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吳小瑩:女 .學歷學位:博士 漢大學計算機學院副教授,碩士生導師


  • 中文名:吳小瑩
  • 民族:漢族
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 性別:女


吳小瑩:女 .學歷學位:博士漢大學計算機學院副教授,碩士生導龍阿說師


1、國家青年自然科學基金,61202035, 雲環境下的物化視譽備擔碑圖機制和高效查詢應答的方法與關鍵技術研究、在項騙嚷研、笑您凳主持。


1. Optimizing XML Queries: Bitmapped Materialized Views vs. Indexes. Xiaoying Wu, Dimitri Theodoratos, Hui (Wendy) Wang, Timos Sellis. Information Systems (2013),.2013.02.003.
2. A Survey on XML Streaming Evaluation Techniques. Xiaoying Wu, Dimitri Theodoratos. International Journal on Very Large Databases (VLDBJ), Volume 22, Issue 2 (2013), Springer, page 177-202.
3. Processing and Evaluating Partial Tree Queries on XML data. Xiaoying Wu, Stefanos Souldatos, Dimitri Theodoratos, Theodore 3alamagas, Yannis Vassiliou, Timos Sellis. IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. (TKDE), 24(12): 2244-2259 (2012).
4. Efficient Evaluation of Generalized Tree-Pattern Queries on XML Streams. Xiaoying Wu, Dimitri Theodoratos, Calisto Zuzarte.International Journal on Very Large Databases (VLDBJ) Volume 19, Number 5, Oct. 2010, Springer, pages 233-254
5. Evaluation Techniques for Generalized Path Pattern Queries on XML Data.. Xiaoying Wu, Stefanos Souldatos, Dimitri Theodoratos, Theodore Dalamagas, Timos Sellis. World Wide Web Journal , Volume 13, Issue 4, 2010, Springer, pages 441-474.
6. Assigning Semantics to Partial Tree-Pattern Queries. Dimitri Theodoratos, Xiaoying Wu. Data and Knowledge Engineering (DKE) Journal, Vol. 64, Issue 1, Jan. 2008, Elsevier Science, pages 242 - 265
.7. Answering XML Queries Using Materialized Views Revisited. XiaoyingWu, Dimitri Theodoratos,Wendy Hui Wang. Proc. of the 18th ACM Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM’09), Hong Kong, Nov. 2009, ACM Press, pages 475-484.
8. Efficient Evaluation of Generalized Path Pattern Queries on XML Data. Xiaoying Wu, Stefanos Souldatos, Dimitri Theodoratos, Theodore Dalamagas, Timos Sellis. Proc. of the 17th Intl. World WideWeb Conference (WWW’08), Beijing, China, Apr. 2008, ACM Press, pages 835-844.
9. XReason: A Semantic Approach that Reasons with Patterns to Answer XML Keyword Queries. Cem Aksoy, Aggeliki Dimitriou, Dimitri Theodoratos, Xiaoying Wu. Proc. Of the 18th Intl. Conference on Database Systems for Advanced Applications (DASFAA’13), Wuhan, China, April 2013, Springer, LNCS, 15 pages.
6. Assigning Semantics to Partial Tree-Pattern Queries. Dimitri Theodoratos, Xiaoying Wu. Data and Knowledge Engineering (DKE) Journal, Vol. 64, Issue 1, Jan. 2008, Elsevier Science, pages 242 - 265
.7. Answering XML Queries Using Materialized Views Revisited. XiaoyingWu, Dimitri Theodoratos,Wendy Hui Wang. Proc. of the 18th ACM Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM’09), Hong Kong, Nov. 2009, ACM Press, pages 475-484.
8. Efficient Evaluation of Generalized Path Pattern Queries on XML Data. Xiaoying Wu, Stefanos Souldatos, Dimitri Theodoratos, Theodore Dalamagas, Timos Sellis. Proc. of the 17th Intl. World WideWeb Conference (WWW’08), Beijing, China, Apr. 2008, ACM Press, pages 835-844.
9. XReason: A Semantic Approach that Reasons with Patterns to Answer XML Keyword Queries. Cem Aksoy, Aggeliki Dimitriou, Dimitri Theodoratos, Xiaoying Wu. Proc. Of the 18th Intl. Conference on Database Systems for Advanced Applications (DASFAA’13), Wuhan, China, April 2013, Springer, LNCS, 15 pages.


