



  • 中文名:商務研究教學設計
  • 作者:譚會萍主編
  • 類別:市場行銷
  • 出版社:大連理工大學出版社
  • 出版時間:2011年
  • 開本:16 開
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • ISBN:9787561165263




Part I Research Qualification Cultivation
Chapter One Developing Business Personality
I. Changing roles and responsibilities ofbusiness schools
II. Students' responsibilities in professionaldevelopment
III. The business personality
IV. Creative activities to develop your businesspersonality
V. Conclusions
Chapter Two Problem-Solving Methodology
I. Personal / cultural differences
II. Universal approach
1. Problem-solving scenario
2. Seeking out and defining the problem: 5whys
3. Identifying alternative solutions
4. Evaluation and choosing the appropriatealternative
5. Implementation
6. Monitor and control outcomes
III. Barriers to problem-solving
1. Heuristics
2. Procrastination
3. Dissonance reduction
4. Decision confirmation
5. Defensive avoidance
6. Incrementalizing
7. Conservative information analysis
8. Groupthink
9. Time and cost constraints
IV. Utilization of exercises
1. Five-square configuration
2. Nine dots
3. Exercise solutions
Chapter Three Efficient Learning Style
I. Leaning styles
1. Visual learning
2. Auditory learning
3. Kinesthetic (Experience) learning
II. Study preparation
1. My method of study
2. Additional methods of studying
Ill. Presentation in English
1. How to format and present apresentation
2. How to prepare a presentation
IV. Practicing English
1. Speak English with your friends
2. Watch the entire show or movie inEnglish
3. Make friends with any English speakingstudents on campus
4. Practice writing and reading comprehension online
V. How to prepare for life abroad
1. Cultural differences
2. How to succeed in America
VI. Certified Global Business Professional(CGBP) exam
1. What is CGBP
2. The benefits of CGBP
Part II Research Technique Approach
Chapter Four Business Graph Analysis
I. Why make a graph analysis
II. Types of graphs
1. A bar graph
2. A pie graph
3. A curve graph
4. A table
Part III Research in BusinessCycle


