2012年 中國科學院優秀畢業生
2012年 中國科學院院長優秀獎
2013年 中國科學院優秀博士學位論文
Han, M., K. Yang, J. Qin, R. Jin, Y. Ma, J. Wen, Y. Chen, L. Zhao, Lazhu, and W. Tang, 2015: An algorithm based on the standard deviation of passive microwave brightness temperatures for monitoring soil surface freeze/thaw state on the Tibetan Plateau, IEEE Trans. Geosci
Yang, K., H. Wu, J. Qin, C. Lin, W. Tang, and Y. Chen, 2014: Recent climate changes over the Tibetan Plateau and their impacts on energy and water cycle: A review, Global Planet
Zhao, L., K. Yang, J. Qin, Y. Chen, W. Tang, H. Lu, and Z. Yang, 2014: The scale-dependence of SMOS soil moisture accuracy and its improvement through land data assimilation in the central Tibetan Plateau, Remote Sens
Chen, Y., K. Yang, J. Qin, L. Zhao, W. Tang, and M. Han, 2013: Evaluation of AMSR-E retrievals and GLDAS simulations against observations of a soil moisture network on the central Tibetan Plateau, J. Geophys. Res
Tang, W., J. Qin, K. Yang, X. Niu, X. Zhang, Y. Yu, and X. Zhu, 2013: Reconstruction of Daily Photosynthetically Active Radiation and its Trends over China, J. Geophys
Tang, W., K. Yang, J. Qin, and M. Min, 2013: Development of a 50-year daily surface solar radiation dataset over China, Sci. China Earth Sci
Yang, K., J. Qin, L. Zhao, Y. Chen, W. Tang, M. Han, Lazhu, Z. Chen, N. Lu, B. Ding, H. Wu, and C. Lin, 2013: A Multi-Scale Soil Moisture and Freeze-Thaw Monitoring Network on the Third Pole, Bull. Amer. Meteor
Zhao, L., K. Yang, J. Qin, Y. Chen, W. Tang, C. Montzka, H. Wu, C. Lin, M. Han, and H. Vereecken., 2013: Spatiotemporal analysis of soil moisture observations within a Tibetan mesoscale area and its implication to regional soil moisture measurements, J. Hydrol
Chen, Y., K. Yang, W. Tang, J. Qin, and L. Zhao, 2012: Parameterizing soil organic carbon's impacts on soil porosity and thermal parameters for Eastern Tibet grasslands, Sci
Qin, J., K. Yang, S. Liang, and W. Tang, 2012: Estimation of daily photosynthetically active radiation under all-sky conditions from sunshine duration data, J. Appl. Meteor
Yang, K., B. Ding, J. Qin, W. Tang, N. Lu, and C. Lin, 2012: Can aerosol loading explain the solar dimming over the Tibetan Plateau?, Geophys
Qin, J., Z. Chen, K. Yang, S. Liang, and W. Tang, 2011: Estimation of monthly mean daily global solar radiation based on MODIS and TRMM products over the Tibetan Plateau and its surroundings, Appl
Tang, W., K. Yang, J. Qin, C. Cheng, and J. He, 2011: Solar radiation trend across China in recent decades: a revisit with quality-controlled data, Atmos. Chem. Phys
Tang, W., K. Yang, J. He, and J. Qin, 2010: Quality control and estimation of global solar radiation in China, Sol. Energy
Yang, K., J. He, W. Tang, J. Qin, and C. Cheng, 2010: On downward shortwave and longwave radiations over high altitude regions: Observation and modeling in the Tibetan Plateau, Agric. For. Meteorol