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  • 中文名:商務職場英語
  • 作者:施慧英
  • 出版社:東華大學出版社
  • ISBN:9787566917805




Unit 1 Job-Hunting
Part 1 Background Information / 2
Successful Job Interviews / 2
Part 2 Situational Conversations / 3
Part 3 Listening and Speaking Activities / 6
Part 4 Reading and Writing Activities / 12
ⅠRésumé / 12
ⅡApplication Letter / 15
Part 5 Communication Activities / 20
Part 6 Related Words and Expressions / 27
Unit 2 Taking up the Post
Part 1 Background Information / 33
Office Etiquette / 33
Part 2 Situational Conversations / 34
Part 3 Listening and Speaking Activities / 35
Part 4 Reading and Writing Activities / 38
Company Profile / 38
Part 5 Communication Activities / 40
Part 6 Related Words and Expressions / 43
Unit 3 Attending Trade Fairs
Part 1 Background Information / 48
1. Benefits to Attend a Trade Fair / 48
2. Tips for Attending a Trade Fair and Reception Etiquette / 48
Part 2 Situational Conversations / 49
Part 3 Listening and Speaking Activities / 52
Part 4 Reading and Writing Activities / 59
ⅠLetter of Invitation / 59
ⅡE-Mail / 63
Part 5 Communication Activities / 64
Part 6 Related Words and Expressions / 67
Unit 4 Business Reception
Part 1 Background Information / 72
Reception Etiquette / 72
Part 2 Situational Conversations / 74
Part 3 Listening and Speaking Activities / 77
Part 4 Reading and Writing Activities / 86
Ⅰ Banquet Speech / 87
Ⅱ Telephone Message / 89
Part 5 Communication Activities / 91
Part 6 Related Words and Expressions / 97
Unit 5 Business Travel
Part 1 Background Information / 102
1. Travel Arrangements / 102
2. Business Travel Etiquette / 103
3. English for Broadcasting at the Airport and on the Flight / 104
Part 2 Situational Conversations / 105
Part 3 Listening and Speaking Activities / 108
Part 4 Reading and Writing Activities / 119
ⅠLetter of Thanks / 119
ⅡSpeech of Thanks / 122
Part 5 Communication Activities / 122
Part 6 Related Words and Expressions / 127
Unit 6 Communicating with Clients
Part 1 Background Information / 132
1. Customer Service / 132
2. Etiquette for Phone Communication and Office Reception / 132
3. Tips for Telephoning / 133
Part 2 Situational Conversations / 133
Part 3 Listening and Speaking Activities / 138
Part 4 Reading and Writing Activities / 143
Complaints and Settlements / 143
Part 5 Communication Activities / 152
Part 6 Related Words and Expressions / 156
Appendix 1 公司部門名稱 / 158
Appendix 2 職務職位名稱 / 159
Appendix 3 產品介紹用語 / 162
Bibliography 參考文獻 / 164
部分聽力文字材料 / 165


施慧英浙江紡織服裝學院英語教研室主任,教授,參編過教材, 近三年主持的課題有:院級英語精品課程建設,高職大學英語課程模組和教學模式研究與探索,高職英語課程教學評價體系研究,培養高職學生英語自主學習能力的實踐研究,基於職業性的高職英語教學內容體系與教學模式研究(市級)等課題。近三年發表的論文:高職英語多元化教學評估體系及其構建,高職學生英語套用能力培養的思考,跨文化交際障礙產生的主要原因及應對策略,論高職院校英語課程體系的構建,論“以學生為中心”的大學英語教學,論外語教學中學生自主學習能力的培養等。


