1.Jianguo Cui, Gangbin Tang, Dehua Wang. 2011. Hypothalamic neuropeptides, not leptin sensitivity, contributes to the hyperphagia in lactating Brandt’s voles, Lasiopodomys brandtii. The Journal of Experimental Biology. 214: 2242-2247.
2.Jianguo Cui, Xiaoyan Song, Guangzhan Fang, Fei Xu, Steven E. Brauth and Yezhong Tang. 2011. Circadian Rhythm of Calling Behavior in Emei Music Frog (Babina daunchina) is Associated with Habitat Temperature and Relative Humidity.Asian Herpetological Research 2: 149-154.
3.Guangzhan Fang, Jianguo Cui, Qin Chen, Ping Yang, Jing Song, Yezhong Tang. 2011. Changes in electroencephalographic power spectra associated with reproductive status in frog. Advances in Neural Networks, 6675: 139-147.
4.Christensen-Dalsgaard J, Tang YZ, Carr CE. 2011. Binaural processing by the gecko auditory periphery. Journal of Neurophysiology 105: 1992-2004.
5.Xiaodong Yu, Yuan Peng, Anchalee Aowphol, Li Ding, and Yezhong Tang, 2011. Geographic variations in morphological aspects and advertisement calls of the Gekko gecko species complex. Ethology, Ecology & Evolution 23: 211-228.
6.Jianguo Cui, Yusheng Wang, Steven E. Brauth, Yezhong Tang. 2010. A Novel Female Call Incites Male-Female Interaction and Male-Male Competition in Music Frog, Babina daunchina. Animal Behaviour 80: 181-187.
7.Elizabeth F. Brittan-Powell, Jakob Christensen-Dalsgaard, Yezhong Tang, et al. 2010. Auditory Brainstem Response in two lizard species. Journal of Acoustics Society of America 128: 787-794.
8.Kai Yan, Yezhong Tang and Catherine E Carr. 2010. Calcium binding protein immunoreactivity characterizes the auditory system of Gecko gecko. Journal of Comparative Neurology 518: 3409-3426
9.Yusheng Wang, Jianguo Cui, Yezhong Tang. 2010. Male Phonotropism and Answer Calls Elicited by Female Vocalizations in the African Clawed Frog, Xenopus laevis. Journal of Herpetology, 44(3):475-479.