中國腐蝕與防護學會青年工作委員會副秘書長、中國腐蝕與防護學會耐蝕金屬材料專業委員會及遼寧省腐蝕與防護學會耐蝕金屬材料專業委員會副主任委員;《The Open Corrosion Journal》、《Global Journal of Physical Chemistry》、《
1989年9月 - 1993.6月:
1993.9月 - 1996.2月:
1996.3月 - 1999.6月:中國科學院金屬研究所
1999.6月 - 2001.1月:中國科學院金屬腐蝕與防護研究所環境腐蝕中心,博士後,助研;
2001.2月 - 2002.2月:
2002.3月 - 2005.3月:日本國立材料科學研究所(NIMS)鋼鐵研究中心,特別研究員;
2005.4月 - 2008.8月:中國科學院金屬研究所材料環境腐蝕研究中心,副研究員;
2005.7月- 中國科學院金屬研究所“引進優秀學者”。
2008.9月 - 中國科學院金屬研究所材料環境腐蝕研究中心,研究員;
2011.4月 - 中國科學院金屬研究所材料環境腐蝕研究中心,博士生導師。
主要從事材料高溫高壓水腐蝕損傷行為、機理與評價技術研究,包括360oC/20 MPa以下的輕水堆核電站服役水環境和374oC/22.1 MPa以上的超臨水環境。主要以能源和環境安全為背景,研究現役二代壓水堆和三代大型先進
· 核電高溫高壓水和超臨界水模擬設備與實驗技術
· 核電運行水化學影響腐蝕損傷的機理與參數最佳化
· 核電材料高溫高壓水腐蝕疲勞及壽命設計模型
· 超臨界水腐蝕損傷及水熱合成
· 高溫高壓液相環境腐蝕失效分析與對策
· 新型耐蝕材料研發及腐蝕性能評價
作為負責人承擔了國家973項目子課題及專題、國家科技重大專項專題、重點基金專題、面上基金、中科院重大科研裝備研製項目、石化部項目、遼寧省基金、企業委託技術服務與技術開發等20餘項課題。近年來在核電高溫高壓水模擬設備與試驗技術、超臨界水模擬設備與試驗技術、高溫高壓水電化學原位測量與分析技術、高溫高壓水腐蝕損傷行為與機理、運行水化學參數的影響規律、電化學腐蝕熱力學與動力學、腐蝕損傷基礎數據與壽命評價模型、國產核電材料環境疲勞安全驗證及其環境疲勞壽命校正因子研究等方面做出了一些特色與創新的工作。研究工作受到國際原子能機構(IAEA)的關注,2008年和2012年兩次獲得IAEA的官方資助出席了核反應堆水化學國際會議(NPC 2008和NPC 2012),報導了在核電高溫高壓水環境損傷方面的研究進展(中國大陸唯一);2010年6月受韓國原子能院(KAERI)的邀請去該院講座和交流。同時也獲得國核心電設計、運行、監管和研究單位的認可,6項授權發明專利技術已在中核和中廣核企業套用,正在完成國產核電材料環境疲勞強度設計和監管安全裕度的試驗驗證與評價。已發表學術論文180餘篇,其中SCI收錄80餘篇,SCI引用600餘次;6篇論文獲全國耐蝕金屬材料學術會議優秀論文獎;1篇論文獲
(1) X. Liu, X. Q. Wu*, E. H. Han, Electrochemical and surface analytical investigation of the effects of Zn concentrations on characteristics of oxide films on 304 stainless steel in borated and lithiated high temperature water, Electrochimica Acta
(2) J. Xu, X. Q. Wu*, E.-H. Han, Acoustic emission response of sensitized 304 stainless steel during intergranular corrosion and stress corrosion cracking, Corrosion Science
(3) W. Kuang, X. Q. Wu*, E. H. Han, Influence of dissolved oxygen concentration on the oxide film formed on Alloy 690 in high temperature water, Corrosion Science
(4) X. Liu, E. H. Han*, X. Q. Wu, Effects of pH value on characteristics of oxide films on 316L stainless steel in Zn-injected borated and lithiated high temperature water, Corros. Sci
(5) X. Y. Zhong, E. H. Han*, X. Q. Wu*, Corrosion behavior of Alloy 690 in aerated supercritical water, Corros. Sci
(6) J. Xu, X. Q. Wu*, E. H. Han, The evolution of electrochemical behaviour and oxide film properties of 304 stainless steel in high temperature aqueous environment, Electrochimica Acta
(7) X. Liu, X. Q. Wu*, E. H. Han, Effect of Zn injection on established surface oxide films on 316L stainless steel in borated and lithiated high temperature water, Corrosion Science
(8) W. Kuang, X. Q. Wu*, E. H. Han, Influence of dissolved oxygen concentration on the oxide film formed on 304 stainless steel in high temperature water, Corrosion Science
(9) J. Xu, E. H. Han*, X. Q. Wu*, Acoustic emission response of 304 stainless steel during constant load test in high temperature aqueous environment, Corrosion Scienc
(10) H. Sun, X. Q. Wu*, E. H. Han, Y. Z. Wei, Effects of pH and dissolved oxygen on electrochemical behavior and oxide films of 304SS in borated and lithiated high temperature water, Corrosion Science
(11) W. Kuang, X. Q. Wu*, E. H. Han, J. C. Rao, The mechanism of oxide film formation on Alloy 690 in oxygenated high temperature water, Corrosion Science
(12) X. Liu, X. Q. Wu*, E. H. Han, Influence of Zn injection on characteristics of oxide film on 304 stainless steel in borated and lithiated high temperature water, Corrosion Science
(13) J. Huang, X. Liu, E. H. Han*, X. Q. Wu*, Influence of Zn on oxide films on Alloy 690 in borated and lithiated high temperature water, Corrosion Science
(14) W. Kuang, X. Q. Wu*, E. H. Han, Effect of alternately changing the dissolved Ni ion concentration on the oxidation of 304 stainless steel in oxygenated high temperature water, Corrosion Science
(15) J. Xu, X. Q. Wu*, E. H. Han, Acoustic emission during pitting corrosion of 304 stainless steel, Corrosion Science
(16) W. Kuang, X. Q. Wu*, E. H. Han, L. Ruan, Effect of nickel ion from autoclave material on oxidation behavior of 304 stainless steel in oxygenated high temperature water, Corrosion Science,
(17) J. Xu, X. Q. Wu*, E. H. Han, The acoustic emission during electrochemical corrosion of 304 stainless steel in H2SO4 solutions, Corrosion Science
(18) W. Kuang, X. Q. Wu*, E. H. Han, The oxidation behavior of 304 stainless steel in oxygenated high temperature water, Corrosion Science
(19) W. Kuang, E. H. Han*, X. Q. Wu, J. C. Rao, Microstructural characteristics of the oxide scale formed on 304 stainless steel in oxygenated high temperature water, Corrosion Science
(20) W. Kuang, E. H. Han*, X. Q. Wu, J. C. Rao, Microstructural characteristics of the oxide scale formed on 304 stainless steel in oxygenated high temperature water, Corros. Sci.
(21) J. Huang, X. Q. Wu*, E. H. Han, Electrochemical properties and growth mechanism of passive films on Alloy 690 in high-temperature alkaline environments, Corrosion Science
(22) M. C. Sun, X. Q. Wu*, E. H. Han, J. C. Rao, Microstructural characteristics of oxide scales grown on stainless steel exposed to supercritical water, Scripta Materialia
(23) J. Huang, X. Q. Wu*, E. H. Han, Influence of pH on electrochemical properties of passive films formed on Alloy 690 in high temperature aqueous environments, Corrosion Science
(24) H. Sun, X. Q. Wu*, E. H. Han, Effects of temperature on the oxide film properties of 304 stainless steel in high temperature lithium borate buffer solution, Corrosion Science
(25) H. Sun, X. Q. Wu*, E. H. Han, Effects of temperature on the protective property, structure and composition of the oxide film on Alloy 625, Corrosion Science
(26) M. C. Sun, X. Q. Wu*, Z. E. Zhang, E. H. Han, Oxidation of 316 stainless steel in supercritical water, Corrosion Science,
(27) Y. Fu, X. Q. Wu*, E. H. Han, W. Ke, K. Yang, Z. H. Jiang, Effects of nitrogen on the passivation of high nitrogen stainless steels in acidic chloride solutions, Electrochimica Acta
(28) Y. Fu, X. Q. Wu*, E. H. Han, W. Ke, K. Yang, Z. H. Jiang, Effects of cold work, sensitization treatment on the corrosion resistance of high nitrogen stainless steel in chloride solutions, Electrochimica Acta
(1) 一種帶高溫高壓循環水的腐蝕疲勞試驗裝置
(2) 一種帶聲發射測試的高溫高壓循環水恆載拉伸實驗裝置
(3) 實現高溫高壓水體系電化學測試的工作電極
(4) 一種高溫高壓水腐蝕疲勞實驗樣品夾具及使用方法
(5) 一種高溫高壓水溶液pH值的測量方法
(6) 實現高溫高壓水溶液體系電化學測試的工作電極及其製備
(7) 高溫高壓水循環控制系統及其控制方法
(8) 一種隔離大氣和通氣密閉容器的排氣裝置及其套用
(9) 高溫高壓水循環系統