

《商務知識導讀(雙語版)》是2014年對外經濟貿易大學出版社出版書籍,作者是徐 凡 。


  • 書名:商務知識導讀(雙語版)
  • 作者:徐 凡
  • ISBN:9787566310347
  • 定價:32.00
  • 出版社:對外經濟貿易大學出版社 
  • 出版時間:2014.8
  • 開本:185mm×230mm/
  • 版次/印次:1/1
  • 適用層次:本科


【作者】:徐 凡 主編
【叢書名】: 全國教學型本科院校商務英語系列規劃教材




Chapter One World Economy
Unit One Here, There and Everywhere3
Part I Lead-in3
Part II Text3
Part III Case Study23
Unit Two Chained but Untamed27
Part I Lead-in27
Part II Text27
Part III Case Study44
Unit Three The Price Isn’t Right47
Part I Lead-in47
Part II Text47
Part III Case Study71
Chapter Two International Finance
Unit Four Playing with Fire75
Part I Lead-in75
Part II Text76
Part III Case Study94
Unit Five Storm Survivors97
Part I Lead-in97
Part II Text97
Part III Case Study113
Unit Six Positive-sum Currency Wars115
Part I Lead-in115
Part II Text115
Part III Case Study134
Chapter Three Global Business
Unit Seven New Master of Management139
Part I Lead-in139
Part II Text139
Part III Case Study159
Unit Eight VW Conq uers the World161
Part I Lead-in161
Part II Text162
Part III Case Study178
Unit Nine European Entrepreneurs181
Part I Lead-in181
Part II Text181
Part III Case Study201
Chapter Four China’s Economy
Unit Ten What Caused China’s Cash Crunch207
Part I Lead-in207
Part II Text207
Part III Case Study224
Unit Eleven A Bubble in Pessimism227
Part I Lead-in227
Part II Text227
Part III Case Study242
Unit Twelve China’s Big Banks245
Part I Lead-in245
Part II Text245
Part III Case Study262


