地址: 北京朝陽區北土城西路19號,中科院地質與地球物理研究所
2015.01-至今 中國科學院地質與地球物理研究所 副研究員
2012.09-2014.12 中國科學院大氣物理研究所 博士後
2010.06-2012.09 中國科學院寒區旱區環境與工程研究所 助理研究員
2004.09-2010.06 蘭州大學 力學 博士
2000.09-2004.06 蘭州大學 力學 學士
Shi F, Li J, Wilson RJS, 2014, A tree-ring reconstruction of the South Asian summer monsoon index over the past millennium. Scientific Reports
史鋒, 楊保, 趙森, 楊鳳梅, 2014, 全球過去千年典型暖期溫度空間格局重建. 第四紀研究
Shi F, Yang B, Aurélien Mairesse, von Gunten L, Li J, Bräuning A, Yang F, Xiao X, 2013, Northern Hemisphere temperature reconstruction during the last millennium using multiple annual proxies
Yang F, Shi F*, Kang S, Wang S, Xiao Z, Nakatsuka T, Shi J, 2013, Comparison of the Dryness/Wetness index in China with the Monsoon Asia Drought Atlas. Theoretical and Applied Climatology
Yang F, Wang N, Shi F*, Ljungqvist FC, Wang S, Fan Z, Lu J, 2013, Multi-proxy temperature reconstruction from the West Qinling Mountains, China, for the past 500 years. PLOS ONE
PAGES 2K Consortium, 2013, Continental-scale temperature variability during the last two millennia. Nature Geoscience
Shi F, Yang B, Fredrik Charpentier Lijungqvist, Yang F, 2012, Multi-proxy reconstruction of Arctic summer temperatures over the past 1400 years. Climate Research
Shi F, Huang N, 2012, Measurement and simulation of sand saltation movement under fluctuating wind in a natural field environment. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications
Shi F, Yang B, von Gunten L, 2012, Preliminary multiproxy surface air temperature field reconstruction for China over the past millennium. SCIENCE CHINA Earth Sciences
Shi F, Yang B, von Gunten L, Qin C, Wang Z, 2012, Ensemble empirical mode decomposition for tree-ring climate reconstructions. Theoretical and Applied Climatology
Wang Z, Yang B, Deslauriers A, Qin C, He M, Shi F, Liu J, 2012, Two phases of seasonal stem radius variations of Sabina przewalskii Kom. in northwestern China inferred from sub-diurnal shrinkage and expansion patterns. Trees: Structure and Function
康淑媛, 楊保, 史鋒, 劉晶晶, 賀敏慧, 2012, 北半球千年溫度集成重建所使用的代用序列述評-以石筍為例. 中國沙漠
Yang B, Qin C, Shi F, Sonechkin DM, 2011, Tree ring-based annual streamflow reconstruction for the Heihe River in arid northwestern China From AD 575 and its implications for water resource management. The Holocene
楊保, 史鋒, D. M. Sonechkin, 王章勇, 秦春, 2011, 過去千年氣候變化重建研究新進展.中國沙漠
王章勇, 楊保, 秦春, 史鋒, 2011, 樹木徑向生長機制監測和模擬研究進展. 中國沙漠
Shi F, Huang N, 2010, Computational simulations of blown sand fluxes over the surfaces of complex microtopography
Huang N, Shi F, Van Pelt RS, 2008, The effects of slope and slope position on local and upstream fluid threshold friction velocities