- 中文名:吳成君
- 畢業院校:清華大學北京協和醫學院
- 學位/學歷:博士
- 專業方向:病原生物學
- 任職院校:大連理工大學
2005.9-2009.7 清華大學北京協和醫學院病原生物學博士
2001.9-2004.7 中國農科院生物工程碩士
1997.9-2001.7 河北農業大學生物技術學士
1993.9-1996.7 吳橋中學
2019.3至今 大連理工大學電信學部
2015.3-2019.2 瑞典隆德大學科研教學
2010.7-2015.2 瑞典烏普薩拉大學科研教學
2009.7-2010.6 中國科學院微生物所科研
2004.7-2005.8 北京禹光生物公司研發
1.ChengjunWu,Kersti Nilsson,YunjiZheng, CamillaEkenstierna,NatsukiSugiyama, OlaForslund, Naoko Kajitani,Haoran Yu, Johan Wennerberg, Lars Ekblad, Stefan Schwarts. Short half-life of HPV16 E6 and E7 mRNAs sensitizes HPV16-positive tonsillar cancer cellsto DNA-damaging drugs. International Journal of Cancer 2019,144(4):297-310 IF: 7.36
2. OlaForslund,NatsukiSugiyama, Chengjun Wu, Naveen Ravi,Yuesheng Jin, Sabine Swoboda, Fredrik Andersson, Davit Bzhalava, Emilie Hultin, KajsaPaulsson, JoakimDillner, Stefan Schwartz, Johan Wennerberg, Lars Ekblad A novel human in vitro papillomavirus type 16 positive tonsil cancer cell line with high sensitivity to radiation and cisplatin BMC Cancer 2019 Mar 25;19(1):265. IF: 3.28
3. Kersti Nilsson#,Chengjun Wu# 1, Kajitani N.,Glahder, J., Haoran Yu, Schwartz1, S.The DNA damage response can induce HPV16 late gene expression by inhibiting theHPV16 early polyadenylation signal and Activating HPV16 late splice sites Nuclear Acid Research 2018 Jun 1;46(10):5029-5049(並列一作和通訊作者)IF: 11.56
4. Haoran Yu, ChengjunWu*,Kersti Nilsson, Naoko Kajitani, Stefan Schwartz*Adenosine causes read-through into the late region of the HPV16 genome in a guanosine dependent manner Virology 2018 Jun 1;521:1-19. (共同通訊作者) IF: 3.37
5. ChengjunWu, Kajitani N., StefanSchwart Splicing and polyadenylation of human papillomavirus type 16 mRNAS. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 2017 Feb 9;18(2) IF: 3.68
6. ChengjunWu,XiaofangCao, Di Yu, Elisabeth J. M.Huijbers, Magnus Essand, GöranAkusjärvi, Staffan Johansson, CathrinaSvenssonHAdV-2 suppressed growth of SV40 T antigen transformed mouse mammary epithelial cell-induced tumours in SCID mice.
Virology. 2015 18;489:44 IF: 3.37
7.Chengjun Wu, LufengBai, Zhiqun Li, Charles E. Samuel, GöranAkusjärvi and Catharina Svensson Poor growth of human adenovirus-12 compared to adenovirus-2 correlates with a failure to impair PKR activation during the late phase of infection. Virology 2015 15;475:120-128. IF: 3.37
8. Li Guo*, ChengjunWu*,Hongli Zhou, Chao Wu, GlauciaParanhos-Bacala, Guy Vemet,
Qi Jin,Jianwei Wang, Tao Hung Identification of DNA-binding protein (DBP), a nonstructural protein, as animmunogen with diagnostic potential in human. Co-first authorPlosOne 2013 8:e56708 IF: 3.53
9. ChengjunWu, DanielÖberg, Asif Rashid, Rajesh Gupta, StaffanJohansson, Göran
Akusjärviand CatharinaSvensson A mouse mammary epithelial cell line permissive for highly efficient human adenovirus growth. Virology 2013 20:363-371 IF: 3.37
10. ChenjunWu,Xiaobo Lei, JianweiWang, Tao Hung Generation of areplication deficient recombinant human adenovirus type 35 vector using bacterial-mediated homologous recombination J. Virol. Methods 2012(177): 55-63. IF: 1.91