從2003年到2013年於重慶大學依次獲得學士、碩士、博士學位;2014年到2015年於日本National Institute of Informatics擔任Special Researcher;2016年起於
[1] 2017ACM中國學術新星重慶分會獎
[2] 2018吳文俊人工智慧科技進步一等獎(證書編號:KJJB-2018-1-C-R12):智慧金融中的集成生物識別關鍵技術及套用
[3] 2017重慶市自然科學獎三等獎(證書編號:2017-Z-3-08-R04):高維數據挖掘算法及可信服務計算預測模型研究
[1]Q. Wu, M. Zhou, Q. Zhu, Y. Xia, J. Wen. MOELS: Multiobjective Evolutionary List Scheduling for Cloud Workflows,IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, 2019, in press, DOI: 10.1109/TASE.2019.2918691(JCR 1區, CCF-B).
[2]Q. Wu, F. Ishikawa, Q. Zhu, Y. Xia. Energy and migration cost-aware dynamic virtual machine consolidation in heterogeneous cloud datacenters,IEEE Transactions on Services Computing, 2019, 12(4):550 - 563(JCR 1區, CCF-B).
[3]Q. Wu, M. Zhou, Q. Zhu, Y. Xia. VCG Auction-Based Dynamic Pricing for Multigranularity Service Composition,IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, 2018, 15(2): 796-805(JCR 1區, CCF-B).
[4]Q. Wu, F. Ishikawa, Q. Zhu, Y. Xia, J. Wen. Deadline-constrained Cost Optimization for Workflow Applications in Clouds,IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 2017, 28(12): 3401–3412 (JCR 1區, CCF-A).
[5]Q. Wu, F. Ishikawa, Q. Zhu, D. Shin. QoS-aware Multi-granularity Service Composition: Modeling and Optimization,IEEE Transactions on Systems Man Cybernetics-Systems, 2016, 46(11): 1565-1577(JCR 2區).
[6]Q.Wu,Q. Zhu, P. Li. A Neural Network based Reputation Bootstrapping Approach for Service Selection,Enterprise Information Systems, 2015, 9(7): 768-784(JCR 1區).
[7]Q.Wu,Q. Zhu, X. Jian, F. Ishikawa. SLA-aware composite cloud service provisioning: a broker-based approach,Journal of Systems and Software, 2014, 96: 194–201(JCR 2區, CCF-B).
[8]Q.Wu,Q. Zhu, M. Zhou. A correlation-driven optimal service selection approach for virtual enterprise establishment.Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 2014, 25(6): 1441-1453(JCR 2區).
[9]Q.Wu,Q. Zhu, X. Jian. A robust decentralized reputation management system for service selection.Optik, 2014, 125(11): 2692–2701.
[10]Q.Wu,Q. Zhu.Transactional and QoS-aware dynamic service compositionbased onAnt Colony Optimization.Future Generation Computer Systems,2013, 29(5): 1112-1119(JCR 1區, CCF-C).
[11]Q.Wu,Q. Zhu,P.Li.Acaching mechanism for QoS-aware service composition.Journal ofWeb Engineering,2012, 11(2): 119-130(CCF-C).
[12]D. Cheng, Q. Zhu, J. Huang,Q. Wu, L. Yang. Clustering with local density peaks-based minimum spanning tree,IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 2019, in press, DOI: 10.1109/TKDE.2019.2930056 (JCR 1區, CCF-A)
[13]J. Li, Q. Zhu,Q. Wu. A self-training method based on density peaks and an extended parameter-free local noise filter for k nearest neighbor,Knowledge-Based Systems, 2019, in press, DOI: j.knosys.2019.104895(JCR 1區, CCF-C).
[14]L. Yang, Q. Zhu, J. Huang, D. Cheng,Q. Wu, X. Hong. Constraint nearest neighbor for instance reduction,Soft Computing, 2019, in press, DOI: 10.1007/s00500-019-03865-z (JCR 1區, CCF-C).
[15]D. Cheng, Q. Zhu, J. Huang,Q. Wu, L. Yang. A local cores-based hierarchical clustering algorithm for data sets with complex structures,Neural Computing and Applications, 2018, in press, DOI: 10.1007/s00521-018-3641-8 (JCR 2區)
[16]D. Cheng, Q. Zhu, J. Huang,Q. Wu, L. Yang. A hierarchical clustering algorithm based on noise removal,International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics, 2019, 10(7): 1591–1602 (JCR 2區)
[17]Y. Wang, J. Wen,Q. Wu, L. Guo, B. Tao. A dynamic cloud service selection model based on trust and SLA in cloud computing,International Journal of Grid and Utility Computing, 2019, 10(4): 334-343.
[18]D. Cheng, Q. Zhu, J. Huang,Q. Wu, L. Yang. A novel cluster validity index based on local cores,IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, 2018, 30(4):985 - 999 (JCR 1區, CCF-B)
[19]J. Lu, Q. Zhu,Q. Wu. A novel data clustering algorithm using heuristic rules based on k-nearest neighbors chain.Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 2018, 72: 213-227(JCR 2區, CCF-C).
[20]L. Yang, Q. Zhu, J. Huang, D. Cheng,Q. Wu, X. Hong. Natural neighborhood graph-based instance reduction algorithm without parameters,Applied Soft Computing, 2018, 70: 279-287 (JCR 1區)
[21]J. Huang, Q. Zhu, L. Yang, D. Cheng,Q. Wu. QCC: a novel clustering algorithm based on Quasi-Cluster Centers,Machine Learning, 2017, 106(3): 337–357(JCR 2區, CCF-B).
[22]D. Cheng, Q. Zhu, J. Huang, L. Yang,Q. Wu. Natural Neighbor-based Clustering Algorithm with Local Representatives,Knowledge-Based Systems, 2017, 123:238-253(JCR 1區, CCF-C).
[23]J. Huang, Q. Zhu, L. Yang, D. Cheng,Q. Wu. A Novel Outlier Cluster Detection Algorithm without Top-n Parameter,Knowledge-Based Systems, 2017, 121: 32–40(JCR 1區, CCF-C).
[1]Q.Wu, and F. Ishikawa. Heterogeneous virtual machine consolidation using an improved grouping genetic algorithm,17th IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications(HPCC), New York, pp. 397-404, 2015(CCF-C).
[2]Q.Wu, and F. Ishikawa. Towards Service Skyline for Multi-granularity Service Composition,Proceedings of the 2014 International Workshop on Web Intelligence and Smart Sensing(IWWISS), Saint Etienne, 2014.
[3]Q.Wu,Q. Zhu, X. Jian. QoS-aware multi-granularity service composition based on generalized component services,10th International Conference on Service Oriented Computing(ICSOC), Berlin, pp. 446–455, 2013(CCF-B).
[4] D. Cheng, Q. Zhu,Q. Wu. A local cores-based hierarchical clustering algorithm for data sets with complex structures,IEEE 42nd Annual Computer Software and Applications Conference(COMPSAC), Tokyo, pp. 410-419, 2018 (CCF-C)
[5] Y. Wang, J. Jiang, Y. Xia,Q. Wu, X. Luo, Q. Zhu. A Multi-stage Dynamic Game-Theoretic Approach for Multi-Workflow Scheduling on Heterogeneous Virtual Machines from Multiple Infrastructure-as-a-Service Clouds,International Conference on Services Computing(SCC), Cham, pp. 137-152, 2018 (CCF-C).