呂昂,博士,副教授,美國加州大學戴維斯分校博士後,武漢大學 化學與分子科學學院 副教授
- 中文名:呂昂
- 國籍:中國
- 職業:教師
- 畢業院校:美國加州大學戴維斯分校(博士後)
- 學位/學歷:博士後
- 專業方向:天然高分子和高分子物理
- 職務:副教授
2013/06 至今 武漢大學 化學與分子科學學院 副教授
2012/02-2013/02 加拿大 阿爾伯塔大學 博士後
2010/08-2011/09 美國加州大學戴維斯分校博士後
2009/07-2010/07 武漢大學化學與分子科學學院科研助理崗位
2004/09-2009/06 武漢大學化學與分子科學學院高分子物化專業博士
2000/09-2004/06 華中科技大學 化學系 套用化學專業學士
1. Kai Tu, Qiyang Wang, Ang Lu*, Lina Zhang*, Portable Visible-light Photocatalysts Constructed from Cu2O Nanoparticles and Graphene Oxide in Cellulose Matrix, J Phys. Chem. C, 2014, Doi:10.1021/jp412802h.
2. Ang Lu, Usha Hemraz, Zahra Khalili, Yaman Boluk, Unique Viscoelastic Behaviors of Colloidal Nanocrystalline Cellulose Aqueous Suspensions, Cellulose, 2014, Doi: 10.1007/s10570-014-0173-y.
3. Ang Lu, Yixiang Wang, Yaman Boluk, Investigation of the Scaling Law on Gelation of Oppositely Charged Nanocrystalline Cellulose and Polyelectrolyte, Carbohydr. Polym., 2014, 105, 214–221.
4. Ang Lu, Jing Zhu, Gang Sun, Liwei Yu, Gelatin nanofibers fabricated by extruding immiscible polymer solution blend and their application in tissue engineering, J. Mater. Chem., 2011, 21, 18674-18680.
5. Xingzhen Qin, Ang Lu*, Lina Zhang*, Gelation Behavior of Cellulose in NaOH/urea Aqueous System via Cross-linking, Cellulose, 2013, 20, 1669–1677.
6. Ang Lu, Yating Liu, Lina Zhang, Antje Potthast, Light Scattering investigation of Dynamic Behaviors of Cellulose in NaOH/urea Aqueous Solution at Low Temperature, J. Phys. Chem. B,2011, 115, 12801-12808.
7. Ang Lue, Yating Liu, Lina Zhang, Antje Potthast,Light Scattering Study on the Dynamic Behaviour of Cellulose Inclusion Complex in LiOH/urea Aqueous Solution, Polymer, 2011, 52, 3857-3864.
8. Ang Lue, Lina Zhang, Effects of Carbon Nanotubes on Gelation Behavior in Cellulose Solution Dissolved at Low Temperature, Polymer, 2010, 51, 2748-2754
9. Ang Lue, Lina Zhang, Rheological Behaviors in the Regimes from Dilute to Concentrated in Cellulose Solutions Dissolved at Low Temperature,Macromole. Biosci., 2009, 9, 488-496
10. Ang Lue, Lina Zhang, Investigation of the Scaling Law on Cellulose Solution Prepared at Low Temperature, Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 2008, 112, 4488-4495
11. ACS symposium series book:“Cellulose Solvents: For Analysis, Shaping and Chemical Modification”, American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2010. Chapter 3: Advances in Aqueous Cellulose Solvents