北京大學地球與空間科學學院獲攝影測量與遙感博士學位。加入中山大學大氣科學學院前,為美國宇航局(NASA)-馬里蘭大學地球交叉科學研究中心Assistant Research Scientist和PI。主要研究興趣和研究貢獻為陸面和水文過程模擬及參數化,水文氣象災害模擬、監測和預報,陸地水文及生態系統對氣候變化的回響。自主研發的水文模型(DRIVE model)、河流溫度模型(DRTT model)、水文網路自動上尺度化算法(DRT),及基於衛星降雨和數值模型的全球洪水實時監測與預報系統(GFMS)在國際上均有相當知名度。已發表學術論文30多篇,被引數百次。有多篇論文發表在水文水資源領域國際頂級期刊
Water Resources Research(WRR)上,並獲獎。多項第一作者科研工作被
NASA Science, Science雜誌、美國氣象學會會刊BAMS、美國地球物理學會會刊EOS等報導。主持研發的GFMS (flood.umd.edu)為國際主流洪水監測預報系統,得到NASA總部、NOAA、聯合國WFP, 國際紅十字會、美國國防部,FEMA及眾多國際同行好評。作為首席科學家(PI)和Co-PI成功主持和參與過多項NASA、NOAA及DOE科研項目。多次主持國際會議(如美國地球物理學會年會AGU、全球洪水國際工作組年會GFP、聯合國UN-SPIDER減災年會等),為數十個主流雜誌及NASA、NSF科研計畫項目評審專家。多次受邀學術報告,包括受聯合國UN SPIDER、世界銀行總部(華盛頓)邀請給1小時主題報告等。擔任
Advances in Meteorology客座主編。自2013年,選為美華海洋大氣科學協會總部(華盛頓)理事。2014年選為美國地球物理學會(AGU)全球環境變化組委會委員、2015年選為NASA全球降雨計畫科學委員會。2016年受邀進入NASA SERVIR計畫項目評估專家組。
2012-2016:助理研究科學家(Assistant Research Scientist), 美國宇航局-馬里蘭大學地球交叉科學聯合研究中心;
2015-2015:項目科學家(Project Scientist I),美國國家大氣研究中心(NCAR);
2010-2012:研究助理(Research Associate), 美國宇航局-馬里蘭大學地球交叉科學聯合研究中心;
2009-2009:訪問科學家(Visiting Scientist), 美國華盛頓大學城市與環境工程學系(美國工程院院士Dennis P. Lettenmaier邀請協助UW河流溫度模型研發);
2016年受邀為美國宇航局NASA SERVIR計畫技術評估專家組
2015年美國地球物理學會(AGU) Water Resources Research (WRR) Editors’ Choice Award (最佳論文獎,<1%);
NASA-馬里蘭大學地球交叉科學聯合研究中心(ESSIC)2014年度最佳論文Best Research Faculty Paper Award;
NASA-馬里蘭大學地球交叉科學聯合研究中心(ESSIC)Feature story;
全球洪水監測與預報系統(GFMS)獲NASA Science高亮報導,影響廣泛;
聯合國外層空間事務廳(UNOOSA)特邀專家及資助(2014, 2016)
NASA-馬里蘭大學地球交叉科學聯合研究中心Research Faculty Merit 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016;
特邀項目評審專家:美國自然基金委水文科學US National Science Foundation (Hydrologic Sciences Program);美國宇航局NASA Precipitation Measurement Mission (PMM)
受邀客座雜誌主編(Advances in Meteorology),2015
基於DRTT模型結果的合作作者文章選為雜誌封面(Whited et al.,2012, Fisheries);
第一作者文章被選為AGU EOS “Research Spotlight” (Wu et al., 2014, WRR);
第一作者文章工作被Science 報導,Science, November 18, 2011, Vol 334, p890, Science Wu et al., 2012, WRR);
媒體採訪與報導(The Diamondback,ESSIC feature story,AMS/BAMS等)
歐洲空間局European Space Agency (ESA)資助雷達洪水識別培訓Travel Grant, 2002
Title: Improved Global Flood Monitoring and Forecasting with GPM precipitation and Hydrological Models, Sponsoring agency: NASA PMM, Inclusive dates: 01/01/2016-12/31/2018; Role: PI
Title: Global Variations of Extreme Precipitation, Floods and Landslides, Sponsoring agency: NASA Energy and Water Cycle Study, Award Number: NNH13ZDA001N-NEWS, Inclusive dates: 01/01/2014-31/12/2016; Role: Co-I
Title: Real-time Global Flood Analyses and Forecasts Using Satellite Rainfall and Hydrological Models; Sponsoring agency: NASA (Earth Science Applications: Disasters), NNH11ZDA001N-DISASTER; Inclusive dates: 2012-2013 (extended to May 31, 2015); Role: Co-PI
Title: A Global River Network Database for Macroscale Hydrologic Modeling; Sponsoring agency: DOE (DOE Earth System Modeling Program); Inclusive dates: 2011-2012; Role: PI
Title: Flood Modelingfor Rivers of Southwest China, Sponsoring agency: Open Fund of State Key Laboratory of Hydraulics and Mountain River Engineering (SKHL), Sichuan University, Inclusive dates: 06/01/2014 – 05/31/2016; Role: PI.
Global Flood Working Group (2012-present);2016年年會(義大利,Ispra)洪水信息集成break up session主持;
Global Flood Partnership (2014-present)
NASA降雨測量計畫 (PMM)水文工作組(2013-present)
Water Resources Research; Journal of Hydrology; Journal of Geophysical Research; Hydrological Sciences Journal; Environmental Research Letters; Journal of Hydrometeorology; International Journal of Climate; Journal of Climate; International Journal of Remote Sensing; Hydrology and Earth System Sciences; Environmental Modeling& Software; PLOS ONE; Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics; MDPI-Water; MDPI-Remote Sensing; Advances in Water Resources; AGU Books; IEEE J-STARS, Nature Geoscience, Nature Scientific Reports等
US National Science Foundation (Hydrologic Sciences Program)
NASA Precipitation Measurement Mission Science Team
Special Issue on "Hydrometeorological Hazards: Monitoring, Forecasting, Risk Assessment, and Socioeconomic Responses" for Advances in Meteorology, with Maoyi Huang (DOE/PNNL, USA), Qiuhong Tang (CAS, China), Dalia B. Kirschbaum (NASA/GSFC, USA), Philip Ward (VU University, Netherlands).
AGU session主召集人 (Wu H., Dennis P. Lettenmaier, P. J. Ward and Donglian Sun), Global Floods: Forecasting, Monitoring, Risk Assessment, and Socioeconomic Response, AGU 2016 FALL Meeting Sessions H047, San F., California, USA (on-going);
主召集人(Wu H.,Qiuhong Tang,Yang Hong),Precipitation and Hydrology Session, The 7th International Conference on Atmosphere, Ocean, and Climate Change, July 27-30, 2016, Beijing China;
AGU session主召集人 (Wu H., T. Troy, G. R. Brakenridge, P. J. Ward), Global Floods: Forecasting, Monitoring, Risk Assessment, and Socioeconomic Response, AGU 2014 FALL Meeting Sessions H33M, H34C and H41C: Hydrology and Remote Sensing, San F., California, USA (including two oral and one poster sessions).
Session 主持, Land and hydrology, 3rd Annual NOAA CICS-MD Science Meeting, Satellite Observations for Earth System Monitoring and Prediction, November 12-13, 2014, College Park, MD.
主持 (with Chung-Chu Teng, Jin Huang et al.) the Chinese-American Oceanic and Atmospheric Association (COAA) 2014 Spring Workshop, May 3, 2014, College Park, MD.
AGU session主召集人(Wu H., T. Troy, G. R. Brakenridge, P. J. Ward), Global Floods: Satellite Observation, Modeling and Socioeconomic Response, AGU 2013 FALL Meeting Session H029: Hydrology and Remote Sensing, San F., California, USA (including one oral and one poster sessions).
AGU session共同召集人(Voisin N., H. Gao, H. Wu and Q. Tang), Advances in Reservoir Modeling and Monitoring from Regional to Global Scales, AGU 2013 Fall Meeting Session GC012: Global Environmental Change (GEC), San F., California, USA (including one oral and one poster sessions).
共同主持 (Li J., X. Chen and H. Wu), Application and Progress of Digital Watershed, Digital China Development Forum 2005 (DCDF2005) Session of Digital River Basin, Shenzheng, China.
Huan Wu, Robert F. Adler, Yudong Tian, George J. Huffman, 2016, Evaluation of Quantitative Precipitation Estimations (QPE) and Hydrological Modeling at IFloodS Focal Basins, Journal of Hydrometeorology, in review.
Wu H., M. Huang, Q. Tang, D. B. Kirschbaum and Philip Ward (2016), Hydrometeorological Hazards: Monitoring, Forecasting, Risk Assessment and Socioeconomic Responses, Advances in Meteorology, in press
Kirschbaum D.B., G. Huffman, G.Skofronick-Jackson, S. Braun, E. Stocker, K. Garrett, E. Jones, R.Adler, H. Wu, A. McNally, and B. Zaitchik (2016), NASA’s Remotely-sensed Precipitation: A Reservoir for Applications Users, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society (BAMS), in press.
Wu, H., R. F. Adler, Y. Tian, G. J. Huffman, H. Li, and J. Wang (2014), Real-time global flood estimation using satellite-based precipitation and a coupled land surface and routing model, Water Resour. Res., 50, 2693–2717, doi:10.1002/2013WR014710.[論文獲AGU “2015 Editor Choice Award”,ESSIC年度最佳faculty論文獎、AGU EOS “Research Spotlight”高亮報導、WRR highlighted,工作被NASA Science高亮報導]
Tian, Y., G. J. Huffman, R. F. Adler, L. Tang, M. Sapiano, V. Maggioni, and H. Wu (2013), Modeling errors in daily precipitation measurements: Additive or multiplicative?, Geophys. Res. Lett., 40, 2060–2065, doi:10.1002/grl.50320.
Li, H., M. S. Wigmosta, Wu, H., M. Huang, Y. Ke, and A. M. Coleman, and L. R. Leung (2013), A physically based runoff routing model for land surface and earth system models, Journal of Hydrometeorology. Doi: 10.1175/JHM-D-12-015.1, in press.[論文工作被美國能源部DOE PULSE選為亮點報導]
Wu, H., J. S.Kimball, M. M.Elsner, N.Mantua, R. F.Adler, and J.Stanford (2012), Projected climate change impacts on the hydrology and temperature of Pacific Northwest rivers, Water Resour. Res., 48, W11530, doi: 10.1029/2012WR012082.[論文工作被Science雜誌選為亮點報導]
Wu H., R. F. Adler, Y. Hong, Y. Tian, and F. Policelli (2012), Evaluation of Global Flood Detection Using Satellite-Based Rainfall and a Hydrologic Model, J. Hydrometeor., 13, 1268–1284, [論文工作被AMS BAMS選為亮點報導]
Wu H., J. S. Kimball, H. Li, M. Huang, L. R. Leung, R. F. Adler (2012), A new global river network database for macroscale hydrologic modeling, Water Resour. Res., 48, W09701, doi:10.1029/2012WR012313.[DRT為國際上常用全球Hydrography數據集]
Wu, H., J. S. Kimball, N. Mantua, and J. Stanford (2011), Automated upscaling of river networks for macroscale hydrological modeling, Water Resour. Res., 47, W03517, doi: 10.1029/2009WR008871.[DRT為國際上常用全球Hydrography數據集]
Wu H., Y. Yi, X. Wang, X. Chen (2006), A River Bank Extracting Algorithm Based on Active Contour Model from High-resolution Satellite Images, Remote Sensing Technology and Application, No.4: 35-43.