



  • 中文名:周昊飛
  • 畢業院校:浙江大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:微納米力學、 多尺度計算、智慧型材料與器件
  • 就職院校:浙江大學航空航天學院











  1. 梯度納米結構金屬強韌性能及塑性變形機理研究,國家自然科學基金青年科學基金項目,2020.1-2022.12


A. Journal Papers (# co-first author, *corresponding author)
1.Y. Tang, H.F. Zhou*, X.D. Wang, Q.P. Cao, D.X. Zhang, J.Z. Jiang*, Effect of thermal cycling on the cavitation behavior in a FeP metallic glass, in preparation.
2.H.F. Zhou* and P.P. Zhu, Correlated necklace dislocations in highly oriented nanotwinned metals. Submitted (Review paper).
3.Y. Tang, X.D. Wang*, H.F. Zhou, Q.P. Cao, D.X. Zhang, J.Z. Jiang*, Structural origin of thermal cycling-induced deformation mode transition in a NiNb metallic glass. Submitted.
4.Y.D. Liu, D.H. Zhao, Y.H. Chen, D.Q. Wang, W. Zhou, Z.Y. Ye, J.H. Guo, H.F. Zhou*, S.X. Qu*, W. Yang*, Designing Adaptive and Reconfigurable Bionic Assembly Robotic System with Inchworm Modules. Under Review.
5.Y.M. Fu, H.T. Lu, G.D. Nian, N. Lin, D.M. Zhong, X.C. Hu, Z. Chen, H.H. Yu, H.F. Zhou*, S.X. Qu*, W. Yang, Size-dependent cavitation of soft materials. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, accepted.
6.Y. Tang, H.F. Zhou*, Q.P. Cao,*, Y.Z. Fang, X.D. Wang, D.X. Zhang, J.Z. Jiang*, Unravelling the origin of stress-dependent glass transition temperature in metallic glasses. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, accepted.
7.Y.D. Liu, B.H. Liu, T.H. Yin, Y.H. Xiang, H.F. Zhou*, S.X. Qu*, Bistable rotating mechanism based on dielectric elastomer actuator. Smart Materials and Structures 29, 015008 (2019).
8.X. Chen, H.F. Zhou*, Y.M. Li*, Effective design space exploration of gradient nanostructured materials using active learning based surrogate models. Materials and Design 183, 108085 (2019).
9.Q.S. Pan#, H.F. Zhou#, Q.H. Lu, H.J. Gao*, L. Lu*, Asymmetric cyclic response of tensile pre-deformed Cu with highly oriented nanoscale twins. Acta Materialia 175, 477-486 (2019).
10. Y.H. Xiang, D.M. Zhong, P. Wang, T.H. Yin, H.F. Zhou, H.H. Yu*, C. Baliga, S.X. Qu*, W. Yang, A physically based visco-hyperelastic constitutive model for soft materials. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 128, 208-218 (2019).
11. H.F. Zhou*, Progress in mechanical properties, deformation mechanisms and multiscale simulations of gradient nanostructured metals. Chinese Journal of Solid Mechanics 40, (3): 211-230 (2019, Review paper).
12. S. M. T. Mousavi, H.F. Zhou, G.J. Zou, H.J. Gao*, Transition from source- to stress-controlled plasticity in nanotwinned materials below a softening temperature. npj Computational Materials 5, 2 (2019).
13. Z. Cheng, H.F. Zhou, Q.H. Lu, H.J. Gao*, L. Lu*, Extra strengthening and work hardening in gradient nanotwinned metals. Science 362, 559 (2018).
14. Y. Lin, J. Pan, H.F. Zhou, H.J. Gao* and Y. Li*, Mechanical properties and optimal grain size distribution profile of gradient grained nickel. Acta Materialia 153, 279-289 (2018).
15. S.M.T. Mousavi, G.J. Zou, H.F. Zhou and H.J. Gao*, Anisotropy governs strain stiffening in nanotwinned-materials. Nature Communications 9, 1586 (2018).
16. W. Chen, H.F. Zhou, Z. Liu, J. Ketkaew, L. Shao, N. Li, P. Gong, W. Samela, H.J. Gao and J. Schroers*, Test sample geometry for fracture toughness measurements of bulk metallic glasses. Acta Materialia 145, 477-487 (2018).
17. Q.S. Pan, H.F. Zhou, Q.H. Lu, H.J. Gao* and L. Lu*, History-independent cyclic response of nanotwinned metals. Nature 551, 214-217 (2017).
18. W. Chen, H.F. Zhou, Z. Liu, J. Ketkaew, N. Li, J. Yurko, N. Hutchinson, H.J. Gao and J. Schroers*, Processing effects on fracture toughness of metallic glasses. Scripta Materialia 130, 152-156 (2017).
19. H.F. Zhou, X.Y. Li, Y. Wang, Z.S. Liu, W. Yang and H.J. Gao*, Torsional detwinning domino in nanotwinned one-dimensional nanostructures. Nano Letters 15, 6082-6087 (2015).
20. X.L. Zhou, H.F. Zhou, X.Y. Li* and C.Q. Chen*, Size effect on tensile and compressive strengths in metallic glass nanowires. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 84, 130-144 (2015).
21. J. Pan, H.F. Zhou, Z.T. Wang, Y. Li* and H.J. Gao*, Origin of anomalous inverse notch effect in bulk metallic glasses. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 84, 85-94 (2015).
22. H.F. Zhou and H.J. Gao*, A Plastic deformation mechanism by necklace dislocations near crack-like defects in nanotwinned metals. Journal of Applied Mechanics 82, 071015 (2015).
23. S.X. Qu* andH.F. Zhou, Mechanical behaviors and deformation mechanisms of novel nano-structured metals. Advances in Mechanics 44, 201409 (2014, Review paper).
24. H.F. Zhou, X.Y. Li, S.X. Qu, W. Yang* and H.J. Gao*, A jogged dislocation governed strengthening mechanism in nanotwinned metals. Nano Letters 14, 5075-5080 (2014).
25. H.F. Zhou, C. Zhong, Q.P. Cao, S.X. Qu, X.D. Wang, W. Yang and J.Z. Jiang*, Non-localized deformation in metallic alloys with amorphous structure. Acta materialia 68, 32-41 (2014).
26. L.L. Li, P. Zhang, Z.J. Zhang, H.F. Zhou, S.X. Qu, J.B. Yang and Z.F. Zhang*, Strain localization and fatigue cracking behaviors of Cu bicrystal with an inclined twin boundary. Acta Materialia 73, 167-176 (2014).
27. H.F. Zhou, S.X. Qu and W. Yang*, An atomistic investigation of structural evolution in metallic glass matrix composites. International Journal of Plasticity 44, 147-160 (2013).
28. H.F. Zhou, L.F. Zhang and S.X. Qu*, Temperature effect on critical shear stress for twin boundary migration. Computational Materials Science60, 231-233 (2012).
29. L.F. Zhang, H.F. Zhou and S.X. Qu*, Blocking effect of twin boundaries on partial dislocation emission from void surfaces. Nanoscale Research Letters7, 164 (2012).
30. S.X. Qu* and H.F. Zhou, Atomistic mechanisms of microstructure evolution in nanotwinned polycrystals. Scripta Materialia65, 265-268 (2011).
31. S.X. Qu*, H.F. Zhou and Z.L. Huang, Shear band initiation induced by slip-twin boundary interactions. Scripta Materialia65, 715-718 (2011).
32. S.X. Qu*, G.M. Wang, H.F. Zhou and Z.L. Huang, Can nanoscale twin boundaries serve as dislocation sources in single crystals? Computational Materials Science50, 1567-1570 (2011).
33. S.X. Qu* and H.F. Zhou, Hardening by twin boundary during nanoindentation in nanocrystals. Nanotechnology 21, 335704 (2010).
34. H.F. Zhou, S.X. Qu* and W. Yang*, Toughening by nano-scaled twin boundaries in nanocrystals. Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering 18, 065002 (2010).
35. H.F. Zhou and S.X. Qu*, The effect of nanoscale twin boundaries on fracture toughness in nanocrystalline Ni. Nanotechnology 21, 035706 (2010).
B. Book Chapters
1.H.F. Zhou and S.X. Qu*, Mechanical properties of nanostructured metals: Molecular dynamics studies. In: C.H. Hsueh et al. (eds) Handbook of Mechanics of Materials (Springer Singapore, 2019, Book chapter).


X. Chen, H.F. Zhou*, Y.M. Li*, Effective design space exploration of gradient nanostructured materials using active learning based surrogate models. Materials and Design 183, 108085 (2019).
H.F. Zhou*, Progress in mechanical properties, deformation mechanisms and multiscale simulations of gradient nanostructured metals. Chinese Journal of Solid Mechanics 40, (3): 211-230 (2019, Review paper).
Z. Cheng, H.F. Zhou, Q.H. Lu, H.J. Gao*, L. Lu*, Extra strengthening and work hardening in gradient nanotwinned metals. Science 362, 559 (2018).
Q.S. Pan, H.F. Zhou, Q.H. Lu, H.J. Gao* and L. Lu*, History-independent cyclic response of nanotwinned metals. Nature 551, 214-217 (2017).
H.F. Zhou, X.Y. Li, Y. Wang, Z.S. Liu, W. Yang and H.J. Gao*, Torsional detwinning domino in nanotwinned one-dimensional nanostructures. Nano Letters 15, 6082-6087 (2015).
J. Pan, H.F. Zhou, Z.T. Wang, Y. Li* and H.J. Gao*, Origin of anomalous inverse notch effect in bulk metallic glasses. Journal of Mechanics and Physics of Solids 84, 85-94 (2015).
H.F. Zhou, X.Y. Li, S.X. Qu, W. Yang* and H.J. Gao*, A jogged dislocation governed strengthening mechanism in nanotwinned metals. Nano Letters 14, 5075-5080 (2014).
H.F. Zhou, S.X. Qu and W. Yang*, An atomistic investigation of structural evolution in metallic glass matrix composites. International Journal of Plasticity 44, 147-160 (2013).


  1. 周昊飛,“多尺度結構金屬材料的力學性能及塑性變形機理研究”,C10. 納米、異構和梯度材料,中國材料大會2019,成都,2019.07.10-14
  2. 周昊飛,“多尺度結構金屬的力學性能和塑性變形研究”,西北工業大學航空結構工程系,西安,2019.05.24
  3. 周昊飛,“多尺度結構金屬的力學性能和塑性變形研究”,2019年四校(清華大學、浙江大學、西安交通大學、大連理工大學)航空航天及力學學術論壇,大連理工大學,大連,2019.04.20-22
  4. 周昊飛,“納米孿晶金屬的力學性能和塑性變形研究”,第四屆低維材料力學青年研討會,江南大學,無錫,2019.04.12-14
  5. Haofei Zhou,“Extra strengthening effect and plastic deformation mechanisms in gradient nanotwinned metals”, The 2nd International Conference on Modeling in Mechanics and Materials, Suzhou, China, 2019.03.29-31
  6. 周昊飛,“均勻和梯度納米孿晶金屬力學性能及塑性變形機理”,浙江省軟體機器人與智慧型器件研究重點實驗室2018年度學術委員會會議,杭州,2019.01.26
  7. 周昊飛,“均勻和梯度納米孿晶金屬力學性能及變形機理研究”,清華大學固體力學研究所,北京,2019.01.04
  8. 周昊飛,“均勻和梯度納米孿晶結構金屬的力學研究”,五校(西南交通大學、浙江大學、北京交通大學、天津大學、華中科技大學)力學學術論壇,武漢,2018.12.21-23
  9. 周昊飛,“納米孿晶金屬關聯位錯的力學研究”,浙江大學化學工程與生物工程學院,杭州,2018.12.10
  10. 周昊飛,“納米孿晶金屬關聯位錯的力學研究(邀請報告)”,2018年全國固體力學學術會議,哈爾濱,2018.11.23-25
  11. 周昊飛,“納米孿晶金屬關聯位錯的力學研究(邀請報告)”,第二屆梯度與層片納米結構力學行為與微觀結構戰略研討會,北京,2018.11.20-22
  12. 周昊飛,“納米孿晶金屬關聯位錯的力學研究”,浙江工業大學,杭州,2018.11.15


