


  • 中文名:吉博文
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:生物醫學工程等
  • 任職院校:西北工業大學


工作經歷 Work Experience
2019.12-至今 西北工業大學 無人系統技術研究院 副教授
教育經歷 Education Experience
2015.04-2019.12:中國 上海交通大學 電子信息與電氣工程學院 電子科學與技術 工學博士
2016.12-2018.05:美國 Northwestern University(美國西北大學)土木與環境工程系 聯合培養博士
2012.09-2015.03:中國 西安交通大學 機械工程學院 機械電子工程 工學碩士
2008.09-2012.07:中國 西安交通大學 機械工程學院 機械工程及自動化 工學學士
社會兼職 Social Appointments
Biosensors, Sensors, Electronics, Micromachines等學術期刊審稿人;中國電子學會高級會員;IEEE會員;IEEE EDS會員。


2019 上海交通大學優秀博士學位論文提名
2019 上海市高等學校優秀畢業生
2018 上海交通大學歐姆龍獎學金
2016 國家留學基金委獎學金
2015 上海交通大學優秀博士新生獎學金


【1】2020.01-2022.12 西北工業大學青年教師科研啟動經費
三維屈曲電極-LED集成柔性MEMS光遺傳腦機接口器件研究 (31020200QD013)
【2】2020.01-2023.12 國家自然科學基金面上項目
1 B Ji, et al. Flexible and stretchable opto-electric neural interface for low-noise electrocorticogram recordings and neuromodulation in vivo. Biosensors & Bioelectronics, 2020, 153: 112009. (1區top, IF=9.518)
2 B Ji, et al. Flexible bioelectrodes with enhanced wrinkle microstructures for reliable electrochemical modification and neuromodulation in vivo[J]. Biosensors & Bioelectronics, 2019, 135: 181-191.(1區top, IF=9.518)
3 B Ji, et al. Flexible polyimide-based hybrid opto-electric neural interface with 16 channels of micro-LEDs and electrodes[J]. Microsystems and Nanoengineering, 2018, 4(1): 27. (1區top,IF=5.616)
4 B Ji, et al. Flexible Optoelectric Neural Interface Integrated Wire-Bonding micro-LEDs and Microelectrocorticography for Optogenetics[J]. IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 2017, 64(5): 2008-2015.(3區, IF=2.704)
5 B Ji, et al. Stretchable Parylene-C electrodes enabled by serpentine structures on arbitrary elastomers by silicone rubber adhesive. Journal of Materiomics, 2019. (Cite Score= 8.02)
6 X Yu, Z Xie, Y Yu, J Lee, A Vazquez-Guardado, H Luan, J Ruban, X Ning, A Akhtar, D Li, B Ji, Y Liu, R Sun, J Cao, Q Huo, Y Zhong, C Lee, S Y Kim, P Gutruf, C Zhang, Y Xue, Q Guo, A Chempakasseril, P Tian, W Lu, J Y Jeong, Y J Yu, J Cornman, C S Tan, B H Kim, K H Lee, X Feng, Y Huang and J A Rogers. Skin-integrated wireless haptic interfaces for virtual and augmented reality[J]. Nature, 2019, 575(7783): 473-479. (IF=43.070)
7 H U Chung, B H Kim, J Y Lee, J Lee, Z Xie, E M Ibler, K Lee, A Banks, J Y Jeong, J Kim, C Ogle, D Grande, Y Yu, H Jang, P Assem, D Ryu, J W Kwak, M Namkoong, J B Park, Y Lee, D H Kim, A Ryu, J Jeong, K You, B Ji, Z Liu, Q Huo, X Feng, Y Deng, Y Xu, K Jang, J Kim, Y Zhang, R Ghaffari, C M Rand, M Schau, A Hamvas, D E Weese-Mayer, Y Huang, S Lee, C H Lee, N R Shanbhag, A S Paller, S Xu and J A Rogers. Binodal, wireless epidermal electronic systems with in-sensor analytics for neonatal intensive care[J], Science, 2019,363(6430): eaau0780. (IF= 41.037)
8 J Koo, M R MacEwan, S Kang, S M Won, M Stephen, P Gamble, Z Xie, Y Yan, Y Chen, J Shin, N Birenbaum, S Chung, S B Kim, J Khalifeh, D V Harburg, K Bean, M Paskett, J Kim, Z S Zohny, S M Lee, R Zhang, K Luo, B Ji, A Banks, H M Lee, Y Huang, W Z Ray and J A Rogers. Wireless bioresorbable electronic system enables sustained nonpharmacological neuroregenerative therapy [J], Nature Medicine, 2018, 24(12): 1830. (IF= 30.641)
9 B H Kim, J Lee, S M Won, Z Xie, F Liu, J Chang, Y Yu, Y K Cho, G Hur, H Jang, J Y Jeong, K Kim, Y Lee, A Ryu, D H Kim, J Y Lee, J Koo, S Min, X Wang, Q Huo, D Wu, B Ji, A Banks, J Kim, S Han, D Kang, C H Lee, Y M Song, Y Zhang, Y Huang, K Jang and J A Rogers. Three-dimensional silicon electronic systems fabricated by compressive buckling process [J], ACS nano, 2018, 12(5): 4164-4171. (IF=13.903)
10 M Wang, B Ji, et al. Direct electrodeposition of Graphene enhanced conductive polymer on microelectrode for biosensing application[J]. Biosensors & Bioelectronics, 2017, 99:99-107.(IF=9.518)
11 M Wang, B Ji, et al. A novel assembly method for 3-dimensional microelectrode array with micro-drive [J], Sensors and actuators B: Chemical, 2018, 264: 100-109.(IF=6.393)
12 Z Guo, B Ji, et al. A polyimide based 3D ultrathin bioelectrode with elastic sites for neural recording[J], Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems, 2018, 27(6): 1035-1040. (IF=2.621)
13 Z Guo, B Ji, et al. A polyimide based flexible optoelectrodes for low-noise neural recording[J]. IEEE Electron Device Letters, 2019, 40(7): 1190-1193. (IF=3.753)
14 Y Xi, B Ji, et al. Fabrication and Characterization of Micro-nano Electrodes for Implantable BCI[J]. Micromachines, 2019, 10(4), 242. (IF=2.621)
15 Z Xie, B Ji, Q Huo. Mechanics Design of Stretchable Near Field Communication Antenna With Serpentine Wires [J], Journal of Applied Mechanics, 2018, 85(4): 045001. (IF=2.772)
16 B Bao, B Ji, et al. Development and characterization of electroplating silver/silver chloride modified microelectrode arrays[J], Micro & Nano Letters, 2019, 14(3): 299-303. (IF=0.975)
17 M Wang, X Gu, B Ji, et al. Three-dimensional drivable optrode array for high-resolution neural stimulations and recordings in multiple brain regions [J], Biosensors & Bioelectronics, 2019, 131: 9-16. (IF=9.518)
18 Z Yi, Y Hu, B Ji, et al. Broad bandwidth piezoelectric energy harvester by a flexible buckled bridge[J]. Applied Physics Letters, 2018, 113(18), 183901.(IF=3.521)
19 L Chen, J Liu, X Wang, B Ji, et al. Flexible Capacitive Hydrogel Tactile Sensor With Adjustable Measurement Range Using Liquid Crystal and Carbon Nanotubes Composites[J]. IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 2017, 64(5): 1968-1972.(IF=2.704)
20 L Wang, M Wang, C Ge, B Ji, et al. The use of a double-layer platinum black- conducting polymer coating for improvement of neural recording and mitigation of photoelectric artifact[J]. Biosensors & Bioelectronics, 2019, 145: 111661. (IF=9.518)
21 W Hong, L Tang, W Sun, B Ji, et al. A Super Anisotropic Wetting Microstructure Based on Combination of Sharp Edge and Sharp Corner[J]. Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems, 2019, 28(6), 1055-1059. (IF=2.621)
22 H Tian, J Liu, X Kang, L Tang, M Wang, B Ji, et al. Enhanced Flexible Tubular Microelectrode with Conducting Polymer for Multi-Functional Implantable Tissue-Machine Interface[J]. Scientific Reports, 2016, 6:26910.(IF=4.011)
23 I Jung, Z Xie, Q Huo, J Kim, J Lee, B Ji, S Xu. In Vitro Protocol for Validating Interface Pressure Devices for Therapeutic Compression Garments: Importance of Sphygmomanometer Placement and Initial Cuff Diameter[J], Veins and Lymphatics, 2018, 7(1). (IF=1.513)
24 J Yi, B Pang, H Liu, F Wang, B Ji, M Jing. Influence of misalignment on nonlinear dynamic characteristics for matched bearings-rotor system[J]. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part K: Journal of Multi-body Dynamics, 2014, 228(2): 172-181.(SCI, IF=1.288)
25 F Wang, M Jing, J Yi, G Dong, H Liu, B Ji. Dynamic modelling for vibration analysis of a cylindrical roller bearing due to localized defects on raceways[J]. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part K Journal of Multi-body Dynamics, 2014, 229:39-64.(SCI, IF=1.288)
26 B Ji, M Wang. Micro-wrinkle strategy for stable soft neural interface with optimized electroplated PEDOT:PSS.Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering. (Under submitted)
1 B Ji, et al. Photoelectric neural interface combining wire-bonding μleds with iridium oxide microelectrodes for optogenetics[C]. Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS), IEEE 30th International Conference on. IEEE, 2017: 538-541. (頂級國際會議)
2 B Ji, et al. Wrinkled microelectrode interfaces based on oil-pretreated hyperelastic substrate[C]. Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS), IEEE 32th International Conference on. IEEE, 2019: 561-564. (頂級國際會議)
3 Z Guo, B Ji, et al. A Flexible and Stretchable Kirigami-Inspired Implantable Neural Probe with Floating Microsites for Electrophysiology Recordings[C]. IEEE 33th International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS), 2020. (頂級國際會議,已接收)
4 Z Guo, B Ji, et al. A Flexible Transducer for Multifunctional Physiological Detection in Neural Science[C]. 20th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems & Eurosensors XXXIII (TRANSDUCERS & EUROSENSORS XXXIII), 2019: 2468-2471. (頂級國際會議)
5 W Hong, L Tang, B Ji, et al. A Novel SESC Microstructure to Realize Various Spontaneously Liquid Spreading Properties[C]. IEEE 32th International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS), 2019: 400-403. (頂級國際會議)
6 M Wang, K Nikaido, Y Kim, B Ji, et al. Flexible cylindrical neural probe with graphene enhanced conductive polymer for multi-mode BCI applications[C]. IEEE 30th International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS), 2017: 502-505. (頂級國際會議)
7 H Tian, J Liu, X Kang, M Wang, B Ji, et al. Implantable multi-functional flexible microelectrode combining electrical and chemical interface[C]. IEEE 30th International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS), 2016: 387-390. (頂級國際會議)
1 劉景全,吉博文等. 一種視覺假體柔性神經微電極焊盤的製備方法 專利號:ZL 2015 1 0582927.5 授權公告日:2017.12.15. (已授權)
2 劉景全,吉博文等. 一種基於金絲球焊法的光刺激神經電極器件及其製備方法 專利號:ZL 2015 1 1004826.6 授權公告日:2018.04.17. (已授權)
3 劉景全,吉博文等. LED光刺激和電記錄集成的柔性神經電極器件及其製備方法 專利號:ZL 2016 1 0523059.8 授權公告日:2019.05.24.(已授權)
4 劉景全,吉博文等. 一種柔性軟排線和聚對二甲苯柔性電極的熱壓連線方法 專利號:ZL 2016 1 1132350.9. 授權公告日:2019.11.01. (已授權)
5 劉景全,吉博文等. 大鼠腿部肌肉電刺激和肌電信號採集柔性器件及製備方法 專利公開號:CN106178259A. 專利公開日:2016.12.07. (已通知授權)
6 劉景全,吉博文等 一種具有增強型褶皺微結構的柔性腦機接口電極及製備 專利公開號:CN 110115581A. 專利公開日:2019.08.19.
7 劉景全,吉博文等. 一種具有蛇形金屬禁止結構的記錄電極及製備工藝 專利公開號:CN 110279414A. 專利公開日:2019.10.09.
8 劉景全,吉博文等. 一種光電集成可拉伸柔性神經電極及其製備方法 專利公開號:CN 110367977A. 專利公開日:2019.10.31
9 劉景全,吉博文等. 一種三維屈曲結構柔性神經電極及其製備方法 專利公開號:CN110367978A 專利公開日:2019.10.25
10 劉景全,包步峰,吉博文等. 一種人工耳蝸電極及其製備方法 專利號:ZL 2017 1 0869123.2. 授權通知日:2019.10.29. (已授權)
11 劉景全,郭哲俊,吉博文等. 一種植入式高密度電極點柔性探針電極及製備方法 專利公開號:CN 110327544 A. 專利公開日:2019.10.21.
12 劉景全,郭哲俊,吉博文等. 用於生物植入的柔性可拉伸神經探針以及其製備方法 申請號:CN201911306298.8(已受理)
13 劉景全,王隆春,郭哲俊,吉博文等. 一種集成內部金屬禁止層的低噪聲光電神經探針及其製備方法 申請號: CN201911357618.2(已受理)


