在《International Journal of Structural Engineering and Mechanics》、《Mechanics Research Communications》、《Computers and Structures》、《Computers and Fluids》、《International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids》、《Engineering Structures》、《Acta Mechanica Sinica》、《Advances in Structural Engineering》及《土木工程學報》、《建築結構學報》、《工程力學》、《空間結構》和《振動與衝擊》等國內外學術刊物上發表學術論文140餘篇,其中SCI和EI收錄論文100餘篇,英文論文60餘篇,另國際國內重要學術會議論文數十篇。主持省部級以上縱向科研項目近30餘項,其中包括國家自然科學基金項目6項、教育部重點研究項目1項、上海市重點(基礎)研究項目5項、教育部博士點基金項目3項,獲省部級科技獎勵5項。參與首都國際機場二期工程、北京奧運會國際體育館等國家重大工程項目的設計計算。培養博士和碩士研究生近50人,其中5人獲上海市研究生優秀學位論文(2010、2011、2012、2013、2014)。
[1]Zhou D(周岱), Liu HY, Jin B. Nonlinear analysis of cable-stayed spatial latticed structures[J]. Int. Journal of Structural Engineering and Mechanics, 2003,15(4),415-436. (SCI: 661HG)
[2]Zhou D(周岱), Jin B. Boussinesq-Flammant problem in gradient elasticity with surface energy[J]. Mechanics Research Communications, 2003,30(5), 463-468. (SCI: 709AL)
[3]Zhou Dai(周岱), CHEN Si,LI Huafeng, ZHAO Yaojun. The Accuracy Improvement of the Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics[J]. Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics, 2008, 2(2):244-251.(SCI:V11JD)
[4]Yan Bao,Dai Zhou, Cheng Huang. Numerical simulation of flow over three circular cylinders in equilateral arrangements at low Reynolds number by a second order Characteristic-Based Split finite element method, Computers and Fluids, 2010,39(5):882-899(SCI收錄)
[5]BAO Yan, ZHOU Dai, ZHAO Yaojun. A Two-step Taylor-Characteristic Based Galerkin method for incompressible flows and its application to flow over triangular cylinder with different incidence angles, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids. 2010,62(11): 1181-1208.(SCI收錄)
[6]Yan Bao, Dai Zhou, Cheng Huang, etc.. Numerical prediction of aerodynamic characteristics of prismatic cylinder by finite element method with Spalart–Allmaras turbulence model[J], Computers and Structures,2010,12.(SCI收錄)
[7]BAO Yan, ZHOU Dai, HUANG Cheng and ZHAO Yao-Jun. Semi-active direct velocity control method of dynamic response of spatial reticulated structures based on MR dampers[J]. Advances In Structural Engineering, An International Journal. 2009, 12(4):547-558. (SCI收錄)
[8]Li CX, Zhou D(周岱). Evaluation of multiple active lever-type tuned mass dampers for structures under ground acceleration[J]. Engineering Structures, 2004,26,303-317. (SCI: 772AC)
[9]Li Chunxiang; Zhou Dai(周岱). Construction of polynomial matrix using the block coefficient matrix representation auto-regressive moving average model for actively controlled structures[J]. Acta Mechanica Sinica, 2004, 2004,20(6),661-667. (SCI: 887OX)
[10]Jin B, Zhou D(周岱), Zhong Z. Lateral dynamic compliance of pile embedded in poroelastic half space, Soil dynamics and Earthquake Eingeering, 2001,21,519-525. (SCI: 454LF)
[11]周岱,馬駿,吳築海,陳思. 空間結構三維風時程模擬及其小波分析[J].工程力學, 2006,23(3),88-92.
[13]周岱, 陳思, 董石麟, 李華峰, 陽光. 彈性力學靜力問題的SPH方法[J].工程力學,2008,25(9),28-34. (EI) .
[14]周岱,郭軍慧,周嵐,張夏萍. 空間結構風振控制系統時滯的神經網路補償方法[J].工程力學,2009,26(5):183-188.
[15]周岱,馬駿,李磊,趙堯軍. 風時程模擬的高效高精度混合法[J]. 工程力學,2009,26(2):53-59,77.
[16]周岱,董石麟.斜拉網殼結構的非線性靜力分析.建築結構學報,1999, 20(1): 16-22.
[17]周岱,董石麟,趙陽.桿件撤除對空間格線結構影響的實用計算法.建築結構學報,1997, 18(1): 12-17
[18]周岱,沈祖炎.斜拉網殼結構的構件分析和非線性動力計算.土木工程學報,1999, 32(6): 40-46.
[19]周岱,劉紅玉.高層多跨框架計算的高階巨型離散元法, 土木工程學報, 1994,27(6): 11-18.
[20]馬駿,周岱,李華鋒,朱忠義,董石麟. 大跨度空間結構抗風分析的數值風洞方法[J]. 工程力學,2007, 24(7),77-85.
[21]郭軍慧,周岱,李磊,黃劍偉. 空間網殼結構振動問題的改進神經網路控制[J]. 工程力學, 2008, 25(10):86-91.
[22]LI Hua-feng, ZHOU Dai(周岱), LI Lei, BAO Yan. A improved finite element techniques for the simulation of unsteady incompressible flows[J].空間結構, 2007,13(3),57-64.
[23]周岱,舒新玲. 單層球面網殼結構的風振及其參數分析[J].空間結構,2003, 9(3): 6-12.
[24]周岱,劉紅玉,葉彩鳳等. 美國國家實驗室的管理體制和運行機制剖析[J]. 科研管理, 2007,28(6):108-114.
[25]周岱,劉紅玉,葉彩鳳等. 國家實驗室的管理體制和運行機制分析與建構[J]. 科研管理,2008,29(2):154-165.
[26]Ma, Jun; Zhou, Dai(周岱); Fu, Xu-Chen. The coupling effect of spatial reticulated shell structures with cables. Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University, 2005, E-10(1): 52-56.
[27]Zhou D(周岱), Ma J, Zhu Z Y, Liu J. Wind vibration study of long-span steel arch structure of Beijing Capital International Airport. Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University, 2005, E-10(4): 429-435 .
[28]D. Zhou(周岱), L. R. ZHou, H. Y. Liu, A simplified approach to analysis of high-rise frame tube structures, Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong Univ., 2003,E-8(1),92-97.
[29]Zhou D(周岱), Ma J, Wu Z H, Chen S. The simulation and characteristic study of wind velocity for long-span structures. Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University, 2004, E-9(4): 41-46
[30]LI Hua-feng, ZHOU Dai(周岱), LI Lei, BAO Yan. A improved finite element techniques for the simulation of unsteady incompressible flows. 空間結構, 2007,13(3),57-64.
[31]BAO Yan, Zhou Dai(周岱), LIU Jie. Parametric Vibration and Vibration Reduction Of Cables In The Cable-Stayed Space Latticed Structure[J]. Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University (Science), 2008, E-13(2):145-149.
[32]Chen Si , Zhou Dai(周岱), Dong Shilin etc.. Improvement of the second order approximation of the Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics[J]. Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University, 2008,13(4):404-407.
[33]HUANG Zhen, Zhou Dai(周岱), YANG Guang. Proper placement and reasonable quantity of MR dampers for reduction of wind induced vibration in spatial reticulated structures[J]. 空間結構,2008, 14(1):58-64.
[34]Chen Si, Zhou Dai(周岱), Li Huafeng,A Method to Improve first order approximation of Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics[J]. Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University,2008,E-13(2):136-138.
[35]MA Jun, ZHOU Dai(周岱), BAO Yan, Wind pressure distribution and wind-induced dynamic Response for space groined latticed vaults[J]. Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University(Science), 2008, 13(4):391-399.
[36]Shilin Dong, Yang Zhao, Dai Zhou(周岱). New structural forms and new technologies in the Development of steel space structures in China. Advances in Structural Engineering –An International Journal, 2000, 3(1): 49-65.
教育部高等學校科學研究優秀成果獎三等獎: 國家實驗室體制機制的比較研究和模式創新(2009年)
1、 大跨斜拉網殼空間結構的耦合風振分析及減振研究(50278054),國家自然科學基金項目,項目負責人,2003~2005年
2、 大跨智慧型空間結構風振抑制及其小波時頻識別關鍵問題(10572091),國家自然科學基金項目,項目負責人,2006~2008年