


  • 書名:商務英語教學
  • 作者:(英)Sylvie Donna
  • ISBN:9787302433293
  • 定價:65元
  • 出版時間:2016.06.01


本書作者Sylvie Donna是英國著名高校杜倫大學英語語言中心的知名學者,教授的課程主要有專門用途英語、學術英語、通用英語等,曾獲得英國杜倫大學學習和教學卓越獎。本書旨在為從事商務英語教學的教師提供全面和綜合的介紹、指導和啟發。全書涉及商務英語教學的諸多方面,如需求分析、課程計畫、課程設定和教學測評。本書的視角是實踐性的,強調實用,大部分內容都著眼於課堂教學過程,包括國際商務環境中的大量聽、說、讀、寫教學活動,因此對於指導教學實踐大有裨益。全書分為十章,每章由若干小節組成,每小節的前半部分主要闡述教學理論和步驟,後半部分則介紹教學方法和活動。本書最後提供了辭彙表,以便初學者查詢生詞,索引部分則旨在幫助讀者找到相關機構、資源和測試。


Acknowledgements and thanks vii
I Introduction ···················1
1.1 Why this book? ················1
1.2 What is Business English? ···········2
1.3 Why is Business English special? ·······6
2 Setting things up for success ···········8
2.1 Customer care ·················8
22 Initial contact with clients ··········9
2.3 Needs analysis interviews ···········12
2.4 Placement testing ···············14
2.5 Decision-making ···············22
2.6 Liaison ····················23
3 Starting up courses ················25
3.1 Confirming agreements and decisions ······25
3.2 Planning to accurately reflect needs analyses ·27
3.3 Selecting and using materials ·········36
3.4 Thinking how to address students ········40
3.5 Starting the course ··············42
3.6 Encouraging student self-reliance ········53
4 Day-to-day concerns ················67
4.1 Planning on a day-to-day basis ·········67
4.2 Selecting and using methods ···········69
4.3 Warming into things ···············73
4.4 Presenting language ···············96
4.5 Feedback and correction ·············106
4.6 Awareness-raising ···············111
4.7 Ongoing adjustment of the needs analysis ····124
5 Developing students' skills ·············126
5.1 Tips for success ················126
5.2 Talking to clients ···············127
5.3 Snail mail and formal faxes ···········132
5.4 Telephoning ···················145
5.5 Dealing with visitors ·············157
5.6 Talking to colleagues ··············167
5.7 Reporting to foreign managers ··········175
5.8 Presentations and Q&A sessions ··········185
5.9 Meetings ·····················201
5.10 Negotiating ···················214
5.11 Note-taking ···················230
5.12 E-mail, faxes and memos ·············236
5.13 Report-writing ··················260
5.14 Understanding the news
6 Solving or avoiding problems ·············277
6.1 Absenteeism and lateness ·············277
6.2 Low motivation ··················280
6.3 Mixed-status classes ···············284
6.4 Mixed-level classes ················286
6.5 Unexpected students and unplanned changes ·····288
6.6 Bad feedback ···················289
6.7 Lack of expertise ·················291
7 Assessing students' progress ···············293
7.1 What's important? What's possible? ·········293
7.2 Periodic achievement tests ·············295
7.3 Portfolio assessment ················301
7.4 End-of-course tests ·················303
7.5 External examinations ················315
8 Being accountable ·····················318
8.1 Providing information ·················318
8.2 Being observed ·····················319
8.3 Writing reports ·····················319
9 Evaluating courses ······················322
9.1 What's evaluation all about? Whv evaluate? ········322
9.2 How to evaluate? ·····················322
9.3 Getting feedback from students ··············325
9.4 Reflective evaluation ···················325
10 Moving towards a better future ················327
10.1 What else can we do? ··················327
Recommended reading ·······················330
Useful addresses ·························333
Glossary of terms ························338
Bibliography ···························347
Alphabetical list of procedures ··················350
Index ·······························353


