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  • 中文名:周曉兵
  • 國籍中國
  • 出生地:四川巴中
  • 出生日期:1983年
  • 畢業院校:石河子大學、中科院新疆生態與地理研究所
  • 職業:科研工作者
  • 主要成就:2017年,新疆自然科學一等獎,排名第二


周曉兵,男,理學博士,出生於1983年,四川巴中人。教育經歷:2006年6月,在石河子大學獲得學士學位;2012年6月,在中科院新疆生態與地理研究所獲博士學位; 工作經歷:2012年8月至2017年11月,在中科院新疆生態與地理研究所任助理研究員,從事氮沉降生態效應研究工作2017年11月至2019年11月,在中科院新疆生態與地理研究所任副研究員,從事氮沉降生態效應與氮循環研究工作2019年11月至今,研究員,在中科院新疆生態與地理研究所任研究員,從事氮沉降生態效應與氮循環研究工作




  • (1)國家自然科學基金青年基金,氮沉降對荒漠草本植物群落物種組成和生物量分配的影響,2011.1-2013.12,25萬元,主持
  • (2)國家自然科學基金面上基金,古爾班通古特沙漠不同類型生物土壤結皮氮素組成差異和轉化特徵,2015.1-2018.12,84萬元,主持
  • (3)國家自然科學基金面上基金,溫帶荒漠不同類型生物土壤結皮N2O排放特徵及產生途徑,2020.1-2023.12,61萬元,主持
  • (4)中國科學院西部博士,墨玉縣綠洲一荒漠交錯帶環境養分動態與生態保育,2015.1-2018.6,40萬元,主持
  • (5)中國科學院青年促進會會員,2015.1-2018.12,60萬元,主持
  • (6)新疆維吾爾自治區面上基金,綠洲過量氮素排放對準噶爾荒漠地衣結皮生長特性的影響,2015.1-2017.12,主持
  • (7)新疆維吾爾自治區創新研究團隊,天山野果林退化機理研究創新團隊,2018.5-2020.12,50萬元,主持
  • (8)新疆維吾爾自治區天山青年計畫傑出青年,溫帶荒漠生物土壤結皮N2O 排放關鍵微生物過程,2019.7-2021.7,30萬元,主持
  • (9)新疆生態與地理研究所高層次人才培育計畫,2018.5-2020.12,60萬元,主持


  • 1.Zhou, X., Yue, P., Cui, X., Tao, Y., Zhang, Y., Liu, X., 2020. Impacts of Nitrogen Deposition on China’s Desert Ecosystems. In: X. Liu, E. Du (Eds.), Atmospheric Reactive Nitrogen in China: Emission, Deposition and Environmental Impacts. Springer Singapore, Singapore, pp. 245-261.2.Zhou, X., Zhao, Y., Belnap, J., Zhang, B., Bu, C., Zhang, Y., 2020. Practices of Biological Soil Crust Rehabilitation in China: Experiences and Challenges. Restoration Ecology n/a(n/a).3.Zhou, X., Tao, Y., Yin, B., Tucker, C., Zhang, Y., 2020. Nitrogen pools in soil covered by biological soil crusts of different successional stages in a temperate desert in Central Asia. Geoderma 366, 114166.4.Li, Y., Zhou, X., Zhang, Y., 2019. Shrub modulates the stoichiometry of moss and soil in desert ecosystems, China. Journal of Arid Land 11(4), 579-594.5.Li, Y., Zhou, X., Zhang, Y., 2019. Moss patch size and microhabitats influence stoichiometry of moss crusts in a temperate desert, Central Asia. Plant and Soil 443(1-2), 55-72.6.Zhou, X. et al., 2019. Divergent responses of nitrous oxide, methane and carbon dioxide exchange to pulses of nitrogen addition in a desert in Central Asia. CATENA 173, 29-37.7.Zhou, X., Bowker, M.A., Tao, Y., Wu, L., Zhang, Y., 2018. Chronic nitrogen addition induces a cascade of plant community responses with both seasonal and progressive dynamics. The Science of the Total Environment 626, 99-108.8.Zhou, X., Smith, H., Silva, A.G., Belnap, J., Garcia-Pichel, F., 2016. Differential responses of dinitrogen fixation, diazotrophic cyanobacteria and ammonia oxidation reveal a potential warming-induced imbalance of the N-Cycle in Biological Soil Crusts. PLoS One 11.9.Zhou, X., Zhang, Y., Niklas, K.J., 2014. Sensitivity of growth and biomass allocation patterns to increasing nitrogen: a comparison between ephemerals and annuals in the Gurbantunggut Desert, north-western China. Annals of Botany 113, 501-511.10.Zhou, X.B., Zhang, Y.M., 2014. Season and nitrogen effects on activities of three hydrolytic enzymes in soils of the Gurbantunggut Desert, Northwest China. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 45, 1699-1713.11.Zhou, X.B., Zhang, Y.M., 2014. Seasonal pattern of soil respiration and gradual changing effects of nitrogen addition in a soil of the Gurbantunggut Desert, northwestern China. Atmospheric Environment 85, 187-194.12.Zhou, X.B., Zhang, Y.M., 2014. Temporal dynamics of soil oxidative enzyme activity across a simulated gradient of nitrogen deposition in the Gurbantunggut Desert, Northwestern China. Geoderma 213, 261-267.13.Zhou, X.B., Zhang, Y.M., Downing, A., 2012. Non-linear response of microbial activity across a gradient of nitrogen addition to a soil from the Gurbantunggut Desert, northwestern China. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 47, 67-77.14.Zhou, X.B., Zhang, Y.M., Ji, X.H., Downing, A., Serpe, M., 2011. Combined effects of nitrogen deposition and water stress on growth and physiological responses of two annual desert plants in northwestern China. Environmental and Experimental Botany 74, 1-8.15.Liu, X.J. et al., 2011. Nitrogen deposition and its ecological impact in China: An overview. Environmental Pollution 159, 2251-2264.16.Zhou, X.B., Zhang, Y.M., Yin, B.F., 2016. Divergence in physiological responses between cyanobacterial and lichen crusts to a gradient of simulated nitrogen deposition. Plant and Soil 399, 121-134.17.周曉兵, 陶冶, 吳林, 李永剛, 張元明, 2019. 塔克拉瑪乾沙漠南緣荒漠綠洲過渡帶不同土地利用影響下土壤化學計量特徵. 生態學報 39, 1-11.18.周曉兵, 陶冶, 張元明, 2018. 塔克拉瑪乾沙漠南緣荒漠綠洲過渡帶不同土地利用影響下優勢植物化學計量特徵. 草業學報 27, 15-26.19.周曉兵, 尹本豐, 張元明, 2016. 模擬氮沉降對不同類型生物土壤結皮生長和光合生理的影響. 生態學報 36, 3197-3205.20.周曉兵, 張元明, 2009. 乾旱半乾旱區氮沉降生態效應研究進展. 生態學報 29, 3835-3845.21.周曉兵, 張元明, 陶冶, 吳林, 2017. 新疆古爾班通古特沙漠土壤N2O、CH4和CO2通量及其對氮沉降增加的回響. 植物生態學報 41, 290-300.22.周曉兵, 張元明, 陶冶, 張丙昌, 2011. 古爾班通古特沙漠土壤酶活性和微生物量氮對模擬氮沉降的回響. 生態學報 31, 3340-3349.23.周曉兵, 張元明, 王莎莎, 張丙昌, 張靜, 2011. 3種荒漠植物幼苗生長和光合生理對氮增加的回響. 中國沙漠 33, 82-89.24.周曉兵, 張元明, 王莎莎, 張丙昌, 2010. 模擬氮沉降和乾旱對準噶爾盆地兩種一年生荒漠植物生長和光合生理的影響. 植物生態學報 34, 1394-1403.


