


  • 中文名:唐文新
  • 畢業院校復旦大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 任職單位:重慶大學
  • 職稱:教授


研究員 澳大利亞莫奈什大學物理系2007-2011
研究員 德國馬普微結構物理所 2005-2007
博士後 德國馬普微結構物理所 2003-2005
研究助理 香港科技大學物理系 2001-2002
學士 新疆大學物理系1992-1996






28. Proposal for electron quantum spin Talbot effect
W.X. Tang, D.M. Paganin and W. Wan Phys. Rev. B 85, 4418, 2012
27. Relief of surface stress at steps during displacive adsorption of As on Si(111)
C.X. Zheng, W.X. Tang and D.E. Jesson, Applied Physics Letters 100, 201602, 2012
26. Electron caustic lithography
S.M. Kennedy, C.X. Zheng, J. Fu, W.X. Tang, D.M. Paganin and D.E. Jesson AIP Advances. 2, 022152, 2012
25. Asymmetric coalescence of reactively wetting droplets
C.X. Zheng, W.X.Tang and D.E. Jesson, Applied Physics Letters 100, 071903, 2012
24. Caustic imaging of gallium droplets using mirror electron microscopy
S.M. Kennedy, C.X. Zheng, W.X. Tang, D.M. Paganin, D.E. Jesson
Ultramicroscopy, 111, 356-363, 2011
23. Ga droplet surface dynamics during Langmuir evaporation of GaAs
W.X. Tang, C.X. Zheng, Z.Y. Zhou, D.E. Jesson and J. Tersoff
IBM Journal of Research and Development 55 issue 4, 2011
22. Addendum. Laplacian image contrast in mirror electron microscopy
S.M. Kennedy, C.X. Zheng, W.X. Tang, D.M. Paganin, D.E. Jesson
Proceedings Royal of Society A 467, 3332, 2011
21. Elementary excitations at magnetic surface and their spin dependence
Y. Zhang, P.A. Ignatiev, J. Prokop, I. Tudosa, T.R.F. Peixoto, W.X. Tang, Kh. Zakeri, V.S. Stepanyuk and J. Kirschner
Physical Review Letters, 106, 127201, 2011
20. Congruent evaporation temperature of GaAs(001) controlled by As fluxZ. Y. Zhou, C.X. Zheng, W. X. Tang, D. E. Jesson and J. TersoffApplied Physics Letters 97, 121912, 2010
19. Time evolution of the Ga droplet size distribution during Langmuir evaporation of GaAs(001)
Z. Y. Zhou, W. X. Tang, D. E. Jesson and J. Tersoff
Applied Physics Letters 97, 191914, 2010
18. Decomposition controlled by surface morphology during Langmuir evaporation of GaAs
J. Tersoff, D.E. Jesson, and W.X. Tang
Physical Review Letters, 105, 035702, 2010.
17. Laplacian image contrast in mirror electron microscopy
S.M. Kennedy, C.X. Zheng, W.X. Tang, D.M. Paganin, D.E. Jesson
Proceedings Royal of Society A 466, 2857, 2010
16. Nonmonotonous thickness dependence of spin wave energy in ultrathin Fe films: Experiment and theory
Y. Zhang, P.Buczek, L.Sandratskii, W.X.Tang*, J.Prokop, I. Tudosa, T.Peixoto, Kh. Zakeri, and J.Kirschner
Physical Review B, 81, 094438, 2010. (Corresponding author)
15. Asymmetric Spin-wave Dispersion on Fe (110): Direct Evidence of Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya Interaction
Kh. Zakeri, Y. Zhang, J. Prokop, T.H. Chuang, N. Sakr, W.X. Tang, and J.Kirschner
Physical Review Letters, 104, 137203, 2010.
14. Collision of a suddenly released bent carbon nanotube with a circular graphene sheet
Duan, WH, C. M. Wang, and W. X. Tang
Journal Applied Physics 107, 074303, 2010
13. Running Droplets of Gallium from Evaporation of Gallium Arsenide
J. Tersoff, D.E. Jesson and W.X. Tang
Science, 324. 2009.
12. Magnons in a Ferromagnetic Monolayer
J. Prokop, W.X. Tang, Y. Zhang, I. Tudosa, T.R.F. Peixoto, Kh. Zakeri, and J. Kirschner
Physical Review Letters, 102, 177206. 2009.


