

周航,男,1987年9月出生於江蘇高郵,重慶大學土木工程學院副教授,博士生導師。主要從事軟土地基處理及樁基礎等方面的研究。2015年3月至2016年3月公派至澳大利亞西澳大學海洋基礎工程研究中心(COFS)聯合培養,合作導師為Mark Randolph院士,2016年獲得河海大學岩土工程專業博士學位(導師:劉漢龍教授)。 已在國際Top期刊ASCE-Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ICE-Geotechnique, International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, Computers and Geotechnics, ICE-Geotechnical Engineering,ICE-Geotechnique Letters和國內頂級期刊岩土工程學報,岩土力學, 岩石力學與工程學報,土木工程學報,中國公路學報,工程力學發表學術論文共 60 篇,其中SCI收錄文章 33 篇(一作或通訊 24篇)、 EI收錄文章 25 篇。目前申請申請專利23項,其中4項已授權,登記軟體著作權6項,參編標準一部(標準號:JGJ/T402-2017),參與編寫“特殊路基工程”學術專著一部。目前申請人作為負責人主持在研縱向科研項目5項,包括國家自然科學基金青年基金1 項,重慶市科委基礎前沿項目1 項,重慶市留學回國人員創業創新支持計畫1項,深部岩土力學與地下工程國家重點實驗室開放基金1項,防災減災湖北省重點實驗室項目1項。


  • 中文名:周航
  • 畢業院校:河海大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 專業方向:岩土工程
  • 職務:重慶大學土木工程學院博士生導師






(2)擔任ASCE-Journal of Engineering Mechanics,Computers and Geotechnics,Geotechnical Testing Journal, 岩土力學,岩土工程學報等期刊審稿人


[1]Hang Zhou, Gangqiang Kong, Hanlong Liu,. A Semi-Analytical Solution for Cylindrical Cavity Expansion in Elastic-Perfectly Plastic Soil under Biaxial. Geotechnique, 2016 DOI: 10.1680/jgeot.15.P.115 (SCI/EI).
[2]Hang Zhou, Gangqiang Kong, Ping Li, Hanglong Liu. Flat Cavity Expansion: Theoretical Model and Application to the Interpretation of the Flat Dilatometer Test[J]. Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)EM. 1943-7889.0000957.(SCI/EI)
[3]Hang Zhou, Gangqiang Kong, Hanlong Liu, LyesseLaloui. Similarity Solution for Cavity Expansion in Thermoplastic Soil[J].International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, 2017 (SCI/EI, Accepted).
[4]Hang Zhou, Hanlong Liu, Gangqiang Kong, Xu Huang. Analytical solution of undrained cavity expansion in saturated soil under anisotropic initial stress[J] Computers and Geotechnics, 2014, 55,232-239.(SCI/EI)
[5]Hang Zhou, Gangqiang Kong, Hanlong Liu, Yuedong Wu, Guowei Li. A novel cavity expansion-based analytical tool and its potential application for energy pile foundation. International Symposium on Energy Geotechnics, 2014, German.
[6]Hang Zhou, Gangqiang Kong, Hanlong Liu, Shenli Chen. A semi-analytical solution for cylindrical cavity expansion in elastic–perfectly plastic soil under biaxial in situ stress field. Geotechnique, 2016, 66(7): 584-595.(SCI/EI)
[7]Hang Zhou, Hanlong Liu, Gangqiang Kong. A closed-form solution for the limit pressure of cylindrical cavity expansion in anisotropic clay .Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, 2016, 53(5):317-324. (SCI/EI)
[8]Hang Zhou, Hanglong, Liu, Mark Randolph et al. Experimental and analytical study of X-section cast-in-place concrete pile installation effect[J]. International Journal of Physical Modelling in Geotechnics, 2017, 17(2):1-19. (SCI/EI)
[9]Hang Zhou, Hanlong Liu, Gangqiang Kong. Influence of stress anisotropy on the cylindrical cavity expansion in undrained elastic-perfectly plastic soil[J]. Science China Technological Sciences, 2018(3):1-11. (SCI/EI)
[10]Hang Zhou et al. A novel analytical approach for predicting the non-cylindrical pile penetration-induced soil displacement in undrained soil by combining use of cavity expansion and strain path methods[J].International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, 2018 (SCI/EI, Accepted).
[11]Hang Zhou et al. Analytical Model for Evaluating XCC pile Shaft Capacity in Soft Soil by Incorporating Penetration Effects[J].Soils and Foundations, 2018 (SCI/EI, Accepted).
[12]Hang Zhou. Complex variable solution for boundary value problem with X-shaped cavity in plane elasticity and its application. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2017, July.(SCI/EI)
[13]Hang Zhou, Hanlong Liu, Yahui Zha, Feng Yin.A general semi-analytical solution for consolidation around an expanded cylindrical and spherical cavity in modified Cam Clay.  Computers and Geotechnics 2017, 91:71-81.(SCI/EI)
[14]Hang Zhou, Hanlong Liu, Gangqiang Kong. Influence of shear stress on cylindrical cavity expansion in undrained elastic–perfectly plastic soil[J]. Géotechnique Letters, 2014, 4(July–September): 203-210.(SCI/EI)
[15]Hang Zhou, Hanlong Liu, Gangqiang Kong. Analytical solution for pressure-controlled elliptical cavity expansion in elastic-perfectly plastic soil [J]. Géotechnique Letters, 2014, 4(January - March): 72-78.(SCI/EI)
[16]Hang Zhou, Hanlong Liu, Gangqiang Kong. Elastic analysis of rectangular cross section pile under lateral load [J]. Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, 2014, 4(January - March): 72-78.(SCI/EI)
[17]Hang Zhou, Jianming Hua, Jian Chu, Xuanming Ding,Theoretical model for the improved PCC pile using expansive concrete. Science China Technological Sciences, 2017, 60(5), January. (SCI/EI)
[18]Hang Zhou, Hanlong Liu, Gangqiang Kong. Pressure-Controlled Elliptical Cavity Expansion under Anisotropic Initial Stress: Elastic Solution and its Application [J]. Science China Technological Sciences, 2015.(SCI/EI, Accepted)
[19]Hang Zhou, Hanlong Liu, Gangqiang Kong. Influence of Stress Anisotropy on the Cylindrical Cavity Expansion in Undrained Elastic-Perfectly Plastic Soil[J]. Science China Technological Sciences, 2015.(SCI/EI, Accepted)
[20]Hanlong Liu, Hang Zhou, Gangqiang Kong. XCC pile installation effect in soft soil: a simplified analytical model [J]. Computers and Geotechnics, 2014, 62, 268-282.(SCI/EI)
[21]Hanglong Liu, Hang Zhou, Gangqiang Kong. Upper bound solution for the flat cavity expansion model. Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE, 2016 :04016035.(SCI/EI,)
[22]Hanglong Liu, Hang Zhou, Gangqiang Kong. High pressure jet-grouting column installation effect in soft soil: Theoretical model and field application. Computers and Geotechnics, 2017, 88:74-94.(SCI/EI)
[23]Gangqiang Kong, Hang Zhou, Hanlong Liu, et al. A Simplified Approach for Negative Skin Friction Calculation of Special-Shaped Pile Considering Pile-Soil Interaction under Surcharge[J]. Journal of Central South University, 2014, 21(9): 3648.(SCI/EI)
[24]Gangqiang Kong, Hang Zhou, Hanlong Liu. Measuring effects of X-section pile installation in soft clay [J]. Proceedings of the ICE-Geotechnical Engineering, 2015, 168(4): 296-305.(SCI/EI)
[25]Gangqiang Kong, Zhaohu Cao, Hang Zhou, and Xue Jin Sun. Analysis of Piles Under Oblique Pullout Load Using Transparent-Soil Models[J]. Geotechnical Testing Journal, 38(5), 2015.(SCI/EI)
[26]Zhaohu Cao, Hanlong Liu, Gang Qiang Kong, Hang Zhou. Physical modelling of pipe piles under oblique pullout loads using transparent soil and particle image velocimetry[J]. Journal of Central South University, 2015, 22: 4329-4336.(SCI/EI)
[27]Yin F, Xiao Y, Liu H, Hang Zhou,. Experimental Investigation on the Movement of Soil and Piles in Transparent Granular Soils[J]. Geotechnical and Geological Engineering, 1-9.
[28]周航,孔綱強,劉漢龍, Pham Ngoc Thach. 任意角度水平向荷載下現澆 X 形樁力學特性研究 (I): 慣性矩[J]. 岩土力學, 2012, 33(9): 2754-2758..(EI)
[29]孔綱強, 周航,劉漢龍, 等. 任意角度水平向荷載下現澆 X 形樁力學特性研究 (II): 截面應力分布[J]. 岩土力學, 2012. (EI)
[30]周航,孔綱強,劉漢龍.正方形孔擴張彈性分析. 工程力學. 2013, 30(12), 183-188.(EI )
[31]周航,孔綱強. 水平荷載作用下現澆 X 形樁樁周土體回響理論分析[J]. 岩土力學, 2013, 34(12): 3377-3383.(EI)
[32]周航,孔綱強,劉漢龍. 基於圓孔擴張理論的靜壓楔形樁沉樁擠土效應研究[J]. 中國公路學報, 2014, 27(4): 24-30. (EI)
[33]孔綱強,周航. 擴底楔形樁沉樁擠土效應理論分析[J]. 中國公路學報, 2014, 27(2): 9-16.(EI)
[34]周航,孔綱強,劉漢龍. 水平荷載下楔形樁樁-土相互作用理論分析[J]. 中南大學學報, 2015,(EI 錄用待刊)
[35]周航,孔綱強,劉漢龍. 飽和土體中橢圓孔擴張彈塑性解[J]. 岩土工程學報, 2014, 36(5): 983-988.(EI)
[36]周航,孔綱強,曹兆虎,劉璐. 橢圓形孔擴張彈性分析[J]. 固體力學學報, 2015, 36(1): 85-91.(核心)
[37]曹兆虎,孔綱強,周航,等. 極限荷載下 X 形樁和圓形樁破壞形式對比模型試驗[J]. 中國公路學報, 2014, 27(12): 10-15.(EI )
[38]孔綱強,楊貴,曹兆虎,周航. 擴底楔形樁沉樁施工過程數值模擬分析[J]. 鐵道科學與工程學報, 2014, 11(6): 72-78.(EI)
[39]曹兆虎,孔綱強,劉漢龍,周航. 水平荷載樁室內模型試驗系統研究[J]. 岩石力學與工程學報, 2015, 34(supp 1).: 3468-3475.(EI )
[40]孔綱強,曹兆虎,周航,等. 極限荷載下縱向截面異形樁破壞形式對比模型試驗研究[J]. 岩土力學, 2015, 36(5): 1333-1338.(EI)
[41]曹兆虎,孔綱強,周航,等. 基於透明土的靜壓楔形樁沉樁效應模型試驗研究[J]. 岩土力學, 2015, 36(5): 1363-1367.(EI)
[42]孔綱強,曹兆虎,周航,等. 水平荷載下擴底楔形樁承載力特性透明土模型試驗[J]. 土木工程學報, 2015 (5): 83-89. (EI)
[43]孔綱強,周航,丁選明,等. 擴底楔形樁抗壓承載力理論計算分析[J]. 工程力學, 2015,32(7): 74-80.(EI)
[44]曹兆虎,孔綱強,劉漢龍, 周航. 基於透明土材料的沉樁過程土體三維變形模型試驗研究[J]. 岩土工程學報, 2014, 36(2): 395-400.(EI)
[45]曹兆虎,孔綱強,劉漢龍, 周航. 基於透明土的管樁貫入特性模型試驗研究[J]. 岩土工程學報, 2014, 36(8): 1564-1568. (EI)
[46]曹兆虎,孔綱強,周航,等. 基於透明土材料的異形樁拔樁過程對比模型試驗 [J]. 鐵道科學與工程學報, 2014, 11(3): 71-76.(核心)
[47]孔綱強,劉璐,劉漢龍,周航. 玻璃砂透明土變形特性三軸試驗研究[J]. 岩土工程學報, 2013, 35(6): 1140-1146. (EI)
[48]楊貴,孔綱強,曹兆虎,周航. 楔形樁和等截面樁沉樁施工過程數值模擬對比分析[J]. 鐵道科學與工程學報,2016,13(1): 40-45.(核心)
[49]周航, 孔綱強,崔允亮,丁選明. 基於透明土的XCC樁沉樁擠土模型試驗研究[J]. 土木工程學報.(EI錄用)
[50]周立朵, 周航, 孔綱強, 郝耀虎. 擴底楔形樁豎向抗拔承載力理論計算方法[J]. 中南大學學報(自然科學版),2017,48(5): 1276-1282.(EI)
[51]孔綱強, 曹兆虎, 周航, 鄭禮昆, 孟軍. 擴大頭對楔形樁沉樁位移場影響的透明土模型試驗[J]. 套用基礎與工程學報,2016,424(6): 1248-1255.(EI)
[52]孔綱強, 周航, 曹兆虎. 擴底楔形樁水平向承載力理論計算方法研究.現代隧道技術, 2016,53(1): 119-126.(核心)
[1] 孔綱強,張建偉,周航,曹兆虎,陳力愷,吳海清. 一種高聚物材料後注漿擠擴灌注樁施工方法,(專利號:ZL201210082894.4),授權公告日2014年4月16日
[2] 曹兆虎,孔綱強,周航,劉彥辰. 一種人工合成透明土的制配方法,(申請號:201410178910.9)
[3] 劉漢龍,曹兆虎,孔綱強,周航,劉彥辰. 一種沉樁過程中土體位移場可視化試驗裝置及使用方法,(申請號:201410180379.9)
[4] 曹兆虎,孔綱強,周航,欒魯寶. 一種取土過程中土體內部位移測量模型試驗裝置及其使用方法,(申請號:201410178638.4)
[5] 曹兆虎,孔綱強,周航,欒魯寶. 一種生態護坡植物生長可視化技術裝置及其使用方法,(申請號:201410181916.1)
[6] 孔綱強,周楊,劉漢龍,周航,曹兆虎. 一種多頭攪拌式現澆大直徑管樁機械及其施工方法,(申請號:201510494526.4)
[7] 孔綱強,周楊,劉漢龍,曹兆虎,周航. 一種多頭小直徑長螺旋鑽機及現澆大直徑管樁施工方法,(申請號:201510494504.8)
[8] 傅鈞義,孔綱強,周航,周楊,孫廣超. 一種灌漿法加固邊坡模型試驗裝置,實用新型,(申請號:201520605926.3)
[1] 周航,孔綱強,王磊,劉漢龍,楊貴. 沉樁過程中楔形樁沉樁影響位移場與沉樁阻力計算軟體V1.0;登記號:2013SR121502;登記日期:2013年11月08日
[2] 周航,孔綱強,劉漢龍,丁選明. 水平荷載作用下現澆X形樁的水平承載力計算軟體V1.0;登記號:2013SR121479;登記日期:2013年11月08日
[3] 周航,孔綱強,劉漢龍,曹兆虎,楊貴. 矩形孔擴張計算軟體V1.0;登記號:2013SR121475;登記日期:2013年11月08日
[4] 孔綱強,周航,劉漢龍,楊慶. 擴底楔形樁豎向承載力計算軟體V1.0;登記號:2013SR127584;登記日期:2013年11月18日
[5]孔綱強,周航,劉漢龍,楊慶. 地面堆載作用下擴底楔形樁樁側負摩阻力計算軟體V1.0;登記號:2013SR127109;登記日期:2013年11月16日
[6]孔綱強,劉漢龍,周航,丁選明. 現澆X形樁異形截面應力分布計算軟體V1.0;登記號:2012SR017664;登記日期:2012年03月07日
[1] 劉漢龍, 等. 現澆X形樁複合地基技術規程(JGJ/T402-2017), 2017
[1] 孔綱強, 等. 特殊路基工程[M]. 科學出版社, 2013




