- 超導理論和強關聯體系
- 無序體系和非晶態系統
- 拓撲絕緣體和拓撲超導體
- 超導量子比特和超導量子線路
- 2009/08-2012/10博士後(Postdoctoral scholar) 美國加州大學艾爾文分校(UCI)
- 2012/10-2013/12博士後(Postdoctoral Fellow) 香港科技大學(HKUST)
- 1993/09-1997/08中國南開大學 物理和數學雙學士學位(B.S.)
- 1997/09-2000/08中國南開大學 理論物理碩士(M.S.)
- 2000/09-2002/08 美國猶他大學(University of Utah) 物理碩士(M.S.)
- 2004/09-2009/08 美國伊利諾伊大學厄巴納香檳分校(UIUC)物理博士(Ph.D.)
- 1. James He, Jiansheng Wu, Ting Pong Choy, Xiong-Jun Liu and K. T. Law,”BDI Class Topological Superconductors and Generating Entangled Spin Currents in Quantum Anomalous Hall Insulators”, Nature Communication 5,3232(2014).
- 2. Jiansheng Wu and Clare Yu, ”Modeling Flux Noise in SQUIDs due to Hyperfine Interactions”, Physical Review Letter 108, 247001 (2012)
- 3. Jiansheng Wu and Clare Yu, ”How high stress can reduce dissipation in glasses”, Physical Review B 84, 174109 (2011).
- 4. Jiansheng Wu and Philip Phillips, ”Magnon-mediated Pairing Mechanism and Isotope Effect of Iron Pnictides”, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 23, 094203 (2011), Part of Special issue on strongly correlated electron systems.
- 5. Weicheng Lv, Jiansheng Wu and Philip Phillips, Physical Review B 80, 224506 (2009), ”Orbital ordering induces structural phase transition and the resistivity anomaly in iron pnictides”
- 6. Babak Seradjeh, Jiansheng Wu, and Philip Phillips, Physical Review Letters 103, 136803 (2009), ”Signatures of Surface States in Bismuth at High Magnetic Fields”
- 7. Frank Krger, Jiansheng Wu, and Philip Phillips, Physical Review B 80, 094526 (2009), ”Anomalous suppression of the Bose glass at commensurate fillings in the disordered Bose-Hubbard model”, Selected to the Virtual Journal of Atomic Quantum Fluids ( October 2009, Volume 1 Issue 4 )
- 8. Jiansheng Wu and Philip Phillips, Physical Review B 79, 092502 (2009), ”Experimental Detection of Sign-Reversal Pairing in Iron-Based Superconductors” , Selected to the Virtual Journal of Applications of Superconductivity ( March 2009, Volume 16 Issue 6 )
- 9. Jiansheng Wu , Philip Phillips and Antonio Castro-Neto, Physical Review Letters 101,126401(2008), ”Theory of Magnetic Moment of Iron Pnictides”
- 10. Jiansheng Wu and Philip Phillips, Physical Review B 78, 014515 (2008) ”Minimal Model for Disorder-induced Missing Moment of Inertia in Solid 4He”
- 11. Jiansheng Wu and Philip Phillips, Physical Review B 73,214507(2006) ” Vortex glass is a metal: Unified theory of the magnetic-field and disordered tuned Bose metal ”