吳三忙,男,博士、博士後、教授、博士生導師,中國地質大學(北京)經濟管理學院院長,教育部新世紀優秀人才支持計畫入選者。兼任中國投入產出學會常務理事、中國高校能源經濟管理創新戰略聯盟常務理事、中國地質礦產經濟學會青年分會常務理事、民進中國地質大學(北京)支部副主委等。主要研究領域:區域經濟、產業經濟及投入產出。近年來,主持國家自然科學基金項目3項目,主持教育部、國家博士後基金、國家發展和改革委員會及地方政府委託項目10餘項,參與國家自然科學基金、國家社會科學基金、國家發展和改革委員會、亞洲銀行、環保部及地方政府委託項目20餘項;在《中國軟科學》、《數量經濟技術經濟研究》、《經濟評論》、《改革》、《管理評論》、《Recourses Policy》、《Energy》、《Science of the Total Envionment》、《Ecological Indicators》、《Resources, Conservation & Recycling》等國內外重要學術期刊發表論文80餘篇,其中,國際SSCI/SCI論文30篇,20餘篇論文被中國人民大學報刊資料全文轉載。曾先後獲商務部研究一等獎、國土資源科學技術二等獎。
【1】Weiming Chen, Yalin Lei, Kuishuang Feng, Sanmang Wu, Li Li. (2019). Provincial emission accounting for CO2 mitigation in China: Insights from production, consumption and income perspectives. Applied Energy. (SCI)
【2】Weiming Chen, Yalin Lei, Sanmang Wu, Li Li. (2019). Opportunities for low-carbon socioeconomic transition during the revitalization of Northeast China: Insights from Heilongjiang province. Science of the Total Environment. (SCI)
【3】Qiuping Li, Sanmang Wu, Yalin Lei, Shantong Li (2019). Dynamic features and driving forces of indirect CO2 emissions from Chinese household: A comparative and mitigation strategies analysis. Science of the Total Environment. (SCI)
【4】Xiaojia Fan, Sanmang Wu*, Shantong Li (2019). Spatial-temporal analysis of carbon emissions embodied in interprovincial trade and optimization strategies: A case study of Hebei, China. Energy. (SSCI/SCI)
【5】Sanmang Wu, Yalin Lei, Shantong Li. (2018). CO2 emissions from household consumption at the provincial level and interprovincial transfer in China. Journal of Cleaner Production. (SCI)
【6】Qiuping Li, Sanmang Wu*, Yalin Lei, Shantong Li, Li Li. (2018). China’s provincial CO2 emissions and interprovincial transfer caused by investment demand. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. (SCI)
【7】Samnang Wu, Yanrui Wu, Yalin Lei, Shantong Li, Li Li. (2018). Chinese Provinces’ CO2 Emissions Embodied in Imports and Exports. Earth’s Future. (SCI)
【8】Sanmang Wu, Li Li, Shantong Li. (2018). Natural resource abundance, natural resource-oriented industry dependence, and economic growth: Evidence from the provincial level in China. Resources, Conservation & Recycling. (SCI)
【9】Mengmeng Chen, Sanmang Wu*, Yalin Lei, Shantong Li. (2018). Study on embodied CO2 transfer between the Jing-Jin-Ji region and other regions in China: a quantification using an interregional input-output model. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. (SCI)
【10】Weiming Chen, Sanmang Wu*, Yalin Lei, Shantong Li (2017).Virtual Water Export and Import in China's Foreign Trade: a quantification using input-output tables of China from 2000 to 2012, Resources, Conservation & Recycling, accteped.(SCI)
【11】 Weiming Chen, Sanmang Wu*, Yalin Lei,Shantong Li (2017). China's water footprint by province, and inter-provincial transfer of virtual water, Ecological Indicators,74(3).(SCI)
【12】 Weiming Chen, Sanmang Wu*, Yalin Lei, Shantong Li (2017). Interprovincial transfer of embodied energy between the Jing-Jin-Ji area and other provinces in China: A quantification using interprovincial input-output model, Science of the Total Environment, 89(3). (SCI)
【13】Sanmang Wu, Yalin Lei, Shantong Li (2017). Provincial Carbon Footprints and Interprovincial Transfer of Embodied CO2Emissions in China. Natural Hazards, 85 (1).(SCI/SSCI)
【14】 Sanmang Wu, Yalin Lei. Evaluation of the Contributions of Four Components of Gross Domestic Product in Various Regions in China. PLOS ONE. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0121594, 2015(SCI/SSCI).
【15】 Sanmang Wu, Yalin Lei. Resource Distribution, Interprovincial Trade, and Embodied Energy: A Case Study of China. ADVANCES IN MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING. DOI: 10.1155/2015/910835, 2015.(SCI/SSCI)
【16】Sanmang Wu, Yalin Lei. Study on the mechanism of energy abundance and its effect on sustainable growth in regional economies: A case study in China.Resourc policy, 2016. (SSCI)
【17】 Sanmang Wu, Yalin Lei. Estimation of the Contribution of Exports to the Provincial Economy: An analysis based on China's multi-regional input-output tables.Spring plus, 2016.(SCI)
【18】 Sanmang Wu, Shantong Li. Measurement of Embodied CO2 Emissions and Decomposition of Influencing Factors in Foreign Trade: A Case Study of China. Journal of Environmental Accounting and Management. 2014, Volume 2, Issue 3.
【19】 Feng Hu,Sanmang Wu.Migration Experience of Village leaders and Local Economic Development at Home:Evidence from Rural China. China & World Economy, 2012(5). (SSCI)
【20】 Wang, X.B., Lei, Y.L., Ge, J.P., and Wu, S.M. Production forecast of China’s rare earths based on the Generalized Weng model and policy recommendations. Resources Policy, 2015.(SSCI)