
給客戶報價 17
5.Not Satisfied with the Price
對價格不滿意 22
6.Accepting the Price and Placing an Order
接受價格,下訂單 27
7.Talking About Delivery Types
討論交貨方式 32
8.Talking About Payment Method
討論付款方式 36
9.Opening a Letter of Credit
開立信用證 40
10.About the Package Details
關於包裝的問題 44
11.Starting Packing to Deliver Goods
開始裝船運輸 49
12.About the Insurance
談論保險 52
13.Doing Commodity Inspection
商品檢驗 57
14.Claiming for Indemnity
要求索賠 61
15.Trade Complaint on Quality
質量方面的貿易投訴 66
16.Trade Complaint on Time
時間方面的貿易投訴 70
仲裁事宜 74
Chapter 2 Receiving Clients 接待客戶
18.Contacting Clients by Calling
電話聯繫客戶 80
19.Welcoming Clients at the Airport
在機場迎接客戶 84
20.Arriving at the Hotel
入住賓館 88
21.Having an Arrangement
做日程安排 92
22.Leading Clients Visit the Company
帶領客戶參觀公司 96
23.Leading Clients to the Factory
帶領客戶參觀工廠 100
24.Showing Clients Around
陪客戶遊玩觀光 104
25.Seeing Clients Off
送別客戶 108
Chapter 3 Business Activities 商務活動
26.Inviting Clients to Dinner
邀請客戶赴宴 114
27.Entertaining Clients on the Dinner
在宴會上招待客戶 118
28.Receiving Clients in the Company
在公司內接待客戶 123
29.Affirming the Appointment
確定預約 127
30.Delaying the Appointment
延遲預約 131
31.Cancelling the Appointment
取消預約 134
32.Business Visit
商務拜訪 138
33.Attending the Opening Ceremony
出席開業典禮 142
Chapter 4 Business Conference 商務會議
34.Preparing for the Meeting
開會前的準備 146
35.Making an Agenda
制定議程 150
36.Making the Meeting Following the Agenda
按照議程開會 155
37.Summarizing After the Meeting
會議總結 160
Chapter 5 Marketing and Investigation 市場調研
38.New Products Release
新產品發布 166
39.Doing Market Research
市場調研 171
40.Making Sales Strategy
制訂行銷策略 175
41.Promoting the New Products
推銷新產品 180
42.Public Relations Crisis
公關危機 185
Chapter 6 Trade Fair 產品展銷會
43.Inviting Clients to the Trade Show
邀請客戶參加展會 190
44.Applying for the Booth
申請展位 194
45.Arranging the Booth Carefully
精心布置展位 198
46.Exhibition Registration
展會註冊 203
47.Applying for Services
申請服務 207
48.Receiving Clients on the Show
在展會上接待客戶 211
49.Showing Clients the Samples
為客戶展示樣品 215
50.Ending the Show
展會結束 219
51.Connecting After the Show
展會後聯繫 223
Chapter 7 Negotiations 商務談判
52.About the Sales Agency
有關代理的事項 228
53.About Processing and Assembling
加工裝配 233
54.About Compensation Trade
補償貿易 237
55.About Joint Venture
合資問題 241
56.About Technical Patent
技術專利的問題 245
57.About Calling for Bids and Bidding
招標和投標 249
58.About Mergers and Acquisitions
合併收購的問題 253
59.About Contract Term
契約條款 257
60.Contract Review
審核契約 261
61.Signing the Contract  簽訂契約 265
62.Terminating the Contract
解除契約 269
63.Expiration of the Contract
契約到期 273
相關貿易術語 277


