呂剛, 男,博士,北京交通大學電氣工程學院教授,博士生導師。
- 中文名:呂剛
- 職業:教師
- 畢業院校:北京交通大學
- 學位/學歷:博士
- 職務:北京交通大學電氣工程學院博士生導師
2008.04-2010.04,北京交通大學博士後流動站 / 南車青島四方機車車輛股份有限公司博士後工作站,載運工具運用工程專業,博士後。主研新一代高速列車牽引傳動系統、廣州直線電機捷運傳動系統。
2014.01-2015.01,英國謝菲爾德大學(The University of Sheffield, UK )工程學院電子與電氣工程系,訪問學者。與英國皇家工程院院士Professor Z.Q. Zhu合作,從事新型牽引電機與控制的研究。
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics
IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion
[2] 新型高速磁懸浮以及電磁推進技術
[3] 車輛客室電磁環境監測與禁止技術
[4] 高速列車牽引電機設計與三維仿真技術
[2]呂剛;軌道交通用滾筒型直線感應牽引電機性能測試互饋裝置,國家發明專利:ZL2013 1 0631984.9
[3]呂剛;軌道交通用變氣隙圓盤型直線感應電機高速互饋台,國家發明專利:ZL2013 1 0631486.4
2.1 近五年發表論文
[1] Gang Lv(#)(*), Dihui Zeng, Tong Zhou, Zhiming Liu, “Investigation of Forces and Secondary Losses in Linear Induction Motor with the Solid and Laminated Back Iron Secondary for Metro”, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 64, no.6, pp. 4382 – 4390, May 2017 (SCI,1區,IF=7.168)
[2] Gang Lv(#)(*), Tong Zhou, Dihui Zeng; Zhiming Liu, “Design of Ladder-Slit Secondaries and Performance Improvement of Linear Induction Motors for Urban Rail Transit”, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol: 65, Issue: 02, pp.1187 - 1195, July, 2017 (SCI,1區,IF=7.168)
[3] Gang Lv(#)(*), Dihui Zeng, Tong Zhou, “An Advanced Equivalent Circuit Model for Linear Induction Motors”, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol: 65, Issue: 09, pp. 7495 - 7503, Sept. 2018 (SCI,1區,IF=7.168)
[4] Gang Lv(#)(*), Dihui Zeng, Tong Zhou, “Influence of the Ladder-Slit Secondary on Reducing the Edge Effect and Transverse Forces in the Linear Induction Motor”, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol: 65, Issue: 09, pp. 7516 - 7525, Sept. 2018 (SCI,1區,IF=7.168)
[5] Gang Lv(#)(*), Tong Zhou, Dihui Zeng; Zhiming Liu, “Influence of Secondary Constructions on Transverse forces of Linear Induction Motors in Curve Rails for Urban Rail Transit”, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Early Access., 2018 (SCI,1區,IF=7.168)
[6] Gang Lv(#)(*), Zhiming Liu, Shouguang Sun, “Analysis of Torques in Single-Side Linear Induction Motor With Transverse Asymmetry for Linear Metro”, IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, vol.31, no.1, pp.165-173, Sep.2015 (SCI,2區,IF=3.808)
[7] Gang Lv(#)(*), Dihui Zeng, Tong Zhou, “Analysis of Secondary Losses and Efficiency in Linear Induction Motors with Composite Secondary Based on Space Harmonic Method,” IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, vol. 32, no.04, pp. 1583 - 1591, 2017. (SCI,2區,IF=3.808)
[8] Gang Lv(#)(*), Dihui Zeng, Tong Zhou, “Equivalent Circuits for Single-Sided Linear Induction Motors with Asymmetric Cap-Secondary for Linear Transit” IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, Early Access. (SCI,2區,IF=3.808)
[9] Gang Lv(#)(*), Dihui Zeng, Tong Zhou, “Influences on Performance in 3-D Analysis of Linear Induction Motors with Different Transverse M.M.F Models in Winding End-Regions,” IET Electric Power Applications, vol. 11, no.08, pp. 1424 - 1431, 2017. (SCI,3區,IF=1.865)
[10] Gang Lv(#)(*), Zhiming Liu, Shouguang Sun, “Electromagnetism calculation of single-sided linear induction motor with transverse asymmetry using finite-element method”, IET Electric Power Applications, vol.10, no.1, pp. 63-73, Jan. 2016 (SCI,3區,IF=1.865)
[11] Gang Lv(#)(*), Zhiming Liu, Shouguang Sun, “Analysis of forces in single-side linear induction motor with lateral displacement for linear metro”, IET Electric Power Applications, vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 1-8, Jan. 2016 (SCI,3區,IF=1.865)
[12] Gang Lv(#)(*), Shaoqiang Yan, Dihui Zeng, Tong Zhou, Zhiming Liu, “Influence of Parameters of Cap-lamination Secondaries on Performances in Single-sided Linear Induction Motors”, IET Electric Power Applications, Early Access. 2018 (SCI,3區,IF=1.865)
[13] Gang Lv(#)(*), Dihui Zeng, Tong Zhou, “A Novel M.M.F Distribution Model for 3-D Analysis of Linear Induction Motor with Asymmetric Cap-Secondary for Metro,” IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, vol. 53, no.9, ASN: 8107907, 2017. (SCI,3區, IF=1.243)
[14] Gang Lv(#)(*), Dihui Zeng, Tong Zhou, Zhiming Liu, “An Equivalent Circuit of the Single-Sided Linear Induction Motor Considering the Discontinuous Secondary”, IET Electric Power Applications, vol. 31, no. 3, pp. ,393-398, March. 2017 (SCI,3區,IF=1.865)
[15] Gang Lv(#)(*), Dihui Zeng, Tong Zhou, Zhiming Liu, “Influence of the V-type Secondary on the Air-gap Magnetic Field and Performance of the Linear Induction Motor”, IET Electric Power Applications, accepted. 2018 (SCI,3區,IF=1.865)
[16] Gang Lv(#)(*), Dihui Zeng, Tong Zhou, “Investigation of Rise Time and Overshoot in Pulse Transformer with Different Topologies for Electromagnetic Trigger of SCRs,” Journal of Power Electronics, accepted, 2018. (SCI,4區, IF=1.047)
[17] Li D, Wen Y, Li W, Fang J, Cao J, Zhang X, Lv G, “Numerical calculation of primary slot leakage inductance of a Single-sided HTS linear induction motor used for linear metro”, Cryogenics, vol. 82, no. 3, pp., 38-47 (SCI,4區,IF=1.465)
[18] 呂剛(#)(*),曾迪暉,周桐;初級橫向偏移時直線感應電機磁場與推力的有限元分析,電機與控制學報,vol. 20, no. 4, pp. 64-68, Sep. 2016 (EI)
[19] 呂剛(#)(*),劉素闊,周桐;直線感應電機的次級阻抗角計算及對渦流損耗的影響,北京交通大學學報:自然科學版,no. 5, pp. 76-80, Oct. 2016 (EI)
[20] 呂剛(#)(*), 劉素闊; 基於遺傳算法的直線感應電機帽型次級的最佳化設計研究. 北京交通大學學報:自然科學版,(2018年04月見刊)(EI)
[21] 呂剛(#)(*),邢程程,周桐;靜止狀態下直線感應電機的參數辯識方法,北京交通大學學報:自然科學版,vol.05,pp:120-125,2017 (EI)
[22] 呂剛(#)(*),張賢,周桐;不同槽配合下兩類格柵型次級直線感應電機電磁特性研究,電機與控制學報,錄用 (EI)
2.2 前期發表的論文(2015年之前)
[1]呂剛*,范瑜,李國國,劉志明;基於解耦策略的直線感應牽引電機法向力自適應最優控制;中國電機工程學報,29(9),73-79,2009. (EI收錄)
[2]呂剛*,范瑜,動態驅動神經網路辨識永磁直線同步電動機模型;控制理論與套用;124(01),99-103,2007. (EI收錄)
[3]呂剛*,范瑜,多模自適應模糊控制器及其在精密伺服系統中的套用;控制理論與套用;22(1),47-52,2005 (EI收錄)
[4]呂剛*,范瑜,馬雲雙,孫守光;直線感應電機推力和法向力的解析計算與分析;電機與控制學報,14(3),77-82,2010. (EI收錄)
[5]呂剛*,孫守光,馬雲雙;城軌交通中直線感應牽引電機的效率最優控制;電機與控制學報,13(4),490-495,2009 (EI收錄)
[6]呂剛*,范瑜,孫守光,馬雲雙;軌道交通中的直線感應牽引電機特性分析;北京交通大學學報,33(5),55-59,2009. (EI收錄)
[7]呂剛*,范瑜,李國國,劉志明;永磁直線電機運輸系統中的模糊增益神經控制策略;北京交通大學學報(自然科學版),32(5),81-84,2008. (EI收錄)
[8]呂剛*,范瑜,基於Hession矩陣最佳化的NDEKF神經網路辨識永磁直線同步電動機;交通運輸系統工程與信息. 6(6),23-27,2006
[10]Qin Wei, Fan Yu, Fang Jin, Lv Gang*; Characteristic and Magnetic Field Analysis of a HTS Axial-Flux Coreless Induction Maglev Motor, Journal of Applied Physics.3,2012 (SCI收錄)
[11]Lv Gang*, Fan, Yu, LIU Zhiming ;Modeling of Permanent-Magnet Linear Synchronous Motor using Hybrid Nonlinear Autoregressive Neural Network 9th International Conference on Signal Processing, 1685-1689, 2008. (EI 收錄)
[12]Lv Gang*, FAN Yu, LI Qiang ;The Analytical Calculation of the Thrust and Normal Force and Force Analyses for Linear Induction Motor 9th International Conference on Signal Processing, 2795-2799, 2008. (EI收錄)
[13]Lv Gang*. FAN Yu. A Hybrid Nonlinear Autoregressive Neural Network for Permanent Magnet Linear Synchronous Motor Identification, 1349-1355,ICEMS2005 (EI收錄)
[14]Qin Wei, Fan Yu, Fang Jin, Li Guoguo, Lv Gang*; Characteristic and Magnetic Field Analysis of a HTS Axial-Flux Coreless Induction Maglev Motor 56th Annual Conference on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 9 2011.(SCI收錄)
[16]Zhu Xi, Fan Yu, Li Shuo, Qin Wei, Lv Gang*, State Equations and Lift Force Control of Rotating Field Electrodynamic Levitation Device, Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society,2011,26(12):1-6. (EI收錄)
[17]朱熙,范瑜,秦偉,李碩,呂剛*, 旋轉磁場電動式磁懸浮裝置的力和損耗特性分析,中國電機工程學報.2012,35(12):90-96. (EI收錄)
[18]秦偉,范瑜,李碩,呂剛*.電磁電動式磁懸浮裝置的磁場分析和力特性研究,電機控制學報.2012,16(1):67-71. (EI收錄)
[19]朱熙,范瑜,裴維娜,呂剛*.鋁轉子單邊盤式感應電機的新型等效電路.北京交通大學學報,2011,35(2):118-122. (EI收錄)
[20]Qin Wei, Fan Yu, Zhu Xi, Lv Gang* Analysis of Permanent-Magnet Electro-dynamic Maglev Device .Electric Machines and Control, 2011, 15(7):77-81.
[21]Qin Wei, Fan Yu, Lv Gang*. Characteristic and magnetic field analysis non-magnetic secondary induction Maglev motor .Electric Machines and Control, 2011, 15(8):1-6.
[22]朱熙,范瑜,李碩,呂剛*.旋轉磁場電動式磁懸浮裝置的狀態方程與懸浮力控制.電工技術學報. 2011,26(12):1-6. (EI收錄)
[23]Li Shuo Fan Yu Zhu Xi Qin Wei Li Huawei Liu Yajing Lü Gang*, Characteristics of an Axial Flux Induction Maglev Motor and Experiment, Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society, 2012.9(27):204-209. (EI收錄)
[24]朱熙*,范瑜,呂剛,秦偉,張曉東.單邊盤式感應電機的數學模型與轉矩分析.中國電機工程學報,2010,30(24):69-74. (EI收錄)
[25]秦偉*,范瑜,朱熙,呂剛,李碩,張曉東.永磁電動式磁懸浮裝置的研究,電機與控制學報,2011,15(7):77-81. (EI收錄)
[26]秦偉,范瑜,呂剛,朱熙,李碩.非磁性次級感應懸浮電機磁場和力特性研究. 電機與控制學報,2011,15(8):1-6. (EI收錄)
[27]秦偉*,范瑜,馬育華,呂剛,李碩,朱熙,劉國瑞,盤式永磁Halbach懸浮裝置的磁場和力特性分析,電機與控制學報.2012.16(6):57-62. (EI收錄)
[28]秦偉,范瑜,方進,李國國,呂剛*.高溫超導軸向磁通感應懸浮電機的磁場和特性分析. 電工技術學報.2012,26(26):2-6. (EI收錄)
[29]李碩*,范瑜,朱熙,秦偉,呂剛,劉亞靜. 軸向磁通懸浮感應電機的特性研究與實驗,電工技術學.2012.9(27):204-209. (EI收錄)
[30]Pei Weina*, Fan Yu, Zhu Xi, Li Shuo, Lv Gang. Modeling and Simulation on SPVWM Vector Control System of Disc Induction Motor .Micromotors, 2011, 44(5):41-45.
[31]Zhu Xi, Fan Yu Qin Wei, Li Shuo, Lv Gang*, Force and Loss Characteristic Analysis of Rotating Field Electrodynamic Levitation Devices, Proceedings of the CSEE, 2012, 35(12):90-96.
[32]Li shuo, Fan Yu, Zhu Xi, Qin Wei, Lv Gang*. New Structure of Axial flux Induction Motor and Characterization Analysis. ICEMS2011, Beijing, 2011. (EI收錄)
[33]Zhu Xi, Fan Yu, Pei Weina, Qin Wei, Lv Gang*.. Modeling and state equations of an aluminum rotor single side axial field induction motor.ICEMS2010, Korea,2010
[34]Liu Biao, Wang Lide, Shen Ping, Lv Gang*. NDEKF Neural Network Applied to Electronically Controlled Fuel Injection System. Proceedings of the Second Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications . 351-354, 2007(EI收錄)
[35]Guili Lv,Yu, Fan, Gang Lv*. EMI Measurement Design for Linear Traction Motor and Experimental Results Analyses; 1762-1766, ICEMI 2007.(EI收錄)
[36]Qin Wei, Fan Yu, Zhu Xi, Li Shuo,Gang Lv*. Analysis on Electromagnetic Field of an Axial-Flux Solid Aluminum Rotor Induction Motor. ICEMS2011, Beijing, 2011.
[37]Qin Wei, Fan Yu, Fang Jin, Li Guoguo, Lv Gang*. Characteristic and Magnetic Field Analysis of a HTS Axial-Flux Coreless Induction Maglev Motor. 56th Annual Conference on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, USA, 2011.
[38]Li Shuo*, Fan Yu, Fang Jin, Qin Wei, Lv Gang, Zhu Xi, Liu Yajing. Structural Parameters and Characteristic Analysis of a HTS Axial-Flux Induction Maglev Motor.56th IEEE International Magnetic Conference (INTERMAG 2012), Canada, 2012.
[39]Qin Wei*, Fan Yu, Li Shuo, Lv Gang, Zhu Xi. Characteristic and magnetic field analysis of electro-magnetic electro-dynamic levitation device . Electric Machines and Control.2012, 16(1):67-71.
[40]朱熙*,范瑜,李碩,呂剛. 旋轉磁場電動式磁懸浮裝置的狀態方程與懸浮力控制.第四屆電工技術前沿問題學術論壇,2010:54.
[1] 國家重大科技成果轉化項目:典型負載電機匹配以及效率最佳化技術,2012-1~2014-12。
[2] 國家自然科學基金(No:51777009):次級斷續與初級橫向偏移時直線感應牽引電機的電磁特性與防衝擊控制,2018-1~2021.12。
[3] 國家自然科學基金(No:51377009):基於空間高次諧波電磁模型的直線感應牽引電機參數靜止自整定方法與三維力解耦逆控制,2014-1~2017-12。(結題優秀)
[4] 國家自然科學基金(No:50807004):城市軌道交通中直線感應電機的非參數建模與反步最優控制研究,2009-1~2011-12。(結題優秀)
[5] 國家博士點基金:直線感應牽引電機的建模與最優控制研究(No:200800041040),2009-1~2011-12。
[6] 航天科工集團:高速電磁推進與磁懸浮試驗平台設計與性能研究. 2018-1~2018-12
[7] 中車集團:超導直線電機技術在磁浮交通中的套用研究. 2018-7~2019-12。
[8] 中車集團:香港市區線車輛客室隔磁禁止技術與測試. 2016-1~2018-12。
[9] 中車集團:廣深港動車組等效干擾電流的建模和驗證. 2012-5~2012-12。
[10] 中車集團:直線感應牽引電機諧波推力仿真及其對車輛振動的影響研究. 2012-5~2013-12。
[11] 中車集團:直線感應電機性能提升及運行控制方式最佳化研究. 2012-5~2013-2。
[12] 中車集團:不同主電路模式的牽引傳動系統集成及參數匹配研究.2013-1~2014-12。
[13] 北京交通大學重點教學改革和建設項目:城市軌道交通車輛概論網路課程教材編制與教學設計,2010-9~2012-9。
[14] 中央高校基本科研業務費:高速列車牽引傳動系統的Beatless控制與牽引繞組對變流器的影響,2010-1~2012-12 。
[15] 中央高校基本科研業務費:直線感應牽引電機參數辨識與三維解耦控制.2013-1~2014-12。
[16] 北京交通大學科技基金:軌道交通中的直線電機及電傳動系統研究,2007-12~2009-12。
[1] 廣東省科技委員會:廣州市軌道交通四號線工程直線電機運載系統---直線電機及電傳動系統研究,2009-2010。
[2] 鐵道部科技司:客運專線鐵路屏障動力分析與結構設計,2008-2009。
[3] 北京交大創新科技中心 :動車組引進技術消化吸收再創新-車體,轉向架強度重點項目,2008-2009。
[4] 北京交大創新科技中心:主泵噪聲抑制技術服務, 2008-2009。
[5] 北京交大創新科技中心:有軌電車轉向架構架、車軸強度及整車動力學計算, 2007-2008。
[6] 北京交大創新科技中心: 6K型電力機車機車牽引座補強改造, 2009-2010。
[7] 北京交大創新科技中心: CRH2型時速300公里動車組第二階段轉向架軸箱彈簧, 2008-2010。
[8] 上海鐵路局:上海鐵路局動車組理論知識培訓, 2009-2010。
2、呂剛 副主編《機車電傳動與控制》,中國鐵道出版社,2011
3、呂剛 主編《現代城市軌道交通車輛》,中國鐵道出版社,預計2018。
4、呂剛 主編《Modern Vehicles for the Urban Rail Transit 》,CRC Press,預計2018年底該書將在國外發行。