[8] 超高應變速率下建築物材料衝擊力學特性測試和動態力學行為研究,聯合縱向,2020,
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[6] 金屬基複合材料氣固兩相霧化沉積機理及關鍵技術研究,中央高校基本科研業務費資助項目,2018,負責人
[5] 吊艙結構設計,橫向課題,2018,負責人
[4] Fe基非晶粉末兩相霧化機理及在耐蝕塗層中的套用研究,中國博士後科學基金面上項目,2017,負責人
[3] 通用掛載和發射技術,企業創新基金,2016,負責人
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[14]Chaorun Si*, Bingbing Duan, Qi Zhang,et al. Microstructure, corrosion-resistance, and wear-resistanceproperties ofsubsonicflame sprayed amorphous Fe-Mo-Cr-Co coating with extremely high amorphous rate [J]. Journal of Materials Research andTechnology-JMR&T, 2020. (SCI)
[13]Chaorun Si*, Bingbing Duan, Jin Cai. Surface repairing and strengthening of TC4 ally with recast layer by ultrasonic shot peening [J]. Materials Letters, 2020, 263: 127272. (SCI)
[12]Chaorun Si*, Weichao Wu, Excellent corrosion resistant amorphous coating prepared by gas atomization followed by AC-HVAF spray technology [J]. Materials Research Express. 2019, 10: 2503.(SCI)
[11]Chaorun Si*, Weichao Wu, Preparation of Fe-based amorphous powders and its application in corrosion resistant coating [J]. Science of Advanced Materials. 2018, 10: 1508. (SCI)
[10]Chaorun Si, Xingling Tang, Xianjie Zhang,et al. Prediction and evaluation of hot deformation properties of spray formed ceramic particle reinforced Aluminum matrix composites [J]. Science of Advanced Materials. 2018, 10: 1947 (SCI)
[9] Chaorun Si, Xingling Tang, Abdelkhalak El-Hami. A bilinear model for SWCNTs films characterization using Reliability-based optimization (RBO) method [J]. Science of Advanced Materials. Science of Advanced Materials. 2018, 10:739. (SCI)
[8] Chaorun Si*, Xingling Tang, Xianjie Zhang,et al. Microstructure and mechanical properties of particle reinforced metal matrix composites prepared by gas-solid two-phase atomization and deposition technology [J]. Materials Letters, 2017, 201:78. (SCI)
[7] Chaorun Si, Xingling Tang, Xianjie Zhang,etal, Characteristics of 7055Al alloy powders manufactured by gas-solid two-phase atomization: a comparison with gas atomization process [J]. Materials & Design, 2017, 118: 66. (SCI)
[6] Chaorun Si, Songtao Hu, Xiaobao Cao,et al. High response speed microfluidic ice valves with enhanced thermal conductivity and a movable refrigeration source [J]. Scientific Reports, 2017, 7:405701. (SCI)
[5] Chaorun Si, Xingling Tang, Xianjie Zhang,et al. Microstructure and mechanical properties of low-pressure spray-formed Zn-rich Aluminum alloy [J]. Materials Express. 2017, 7: 273. (SCI)
[4] Xingling Tang, Abdelkhalak El-Hami,Chaorun Si*. Elastic properties of single-walled carbon nanotube thin film by nanoindentation test [J]. Scientific Reports. 2017, 7: 11438. (SCI)
[3] Weichao Wu, Tian Xue,Chaorun Si*, Effect of dislocation magnification and solute atoms concentration variation on the electroplastic effect of 2024 aluminum alloy [J]. Science of Advanced Materials. 2017, 9: 1468. (SCI)
[2] Weichao Wu,Chaorun Si*. Investigation of electrical pulse induced retrogression and restoration effect of Al-Mg-Si alloy [J]. Science of Advanced Materials. 2017, 9: 1662. (SCI)
[1]Chaorun Si, Xianjie Zhang, Junbiao Wanget al. Design and evaluation of a Laval-type supersonic atomizer for low-pressure gas atomization of molten metal [J]. International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy and Materials, 2014, 21(3): 627. (SCI)
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[9] 一種結構參數可調的超音速霧化噴嘴. CN201610068938.6, 2016. (授權,排名1/2)
[8] 一種復相增強金屬基複合材料成形系統和方法. CN201610069091.3, 2016. (授權,排名1/2)
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[4] 一種增程式次口徑 2016. (國防專利,在審,排名1/3)
[3] 一種定容預混氣體實驗用全自動配氣系統及配氣方式. (授權,排名2/3)
[2] 一種兩級霧化噴射成形圓盤類零件的系統及成形方法.(授權,排名1/5)
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