- 中文名:周小奇
- 畢業院校:中國科學院
- 學位/學歷:博士
- 職業:教師
- 專業方向:微生物生態學、土壤生態學、全球變化生態學
- 任職院校:華東師範大學生態與環境科學學院
1998-2002西南大學(學士),2002-2007中國科學院大學生命科學學院(生態學博士),2007-2009中國科學院大學資源與環境學院博士後,2009-2011澳大利亞格里菲斯大學博士後,2011-2012 中國科學院研究生院副教授(項目聘用),2012-2013紐西蘭皇家林業研究所博士後,2013-2016澳大利亞格里菲斯大學講師,2016年至今華東師範大學教授。
ISME Journal, Scientific Reports, Soil Biology and Biochemistry,Science of The Total Environment, Ecological Monographs,Ecosphere, Functional Ecology, Biogeosciences, Applied Soil Ecology, Microbial Ecology, Plant and Soil, Geoderma, SN Applied Sciences, Heliyon, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, European Journal of Soil Biology, Journal of Soils and Sediments, Pedosphere,PLOS One, iforest,NewZealand Journal of Forestry Science, Journal of Plant Ecology, 植物生態學報、套用生態學報等
研究工作主要聚焦在土壤微生物生態學方面,在土壤甲烷氧化及其微生物機制等方面開展了較系統的研究。(1)創新性地提出了土壤生態系統環境脅迫-乙烯-甲烷氧化的概念模型,建立了調控土壤甲烷氧化的新方向;(2)研究了草原土壤中甲烷氧化能力對全球變化和人類活動的回響, 發現典型 草原土壤甲烷氧化菌以新類群 USCγ 為主; (3)闡述了在全球變化背景下植物-土壤微生物相互作用在土壤碳、 氮循環過程中的重要性。
1.Xue, M.D., Guo, Z.Y., Gu X.Y., Gao H.L., Weng S.M., Zhou, J., Gu D.G., Lu H.X.,Zhou, X.Q.*(2020) Rare rather than abundant microbial communities drive the effects of long-term greenhouse cultivation on ecosystem functions in subtropical agricultural soils. Science of the Total Environment
2.Gu, X.Y.,Zhou X.Q.*, Zhou J., Smaill S.J.*, Clinton, P.W. (2020) Soil respiration negatively correlated with volume gains by a young Pinus radiata clone over five months. Geoderma, 361
3.Bu, X.L., Krause, S.M.B., Gu, X.Y., Tian, J.Q.,Zhou, X.Q.(2019) Ethylene rather acetylene inhibits soil methane oxidation rates in a subtropical evergreen forest. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 135, 10-12.
4.Gu, X.Y.,Zhou, X.Q., Bu X.L., Xue M.D., Jiang L.L., Wang S.P., Hao Y.B., Wang Y.F., Xu X.L., Wang G.J., Krause S.M.B., Smaill S.J., Clinton P.W. (2019) Soil extractable organic C and N contents, methanotrophic activity under warming and degradation in a Tibetan alpine meadow. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 278, 6-14.
5.Zhou, X.Q., Xu, C.Y., Bai, S.H., Xu, Z.H., Smaill, S.J., Clinton, P.W., Chen, C.R. (2018) Manipulating interactions between plant stress responses and soil methane oxidation rates. Biogeosciences, 15, 4125-4129.
6.Bu, X.L., Gu, X.Y.,Zhou, X.Q., Zhang, M.Y., Guo, Z.Y., Zhang, J., Zhou, X.H., Chen, X.Y., Wang, X.H. (2018) Extreme drought slightly decreased soil labile organic C and N contents and altered microbial communities in a subtropical evergreen forest. Forest Ecology and Management, 429, 18-27.
7.Zhou, X.Q., Wang, S., Chen, C.R.(2017) Modeling the effects of tree species and incubation temperature on soil's extracellular enzyme activity in 78-year-old tree plantations. Biogeosciences,14, 5393-5402.
8.Zhou, X.Q., Dong, H.B., Lan, Z.M., Bacon, G., Hao, Y.B., Chen, C.R.(2017) Vertical distribution of soil extractable organic C and N contents and total C and N stocks in 78-year-old tree plantation in subtropical Australia. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 24, 22312-22320.
9.Zhou, X.Q., Guo, Z.Y., Chen, C.R., Jia, Z.J.(2017) Soil microbial community structure and diversity are largely influenced by soil pH and nutrient quality in 78-year-old tree plantations. Biogeosciences,14, 2101-2111.
10.Zhou, X.Q., Wu, H.W., Li, G.D., Chen, C.R.(2016) Short-term contributions of cover crop surface residue return to soil carbon and nitrogen contents in temperate Australia. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 23, 23175-23183.
11.Zhou, X.Q., Dong, H.B., Chen, C.R., Smaill, S.J., Clinton, P.W. (2014) Ethylene rather than dissolved organic carbon controls methane uptake in upland soils. Global Change Biology,20, 2379-2380.
12.Zhou, X.Q., Smaill, S.J., Clinton, P.W. (2013) Methane oxidation needs less stressed plants. Trends in Plant Science,18(12), 657-659.
13.Zhou, X.Q., Chen, C.R., Wang, Y.F., Xu, Z.H., Han, H.Y., Li, L.H., Wan, S.Q. (2013) Warming and increased precipitation have differential effects on soil extracellular enzyme activities in a temperate grassland. Science of the Total Environment,444, 552-558.
14.Zhou, X.Q., Chen, C.R., Wang, Y.F., Xu, Z.H., Duan, J.C., Hao, Y.B., Smaill, S. (2013) Soil extractable carbon and nitrogen, microbial biomass and microbial metabolic activity in response to warming and increased precipitation in a semiarid Inner Mongolian grassland. Geoderma,206, 24-31.
15.Zhou, X.Q., Chen, C.R., Wang, Y.F., Smaill, S., Clinton, P. (2013) Warming rather than increased precipitation increases soil recalcitrant organic carbon in a semiarid grassland after 6 years of treatments, Plos One, 8(1): e53761.
16.Zhou, X.Q., Chen, C.R., Wang, Y.F., Xu, Z.H., Hu, Z.Y., Cui, X.Y., Hao, Y.B. (2012) Effects of warming and increased precipitation on soil carbon mineralization in an Inner Mongolian grassland after 6 years of treatments. Biology and Fertility of Soils,48(7), 859-866.
17.Zhou, X.Q., Chen, C.R., Lu, S.B., Rui, Y.C., Wu, H.W., Xu, Z.H. (2012) The short-term cover crops increase soil labile organic carbon in Southeastern Australia. Biology and Fertility of Soils,48, 239-244.
18.Zhou, X.Q., Wu, H.W., Xu, Z.H., Chen, C.R.(2012) Soil labile organic carbon and nitrogen pools and microbial metabolic diversity under winter crop species in an arid environment. Applied Soil Ecology,53, 49-55.
19.Zhou, X.Q., Chen, C.R., Wu, H.W., Xu, Z.H. (2012) Dynamics of soil extractable carbon and nitrogen under different cover crop residues. Journal of Soils and Sediments,12, 844-853.
20.Zhou, X.Q., Liu, X., Rui, Y.C., Chen, C.R., Wu, H.W., Xu, Z.H. (2011) Symbiotic nitrogen fixation and soil N availability under legume crops in an arid environment. Journal of Soils and Sediments,11, 762-770.
21.Zhou, X.Q.,Wang, J.Z., Hao, Y.B., Wang, Y.F.(2010) Intermediate grazing intensities by sheep increase soil microbial community diversities in an Inner Mongolian steppe. Biology and Fertility of Soils,46, 817-824.
22.Zhou, X.Q.,Wang, Y.F., Huang, X.Z., Hao, Y.B., Tian, J.Q., Wang, J.Z. (2008) Effects of grazing by sheep on the structure of methane-oxidizing bacterial community of steppe soil. Soil Biology and Biochemistry,40, 258-261.
23.Zhou, X.Q.,Wang, Y.F., Huang, X.Z., Tian, J.Q., Hao, Y.B. (2008) Effect of grazing intensities on the activity and structure of methane-oxidizing bacterial community in the grassland of Inner Mongolia. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems,80, 145-152.
1.Zhou, X.Q., Wang, Y.F. (2013) Effects of ungulate grazing on soil microbial diversity in Inner Mongolia steppes of northern China. In: Steppe Ecosystems: Biological Diversity, Management and Restoration. Ed. Morales M.B. and Traba J., Nova Publisher, United States, chapter 12, 253-286.