- 中文名:呂曉睿
- 職業:教師
- 畢業院校:北京大學
- 研究方向:實驗粒子物理
- 職稱:教授
呂曉睿 教授
通信地址: 北京市石景山區玉泉承棵習重路19號(甲)
曾任BESIII國際合作組會議報告遴選委員會秘書、主席。 現任BESIII國際合作組物理協調人職務。
BESIII Collaboration, Measurement of the Absolute Branching Fraction for Λc→Λeν, Phys. Rev
BESIII Collaboration, Observation of a Neutral Structure near the DD* Mass Threshold in e+e−→ (DD*)
BESIII Collaboration, Observation of a Neutral Charmoniumlike State Zc(4025)0 in e+e−→妹盛再槳 (D*D*)0π0
Xiao-Xia Liu, Xiao-Rui Lyu, Yong-Sheng Zhu, Combined estimation for multi-measurements of branching ratio
BESIII Collaboration, Measurement of the branching fractions of Ds→η′X and Ds→η′ρ+ in e+e−→DsDs, Phys
BESIII Collaboration, Measurement of yCP in D0–D0 oscillation using quantum correlations in e+e−→D0D0 at √s=3.773GeV
BESIII Collaboration, Measurement of the D→Kπ strong phase difference in ψ(3770)→D0D0, Phys
BESIII Collaboration, Observation of a charged charmoniumlike structure in e+e−→ (D∗ D∗)±π∓ at sqrt(s)=4.26GeV, Phys. Rev
Ying-Hui Guan, Xiao-Rui Lu et. al., Study on Efficiency of Event Start Time Determination at BESIII, Chin. Phys
Ying-Hui Guan, Xiao-Rui Lu et. al., Simultaneous least squares fitter based on the Lagrange multiplier method, Chin. Phys
BESIII Collaboration, Evidence for ηc->γγ and measurement of J/ψ->3γ
Changli Ma, Xiao-Rui Lu et. al., An extended segment pattern dictionary for pattern matching tracking algorithm at BESIII, Chin
BESIII Collaboration, Evidence for the Direct Two-Photon Transition from ψ(3686) to J/Ψ
BESIII Collaboration, Observation of chi_cJ decays to Lambda Lamda pi+pi-,Phys. Rev
Zhi-Guo He, Xiao-Rui Lu, Joan Soto, Yangheng Zheng, The discrete contribution to y'→ J/y+gg
Xiao-Rui Lu, Study on the two-photon transition from psi(2S) to J/psi at BESIII, International Journal of Modern Physic
HERMES Collaboration, “Evidence for a Transverse Single-Spin Asymmetry in Leptoproduction of Pion Pairs,” Journal of High Energy Physics
Xiao-Rui Lu (for the HERMES Collaboration), “Spin Structure of the Nucleon Studied at HERMES,” Proc. INPC2007, (Tokyo 2007), Nucl. Phys
HERMES Collaboration, “Longitudinal spin transfer to the Lambda hyperon in semi-inclusive deep-inelastic scattering,” Phys
HERMES Collaboration, “Evidence for a narrow |S| = 1 baryon state at a mass of 1528-MeV in quasi-real photoproduction,”
Measurement of Collins Asymmetry at BESIII, XVI workshop on high energy spin physics (DSPIN2015)
Measurement of Λc decays at BESIII, The 7th International Workshop on Charm Physics (Charm2015)
Physics Highlights from the BESIII experiment, Flavor and top physics @100 TeV workshop
Charmed baryon at threshold at BESIII, International Workshop on Physics at Future High Intensity Collider 2-7GeV in China
Recent results and prospects for charm mixing and CPV at Threshold, The International Workshop on the CKM Unitarity Triangle (CKM2014)
Physics with entangled neutral D mesons at BES-III and future perspectives, CERN Workshop on QUESTIONING FUNDAMENTAL PHYSICAL PRINCIPLES
Strong phase in D0→Kπ decay and yCP measurement at BESIII, The 6th International Workshop on Charm Physics (Charm2013)
Charm Rare Decays at BESIII, SuperB Physics Workshop 2012
Recent Progress on Charmonium Decays at BESIII, 5th High-Energy Physics Conference in Madagascar (HEP-MAD 11)
Study on the Two-Photon Transition from ψ(2S) to J/ψ at BESIIII, 11th International Workshop On Meson Production, Properties And Interaction (MESON2010)
HERMES Results on Single-Spin Asymmetries in Lepto-Production of Oppositely Charged Pion Pairs from the Transversely Polarized Hydrogen Target, International workshop on Deep-Inelastic Scattering (DIS) and Related Subjects (DIS2008)
Spin Structure of the Nucleon Studied at HERMES, International Nuclear Physics conference 2007 (INPC2007)
Hadron form factor and Collins Effect at BESIII, 第十六屆全國中高能核物理大會, 2015年8月19日至23日,重慶大學
Charmed hadron decays at BESIII, 全國第十三屆重味物理和CP破壞研討會, 2015年7月22日至26日,蘭州大學
Study of XYZ states at BESIII, 高能物理分會第九屆全國會員代表大會暨學術年會, 2014年4月18日至23日,湖北武漢華中師範大學
BESIII Collaboration, Observation of a charged charmoniumlike structure in e+e−→ (D∗ D∗)±π∓ at sqrt(s)=4.26GeV, Phys. Rev
Ying-Hui Guan, Xiao-Rui Lu et. al., Study on Efficiency of Event Start Time Determination at BESIII, Chin. Phys
Ying-Hui Guan, Xiao-Rui Lu et. al., Simultaneous least squares fitter based on the Lagrange multiplier method, Chin. Phys
BESIII Collaboration, Evidence for ηc->γγ and measurement of J/ψ->3γ
Changli Ma, Xiao-Rui Lu et. al., An extended segment pattern dictionary for pattern matching tracking algorithm at BESIII, Chin
BESIII Collaboration, Evidence for the Direct Two-Photon Transition from ψ(3686) to J/Ψ
BESIII Collaboration, Observation of chi_cJ decays to Lambda Lamda pi+pi-,Phys. Rev
Zhi-Guo He, Xiao-Rui Lu, Joan Soto, Yangheng Zheng, The discrete contribution to y'→ J/y+gg
Xiao-Rui Lu, Study on the two-photon transition from psi(2S) to J/psi at BESIII, International Journal of Modern Physic
HERMES Collaboration, “Evidence for a Transverse Single-Spin Asymmetry in Leptoproduction of Pion Pairs,” Journal of High Energy Physics
Xiao-Rui Lu (for the HERMES Collaboration), “Spin Structure of the Nucleon Studied at HERMES,” Proc. INPC2007, (Tokyo 2007), Nucl. Phys
HERMES Collaboration, “Longitudinal spin transfer to the Lambda hyperon in semi-inclusive deep-inelastic scattering,” Phys
HERMES Collaboration, “Evidence for a narrow |S| = 1 baryon state at a mass of 1528-MeV in quasi-real photoproduction,”
Measurement of Collins Asymmetry at BESIII, XVI workshop on high energy spin physics (DSPIN2015)
Measurement of Λc decays at BESIII, The 7th International Workshop on Charm Physics (Charm2015)
Physics Highlights from the BESIII experiment, Flavor and top physics @100 TeV workshop
Charmed baryon at threshold at BESIII, International Workshop on Physics at Future High Intensity Collider 2-7GeV in China
Recent results and prospects for charm mixing and CPV at Threshold, The International Workshop on the CKM Unitarity Triangle (CKM2014)
Physics with entangled neutral D mesons at BES-III and future perspectives, CERN Workshop on QUESTIONING FUNDAMENTAL PHYSICAL PRINCIPLES
Strong phase in D0→Kπ decay and yCP measurement at BESIII, The 6th International Workshop on Charm Physics (Charm2013)
Charm Rare Decays at BESIII, SuperB Physics Workshop 2012
Recent Progress on Charmonium Decays at BESIII, 5th High-Energy Physics Conference in Madagascar (HEP-MAD 11)
Study on the Two-Photon Transition from ψ(2S) to J/ψ at BESIIII, 11th International Workshop On Meson Production, Properties And Interaction (MESON2010)
HERMES Results on Single-Spin Asymmetries in Lepto-Production of Oppositely Charged Pion Pairs from the Transversely Polarized Hydrogen Target, International workshop on Deep-Inelastic Scattering (DIS) and Related Subjects (DIS2008)
Spin Structure of the Nucleon Studied at HERMES, International Nuclear Physics conference 2007 (INPC2007)
Hadron form factor and Collins Effect at BESIII, 第十六屆全國中高能核物理大會, 2015年8月19日至23日,重慶大學
Charmed hadron decays at BESIII, 全國第十三屆重味物理和CP破壞研討會, 2015年7月22日至26日,蘭州大學
Study of XYZ states at BESIII, 高能物理分會第九屆全國會員代表大會暨學術年會, 2014年4月18日至23日,湖北武漢華中師範大學