吳仲義(Chung-I Wu)教授,1954年出生, 台灣省籍貫,曾任中科院基因所所長 ,中研院院士,博士生導師
- 中文名:吳仲義
- 外文名:Chung-I Wu
- 國籍:中國
- 民族:漢
- 出生地:中國台灣
- 職業:教授
- 主要成就:中科院基因所所長
1976年 畢業於台灣東海大學生物系,
1982年 獲得加拿大英屬哥倫比亞大學遺傳學博士。
1986-1991年 羅徹斯特大學生物系任助理教授及副教授,
1991-1998年 任芝加哥大學生態和演化系副教授;任教授及系主任,2008年6月被聘為北京基因組研究所所長
吳仲義教授目前是中山大學長江講座教授,擔任分子系統遺傳及演化學 (USA)、遺傳學報 (USA)、美國自然學家期刊 (USA)、Genome Biology and Evolution (USA)、基因和遺傳系統 (Japan)、動物學報 (China)等期刊副主編。2004年,吳仲義教授被評為中研院院士。自80年代以來一直從事群體遺傳學的研究,在物種形成和自然選擇這兩個演化生物學領域中的基礎問題的研究上及在自私遺傳因子、分子時鐘、X染色體抑制及演化基因組學等領域的研究中做出了獨創性的貢獻。2005 年之後,吳仲義開啟新的研究領域,從microRNA著手解決物種形成的問題。在Science、Nature、PNAS等世界頂級學術期刊上發表論文論文近120篇。
物種形成和自然選擇是吳仲義在分子演化工作中的主要研究方向。他80%的論文皆是這兩大問題的結合,主要貢獻是把物種起源研究帶到DNA水平上,進而觀測自然選擇的巨大作用;同時把自然選擇研究帶到全基因組的層次,否定了分子進化中性學說,也肯定了自然選擇的廣泛存在。2006年後吳仲義開發了microRNA的研究,由 microRNA 基因的特質探討物種起源的微進化機制。同時他在自私遺傳因子、分子時鐘、X染色體抑制、基因表達及演化基因組學等領域中也做出了獨創性的貢獻。
1 Tang,H and C.-I Wu. A new method for estimating nonsynonymous substitutions and its applications to detecting positive selection. Molec. Biol. Evol. 23(2006):372-379.
2 Greenberg,A. J.,J. R. Moran,S. Fang and C.-I Wu. Adaptive loss of an old duplicate gene during incipient speciation.Mol. Biol. Evol.,23(2006):401--410.
3 Greenberg,A. J.,J. R. Moran and C.-I Wu. Proper control of genetic background with precise allele substitution: A comment on Coyne and Elwyn.Evolution 60(2006): 623-625.
4 Greenberg,A. J. and C.-I Wu. Molecular genetics of natural populations.Mol. Biol. Evol. 23(2006):883-886.
5 Lu,J.,T. Tang,J. Huang,S. Shi,and C.-I Wu. The accumulation of deleterious mutations in the rice genomes: a hypothesis on the cost of domestication. Trends in Genetics 22(2006): 126 - 131.
6 Liu,X.,Y. Fu,(9 other authors),C.-I Wu,and A. Xu. An ancient balanced polymorphism in a regulatory region of human Major Histocompatibility Comlex is retained in Chinese minorities but lost worldwide. Amer. J. Hum. Genet. 78(2006): 393 - 400.
7 Osada,N.,M. H. Kohn,and C.-I Wu. Genomic Inference of cis-regulatory nucleotide polymorphism underlying gene expression differences between Drosophila melanogaster mating races. Molec. Biol. Evol. 23⑻(2006):1585-1591.
8 Zeng,Kai,S.H.,Shi,Y.X. Fu,and C.-I Wu. Statistical Tests for Detecting Positive Selection by Utilizing High Frequency SNPs. Genetics 174(2006):1431-1439.
9 Tang,T.,J. Lu,J. Huang,J. He,Y. Shen,K. Zeng,S. R. McCouch,M. D. Purugganan,S. Shi and C.-I Wu. Genomic variation in rice - Genesis of highly polymorphic linkdage blocks during domestication. PlosGenetics 2(2006):1824-1833.
10 Wang,Huan-Chieh Chien,Naoki Osada,Katsuyuki Hashimoto,Sumio Sugano,Takashi Gojobori,Chen-Kung Chou,Shih-Feng Tsai,Chung-I Wu,C.-K. James Shen. Rate of evolution in brain-expressed genes in humans. PlosBiology 5(2007): 335-342.
11 Shapiro,J. A. et al. C.-I Wu. Adaptive Genic evolution in the Drosophila genomes. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 104(2007):2271-2276.
12 Gojobori,J.,H. Tang,J. Akey and C.-I Wu. Negative correlation between the two phases of molecular evolution - constraint and adaptation in the human genomes. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 104(2007):3907-3912. 13 Zeng,K.,S. Mano,S. Shi and C.-I Wu. Comparisons of site- and Haplotype-Frequency methods for detecting positive selection. Molec. Biol. Evol. 24⑺(2007): 1562-1574.
14 Zeng,K.,S. Shi and C.-I Wu. Compound tests for the detection of hitchhiking under positive selection. Molec. Biol. Evol. 24⑻(2007):1898-1908.
15Wang HY,Chang HT,Pai TW,Wu CI,Lee YH,Chang YH,Tai HL,Tang CY,Chou WY,Chang MD. Transcriptional Regulation of Human Eosinophil RNases by an Evolutionary- Conserved Sequence Motif in Primate Genome. BMC Mol Biol. 8⑴(2007):89-107.
16 Zhou,R,K. Zeng,W. Wu,X. Chen,Z. Yang,S. Shi and C.-I Wu. Population genetics of speciation in non-model organisms: I. Ancestral polymorphism in mangroves. Molec. Biol. Evol. 24(2007): 2746-2754. 17 Lu,J.,Y. Fu,S. Kumar,Y. Shen,R. W. Carthew and C.-I Wu. Adaptive evolution of newly-ermged microRNA genes in Drosophila. Molec. Biol. Evol. 25(2008):929-938.
18Lu,J.,Y. Shen,Q. Wu,S. Kumar,B. He,S. Shi,R. W. Carthew,S. Wang and C.-I Wu. The birth and death of microRNA genes in Drosophila. Nature Genetics 40(2008):351-355.
19 Wang,H.,Y Fu,M. McPeek,X. Lu,S. Nuzhdin,A. Xu,M. Wu and C.-I Wu. Complex genetic interactions underlying expression differences between Drosophila races - Analysis of chromosome substitutions. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 105(2008): 6362-6367.
20 Zhou,R.,X. Gong,D. Boufford,C.-I Wu and S. Shi. Testing the Hypothesis on Unidirectional Hybridization in Plants: Observations on Sonneratia,Bruguiera and Ligularia. BMC Evolutionary Biology 8(2008): 149-157.
21 Yu,Y.,T. Tang,Q,Qian,Y. Wang,M. Yan,D. Zeng,B. Han,C.-I Wu,S. Shi and J. Li. Independent Losses of Function in a Polyphenol Oxidase in Rice - Differentiation in Grain Discoloration between Subspecies and the Role of Positive Selection in Domestication. Plant Cell 20(2008): 2946-2959.
22 Kohn,M. H.,J. Shapiro and C.-I Wu. Decoupled differentiation of gene expression and coding sequence among Drosophila populations. Gene and Genetic Systems 83(2008):265-273.
23 Wu,Q,Y. C. Kim,J. Lu,et al. M. Q. Zhang,C.-I Wu and S. M. Wang. Poly A- transcripts expressed in HeLa cells. PLoSOne 3⑺ (2008):e2803.
24 Wu,C.-I,Y. Shen and T. Tang. Evolution under canalization and the dual functions of microRNAsC A Hypothesis. Genome Research (2009,in press).