周欣是超靈敏磁共振技術方面的青年科學家之一,主要從事磁共振成像與波譜儀器和技術的研究,建立了國內第一套流動系統超極化Xe裝置,發明了增強磁共振信號的Hyper-SAGE新技術。利用自主搭建的超極化裝置成功獲得國內首幅小動物活體肺部的MRI影像,成功點亮了磁共振成像中的盲區——肺部。在PNAS、CC、JMR、PRB 和NMR Bio等學術刊物上發表論文40餘篇,外文專著2章,主編外文專著1本,美國發明專利2項,中國發明專利10餘項。入選中科院“百人計畫”、湖北省“新世紀高層次人才工程”,2012年任國家重大儀器研製專項首席科學家,2013年帶領研究團隊獲“中國產學研合作創新成果獎”。
1. Qianni Guo, Qingbin Zeng, Xiaoxiao Zhang, Xin Zhou*.Highly sensitive detection of mercury (II) in aqueous media by tetraphenylporphyrin with a metal ion receptor.Supramolecular Chemistry. (2014). (Accepted)
2. Ji Zhang, Weiping Jiang, Qing Luo, Xiaoxiao Zhang, Qianni Guo, Maili Liu, Xin Zhou*. Rational Design of Hyperpolarized Xenon NMR Molecular Sensor for Selective and Sensitive Determination of Zinc Ions. Talanta.Vol 122, 101-105.(2014).
3. Shizhen Chen, Yuqi Yang, Haidong Li, Xin Zhou*, Maili Liu.pH-Triggered Au-fluorescent Mesoporous Silica Nanoparticles for19F MR/Fluorescent Multimodal Cancer Cellular Imaging.Chemical Communications,Vol 50, 283-285. (2014).
4. Guobin Liu, Xiaofeng Li, Xianping Sun, Jiwen Feng, Chaohui Ye, Xin Zhou*.Ultralow Field NMR Spectrometer With An Atomic Magnetometer Near Room Temperature.Journal of Magnetic Resonance,Vol 237, 158-163. (2013).
5. Yuanyuan Du, Wenxian Lan, Zhusheng Ji, Xu Zhang, Bin Jiang, Xin Zhou, Conggang Li, and Maili Liu*NMR Spectroscopic Approach Reveals Metabolic Diversity of Human Blood Plasma Associated with Protein-Drug Interaction. Analytical Chemistry (2013) 85 (18), 8601.
6. Mary Mazzanti ,Ronn Walvick, Xin Zhou*, Yanping Sun, Niral Shah, et al. Distribution of Hyperpolarized Xenon in the Brain Following Sensory Stimulation: Preliminary MRI Findings.PLoS ONE(2011)6(7) 2 ,1607.
7. Xin Zhou*, Yanping Sun, Mary Mazzanti , Nils Henninger, Joey Mansour, Marc Fisher, Mitchell Albert: MRI of Stroke usingHyperpolarized129Xe.NMR in Biomedicine, Vol 24,170-175 (2011).
8. Xin Zhou, Dominic Graziani, Alexander Pines: Hyperpolarized Xenon NMR and MRI Signal Amplification by Gas Extraction.The Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA, Vol 106, 16903-16906 (2009).
9. Xin Zhou, Xianping Sun, Jun Luo, Mingsheng Zhan, Maili Liu: Quantitative Estimation of SPINOEEnhancement in Solid State.Journal of Magnetic Resonance, Vol196, 200-203 (2009).
10. Xin Zhou, Mary Mazzanti, Jianbing James Chen, Joey Mansour, Jessica Gereige , Yang-Sheng Tzeng, Arvind Venkatesh, Yanping Sun, Robert Mulkern, Mitchell Albert: Reinvestigating Hyperpolarized129Xe Longitudinal Relaxation Time in the Rat Brain with Noise Considerations.NMR in Biomedicine, Vol 21, 217-225 (2008).
1. Xin Zhou. Chapter<<Hyperpolarized Xenon Brain MRI >>in book <<Advances in Brain Imaging >>, InTech, USA. 2012
2. Xin Zhou. Chapter <<Hyperpolarized Noble Gases as Contrast Agents>> in book <<In vivo NMR Imaging: Methods and Protocols>>, Humana Press, USA. 2011