

吳國華,男,1964.7出生,博士,教授,博士生導師。上海市優秀學科帶頭人,韓國機械與材料研究院高級訪問學者。上海交通大學材料學院院長助理,上海航天先進材料及套用技術聯合實驗室主任,輕合金精密成型國家工程研究中心副主任,材料能量場研究室主任。 2000年8月獲華中科技大學材料加工專業博士學位,2002年5月上海交通大學材料學院博士後出站。全國鎂合金材料與套用技術專業委員會副理事長、中國鑄種鑄造及有色合金技術委員會委員、全國鑄造材料及工藝專業委員會委員、全國消失模鑄造專業委員會委員、全國熱成形標準技術委員會委員。“Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China ”雜誌、“China Foundry”雜誌、“中國有色金屬學報”雜誌、“鑄造”雜誌、“特種鑄造與有色合金”雜誌、“鑄造設備與工藝”雜誌編委。近幾年,已主持或參與國家973計畫課題、國家航天重大專項、國家航空重大專項、國家863計畫、國家發改委新材料示範工程、國家十五攻關計畫、國家十一五科技支撐計畫、國家自然科學基金、上海航天基金等科研項目40餘項。獲國家及省部級科技獎勵6項。在國內外重要刊物上發表學術論文150餘篇。作為第一發明人已授權國家發明專利20餘項。教學研究成果“《材料加工原理》課程改革與探索”獲上海市教學成果一等獎。主要研究方向為:高性能輕合金材料開發、液態精密成型、半固態成型、材料綠色製備。
1. Guohua Wu, Yu Fan, Hongtao Gao, Chunquan Zhai, Yan Ping Zhu. The effect of Ca and RE on the Microstructure, Mechanical Properties and Corrosion Behavior of AZ91D. Materials Science and Engineering A, 408(1-2):255-263(2005)
2. Zhaohua Hu, Guohua Wu, Peng Zhang,Wenjiang Ding, Rheo-processing of near-eutectic ADC12 alloy. Solid state phonomena,vol.192-193(2013) pp116-122, 2013 Trans tech publications, Switzerland,
3. Ming SUN, Guohua WU, Jichun Dai, Wei WANG, Wenjiang DING。Grain refinement behavior of potassium fluozirconate (K2ZrF6) salts mixture introduced into Mg-10Gd-3Y magnesium alloy. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2010,494:426-433
4. Liang Zhang, Guohua Wua, Zhanyi Cao, Wenjiang Ding. Effects of Ca content on the microstructure of semisolid Mg-13Al alloy produced via isothermal heat treatment. Journal of Alloys and Compounds 534 (2012) 52–58
5. LIANG Min-jie, WU Guo-hua, DING Wen-jiang, WANG Wei. Effect of inclusion on service properties of GW 103K maganesium alloy. Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China, 21(2011):717-724
6. Wu Guohua, Sun Ming, Dai Jichun, Ding Wenjiang. Effects of filter materials on the microstructure and mechanical properties of AZ91, China Foundry, 2010,7(4):400-407
7. WU Guo-hua,Dai Ji-chun, SUN Ming, DING Wen-jiang, Non-flux purification behavior of AZ91 magnesium alloy, Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 2010,20(11):2037-2045
8. Guohua Wu, Wei Wang, Ming Sun, Qudong Wang, Wenjiang Ding. Influence of GdCl3 Additions on Purifying Effectiveness and Properties of Mg-10Gd-3Y-0.5Zr Alloy, Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 2010,20(7):1177-1183
9. Wang Qilong , Wu Guohua, Hou Zhengquan, Chen Bin, Zheng Yun and Ding Wenjiang. A Comparative Study of Mg-Gd-Y-Zr Alloy Cast by Metal Mould and Sand Mould, China Foundry. 2010,7(1):6-12
10. W. Wang, Y. G. Huang, G. H. Wu, Q. D. Wang, M. Sun, W. J. Ding, Effect of Fluxes Containing YCl3 on Yttrium loss, Mechanical and Corrosion Properties of Mg−10Gd−3Y−0.5Zr Alloy, Mater. Sci. Eng. A, 2009
11. Gao Hongtao, Wu Guohua, Ding Wenjiang, Zhu Yanping. Recycling of Magnesium Alloy AZ91 Scrap by a B2O3 Containing Fluxes. Journal of Materials Science,39(21): 6449-6456(2004)
12. Ming Sun, Guohua WU, Wei Wang, Wenjiang Ding. Effect of Zr on the microstructure, mechanical properties and corrosion resistance of Mg-10Gd-3Y magnesium alloy [J]. Materials Science and Engineering A, 2009, 523(1-2): 145-151.
13. Wei Wang, Guohua Wu, Qudong Wang, Yuguang Huang,Wenjiang Ding. Gd contents, mechanical and corrosion properties of Mg–10Gd–3Y–0.5Zr alloy purified by fluxes containing GdCl3 additions. Materials Science and Engineering A. 507 : 207–214(2009)
14. Guohua Wu, Yu Fan, Andrej Atrens, Chunquan Zhai, Wenjiang Ding. Electrochemical behavior of magnesium alloys AZ91D,AZCe2 and AZLa1 in chloride and sulfate solutions. J Appl Electrochem , 38:251-257(2008)
15. Chang Dong Yim, Guohua Wu, Bong Sun You. Effect of gas bubbling on tensile elongation of gravity mold castings of magnesium alloy. Materials transactions, 48(10): 2778-2781(2007)
16. Yu Fan, Guohua Wu, Hongtao Gao, Guanqun Li, Chunquan Zhai. Influence of Ca on corrosion resistance of AZ91D. Journal of the Electrochemical Society.,153(8):283-288(2006)
17. Yu Fan, Guohua Wu, Chunquan Zhai. Influence of Cerium on the microstructure, mechanical properties and corrosion resistance of magnesium alloy. Materials Science and Engineering A,433:208-215(2006)
18. Yu Fan, Guohua Wu, Hongtao Gao, Guanqun Li, Chunquan Zhai. Influence of Lanthanum on the microstructure, mechanical property and corrosion resistance of magnesium alloy. Journal of Materials Science. 41:5409-5416(2006)


