


  • 中文名:吳祥
  • 畢業院校:中山大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 專業方向:認知神經科學
  • 任職院校:中山大學




2015 -- 至今,中山大學,心理學系,教授,博導
2012 -- 2015,中山大學,心理學系,副教授,博導
2007 -- 2011,美國明尼蘇達大學,神經病學系,博士後
2001 -- 2007,中國科學技術大學,神經生物和生物物理系,博士學位
1996 -- 2001,安徽醫科大學,臨床醫學系,本科學位



Gu L#, Huang Y#, Wu X* (2019) Advantage of audition over vision in a perceptual timing task but not in a sensorimotor timing task. Psychological Research:1-11.
Yang J#, Ouyang F#, Holm L*, Huang Y, Gan L, Zhou L, Chao H, Wang M, He M, Zhang S, Yang B, Pan J, Wu X* (2019) A mechanism of timing variability underlying the association between the mean and SD of asynchrony. Human Movement Science, 67: 102500.
Wang Y#, Fan L#, Zhu Y, Yang J, Wang C, Gu L, Zhong S, Huang Y, Xie X, Zhou H, Luo S*, Wu X (2019) Neurogenetic Mechanisms of Self-Compassionate Mindfulness: the Role of Oxytocin-Receptor Genes. Mindfulness, 10: 1792–1802.
Mu Y#, Huang Y#, Ji C, Gu L, Wu X* (2018) Auditory over visual advantage of sensorimotor synchronization in 6- to 7-year-old children but not in 12- to 15-year-old children and adults. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 44:818-826.
Yang J#, Ouyang F#, Holm L*, Huang Y, Gan L, Zhou L, Chao H, Wang M, He M, Zhang S, Yang B, Pan J, Wu X* (2018) Tapping ahead of time: its association with timing variability. Psychological Research:1–9.
Huang Y#, Gu L#, Yang J, Zhong S, Wu X* (2018) Relative contributions of the speed characteristic and other possible ecological factors in synchronization to a visual beat consisting of periodically moving stimuli. Frontiers in Psychology 9.
Nestrasil I, Svatkova A*, Rudser KD, Chityala R, Wakumoto A, Mueller BA, Bednařík P, Tuite P, Wu X, Bushara K (2018) White matter measures correlate with essential tremor severity—A pilot diffusion tensor imaging study. Brain and Behavior 0:e01039.
Luo S#*, Zhong S#, Zhu Y, Wang C, Yang J, Gu L, Huang Y, Xie X, Zheng S, Zhou H, Wu X* (2018) Brain Structural and Functional Substrates of Personal Distress in Empathy. Frontiers in Behavior Neuroscience 12:99.
Pan J#, Zhan L#, Hu C#, Yang J, Wang C, Gu L, Zhong S, Huang Y, Wu Q, Xie X, Chen Q, Zhou H, Huang M*, Wu X* (2018) Emotion regulation and complex brain networks: Association between expressive suppression and efficiency in the fronto-parietal network and default-mode network. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 12:70.
Li L#, Luo S#, Ma J#, Lin Y, Fan L, Zhong S, Yang J, Huang Y, Gu L, Fan L, Dai Z*, Wu X (2018) Functional Connectivity Pattern Underlies Individual Differences in Independent Self-Construal. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 13:269-280.
Huang Y#, Gu L#, Yang J#, Wu X* (2017) Bouncing Ball with a Uniformly Varying Velocity in a Metronome Synchronization Task. Journal of Visualized Experiments 127:e562025.
Ye P, Wu X*, Gao D, Liang H, Wang J, Deng S, Xu N, She J, Chen J* (2017) Comparison of DP3 Signals Evoked by Comfortable 3D Images and 2D Images — an Event-Related Potential Study using an Oddball Task. Scientific Reports 7:43110.
Yang J, Yue Z, Wu X* (2015) Independence of the completion effect from the noncompletion effect in illusory contour perception. Journal of Vision 15:1–10.
Gan L#, Huang Y#, Zhou L#, Qian C, Wu X* (2015) Synchronization to a bouncing ball with a realistic motion trajectory. Scientific Reports 5:11974.
Wu X*, Zhou L, Qian C, Gan L, Zhang D (2015) Attentional modulations of the early and later stages of the neural processing of visual completion. Scientific Reports 5:8346.
Wu X*, Westanmo A, Zhou L, Pan J (2013) Serial binary interval ratios improve rhythm reproduction. Frontiers in Psychology 4:512.
Westanmo A*, Wu X, Carmichael JM, Dennis SJ (2012) Improvement of competence after preparation for board certification examination. Am J Health Syst Pharm 69:186–190.
Wu X*, He S, Bushara K, Zeng F, Liu Y, Zhang D* (2012) Dissociable neural correlates of contour completion and contour representation in illusory contour perception. Human Brain Mapping 33:2407–2414.
Wu X, Ashe J, Bushara KO* (2011) Role of olivocerebellar system in timing without awareness. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 108:13818–13822.
Wu X, Nestrasil I, Ashe J, Tuite P, Bushara KO* (2010) Inferior olive response to passive tactile and visual stimulation with variable interstimulus intervals. The Cerebellum 9:598–602.
Wu X, Zhang D* (2009) Early induced beta/gamma activity during illusory contour perception. Neuroscience Letters 462:244–247.
Wu X*, Chen X, Li Z, Han S, Zhang D* (2007) Binding of verbal and spatial information in human working memory involves large-scale neural synchronization at theta frequency. Neuroimage 35:1654–1662.


基於beat時間信息加工的非聽覺特異性認知神經機制研究 國家自然科學基金面上項目 31971033 ¥58萬 2020/1/1-2023/12/30項目負責人
虛擬現實與心理生理健康的關聯及風險因子研究 廣東省重點領域研發計畫項目 虛擬現實視覺健康的關鍵評價技術及標準(子課題) 2019B010152001 ¥100萬 2020/1/1-2022/12/30項目負責人
拍子知覺和同步非通道特異性腦機制--結構與靜息態功能磁共振成像研究 中山大學青年教師重點培育項目 26000-31620003 ¥15萬 2017/1/1-2018/12/30項目負責人
錯覺輪廓知覺神經機制的研究 國家自然科學基金面上項目 31371129 ¥75萬 2014/1/1-2017/12/30項目負責人
節奏事件發生時間知覺的研究 廣東省哲學社會科學規劃項目 GD12YXL02 ¥3萬 2013/1/1-2014/12/30 項目負責人
視覺意識及意識狀態的腦機制研究 中山大學百人計畫項目26000-1188132 ¥85萬 2012/1/1-2014/12/30 項目負責人


意識及其神經基礎 (本科課程,每年秋季學期)
生物心理學 (本科課程,每年秋季學期)
神經影像方法 (碩士和博士課程,每兩年秋季學期)


