2019.01-至今教授 西安交通大學 材料科學與工程學院
2011.12-2018.12副教授 西安交通大學 材料科學與工程學院
2009.10-2011.12講師 西安交通大學 材料科學與工程學院
(1) 陶瓷粉體的燃燒合成及套用 (Combustion Synthesis of Ceramic Powders)
(2) 高導熱陶瓷及複合材料(High-Thermal-Conductivity Ceramics and Composites)
(3) 多孔陶瓷(Porous Ceramics)
(4) 納米新能源材料(New Energy Nanomaterials)
起止年月 | 項目來源及編號 | 本人任務 |
2022.1-2024.12 | 國家自然科學基金(92163112) | 主持 |
2020.1-2021.12 | 西安市科技計畫項目(2020KJRC0056) | 主持 |
2019.1-2022.12 | 國家自然科學基金(51872222) | 主持 |
2018.7-2021.6 | 國家重點研發計畫項目(2018YFB0905600) | 子課題負責人 |
2017.7-2020.12 | 國家重點研發計畫項目(2017YFB0310400) | 子課題負責人 |
2017.1-2018.12 | 陝西省自然科學基金(2017JM5033) | 主持 |
2017.11-2018.11 | SiC泡沫陶瓷關鍵技術的研究與開發(橫向:20180388) | 主持 |
2016.9-2018.3 | 利用SiC切割尾料和抽塵粉製備高品質SiC陶瓷產品的研發和產業化(橫向:20170343) | 主持 |
2015.12-2017.6 | 科技部中俄政府間科技合作項目(CR19-26) | 主持 |
2015.10-2016.9 | Ti-C系自蔓延高溫合成過程的數值模擬研究(橫向:20151274) | 主持 |
2015.1-2017.12 | 西安交通大學學科綜合交叉類科研項目(XJJ2015104) | 主持 |
2013.1-2015.12 | 新世紀優秀人才支持計畫項目(NCET-12-0454) | 主持 |
2013.1-2015.12 | 陝西省青年科技新星項目(2013KJXX-50) | 主持 |
2013.10-2014.10 | 氮化鋁粉體的碳熱還原製備及燒結工藝研究(橫向:20131133) | 主持 |
2012.1-2013.12 | 留學人員科技活動擇優資助(陝外專發[2011]32號) | 主持 |
2011.1-2013.12 | 國家自然科學基金(51002115) | 主持 |
2011.1-2012.12 | 陝西省自然科學基金(2011JQ6001) | 主持 |
2011.1-2013.12 | 高等學校博士學科點專項科研基金(20100201120043) | 主持 |
2011.7-2014.7 | 西安交通大學學科綜合交叉類科研項目(XJJ2011052) | 主持 |
2009.1-2012.12 | 西安交通大學新教師科研支持計畫(西交人[2009] 99) | 主持 |
2013.1-2015.12 | 教育部科學技術研究重大項目(313046) | 骨幹成員 |
2012.1-2014.12 | “863”項目(2012AA040209) | 骨幹成員 |
2012.1-2015.12 | 國家自然科學基金(51172177) | 骨幹成員 |
2011.1-2013.12 | 國家自然科學基金(51002114) | 骨幹成員 |
資料來源: |
[1] 史忠旗,袁媛,魏智磊,謝文琦,張哲健,夏鴻雁,王波. 一種定向多孔氮化矽蜂窩陶瓷及其快速製備方法,中國發明專利,ZL 201911243319.6,授權. 2022-05-20.
[2] 史忠旗,袁媛,魏智磊,周小楠,王波,夏鴻雁. 一種輕質高強碳化矽泡沫陶瓷及其製備方法,中國發明專利,ZL202010675964.1,授權. 2021-09-07.
[3] 史忠旗,劉丹桂,劉思雨,張哲健,夏鴻雁,王波. 一種鎢/氮化矽/鎢對稱層狀梯度複合材料及其快速製備方法和套用,中國發明專利,ZL201911229833.4,授權. 2021-08-13.
[4] 史忠旗,魏智磊,袁媛,謝文琦,張哲健,夏鴻雁,王波. 一種採用冷凍乾燥和燃燒合成法快速製備的定向多孔氮化鋁蜂窩陶瓷及其方法,中國發明專利,ZL201911243324.7,授權. 2021-04-20.
[5] 史忠旗,謝文琦,張曉鈺,張哲健,魏智磊,葛邦治,夏鴻雁. 一種碳化矽增強碳基複合材料及製備方法,中國發明專利,ZL201910198813.9,授權. 2021-01-19.
[6] 史忠旗,魏智磊,袁媛,謝文琦,張哲健,夏鴻雁,王波. 一種定向多孔氮化鋁陶瓷及其快速製備方法,中國發明專利,ZL201911243222.5,授權. 2021-02-26.
[7] 史忠旗,張曉鈺,謝文琦,張哲健,魏智磊,葛邦治,夏鴻雁. 一種碳化鎢增強石墨基複合材料及其製備方法,中國發明專利,ZL201910198814.3,授權. 2020-10-27.
[8] 史忠旗,謝文琦,張曉鈺,張哲健,魏智磊,葛邦治,夏鴻雁. 一種碳化鎢增強碳基複合材料及製備方法,中國發明專利,ZL201910198220.2,授權. 2020-10-27.
[9] 史忠旗,王生凱,張哲健,楊必果,張曉鈺,夏鴻雁,王紅潔. 一種快速製備各向異性氮化鈦陶瓷塊體材料的方法,中國發明專利,ZL201810427772.1. 授權. 2020-08-28.
[10] 史忠旗,劉思雨,劉丹桂,寧曉輝. 一種MAX相/氮化物陶瓷層狀梯度複合材料及其快速製備方法和套用,中國發明專利,ZL201811315225.0. 授權. 2020-08-28.
[11] 史忠旗,楊必果,張博,張哲健,夏鴻雁,王繼平,王波,王紅潔,楊建鋒. 一種層片狀梯度多孔碳化矽陶瓷及其製備方法,中國發明專利,ZL201711342641.5,授權. 2020-7-28.
[12] 史忠旗,楊必果,張博,張哲健,夏鴻雁,王繼平,王波,王紅潔,楊建鋒. 一種雙梯度多孔陶瓷材料及其製備方法,中國發明專利,ZL201711340250.X,授權. 2020-06-19.
[13] 史忠旗,李曉丹,金漢,李永鋒,喬冠軍. 一種硼矽酸鹽玻璃/h-BN復相陶瓷及其製備方法,中國發明專利,ZL201510514245.0,授權. 2018-04-17.
[14] 史忠旗,張夏,張曉鈺,夏鴻雁,王繼平,王波,王紅潔,楊建鋒. 氮化鋁增強的石墨基複合材料及製備工藝,中國發明專利,ZL201510582695.3,授權. 2017-06-27.
[15] 史忠旗,張闊,楊少輝,夏鴻雁,王繼平,喬冠軍,王紅潔,楊建鋒. 定向多孔SiC與金剛石增強的Al基複合材料及製備方法,中國發明專利,ZL201510271377.5,授權. 2017-04-26.
[16] 史忠旗,張闊,夏鴻雁,王繼平,喬冠軍,王紅潔,楊建鋒. 電子封裝用定向多孔SiC-Cu複合材料及製備方法,中國發明專利,ZL201410285915.1,授權. 2016-3-30.
[17] 史忠旗,張闊,夏鴻雁,王繼平,喬冠軍,王紅潔,楊建鋒. 熱防護用SiC-Cu復相發汗冷卻材料及其製備方法,中國發明專利,ZL201410285823.3,授權. 2016-1-13.
[18] 史忠旗,魏智磊,王繼平,喬冠軍,王紅潔,楊建鋒,金志浩. 一種球形氮化鋁粉體的製備方法,中國發明專利,ZL201310485938.2,授權. 2015-11-25.
[19] 史忠旗,王繼平,喬冠軍,金志浩,楊建鋒,王紅潔. 一種製備三維亞微米級花狀結構氮化鋁的方法,中國發明專利,ZL201010130046.7,授權. 2011-8-31.
[20] 史忠旗,王繼平,劉桂武,喬冠軍,金志浩,楊建鋒,王紅潔. 一種Eu摻雜氮化鋁基螢光粉的製備方法,中國發明專利,ZL201110261911.6,授權. 2013-12-11.
[21] 王繼平,廖寶蓮,史忠旗,黃斌,喬冠軍,金志浩. 一種液態前驅體霧化製備碳/碳複合材料的方法,中國發明專利,ZL201010516883.3,授權. 2012-11-28.
[22] 喬冠軍,夏鴻雁,王繼平,史忠旗,楊建峰,王紅潔. 一種高強高密各向同性炭滑板的製備方法,中國發明專利,ZL200910219517.9,授權. 2012-7-4.
[23] 王繼平,夏鴻雁,喬冠軍,史忠旗,楊建峰,王紅潔. 以中間相炭微球為炭源的反應燒結碳化矽陶瓷的製備方法,中國發明專利,ZL200910219518.3,授權. 2012-7-4.
[24] 劉桂武,喬冠軍,王倩,王紅潔,王繼平,史忠旗,楊建鋒. SiC陶瓷表面處理方法及其用途,中國發明專利,ZL201110211637.1,授權. 2013-01-02.
[25] 楊建鋒,伊小紅,梁森,王波,楊武,柯高潮,史忠旗. 一種套用於高溫下的NTC材料及其製備方法,中國發明專利,ZL201110101072.1,授權. 2013-04-17.
[26] 楊萬利,金海雲,喬冠軍,金志浩,史忠旗. 一種浸漬強化碳化矽可加工復相陶瓷的製備方法,中國發明專利,ZL201110347554.5,授權. 2013-04-17.
[27] 王紅潔,岳建設,董斌超,喬冠軍,史忠旗. 一種利用熱致相分離技術製備多孔陶瓷的方法,中國發明專利,ZL201210451675.9,授權. 2013-12-04.
[28] 劉桂武,喬冠軍,王倩,史忠旗,王繼平,王紅潔,楊建鋒. 陶瓷柱陣列增強金屬基複合材料或部件及其製備方法,中國發明專利,ZL201210039805.8,授權. 2013-12-04.
[29] 楊萬利,金海雲,喬冠軍,金志浩,史忠旗. 浸入式燃氣陶瓷內加熱器套管及其製備方法,中國發明專利,ZL201110347760.6,授權. 2013-12-04.
[30] 喬冠軍,張闊,劉桂武,史忠旗,王繼平,王紅潔,楊建鋒. 一種碳化矽/銅矽合金雙連續相複合材料及其製備方法,中國發明專利,ZL201210429043.2,授權. 2014-09-03.
[31] 劉桂武,周重見,喬冠軍,盧天健,史忠旗,王繼平,王紅潔,楊建鋒. 多孔金屬封裝陶瓷複合防護板及其製備方法,中國發明專利,ZL201210251068.8,授權. 2014-10-15.
[32] 劉桂武,周重見,喬冠軍,羅莉,夏鴻雁,史忠旗,王繼平. 一種炭炭複合材料的快速連線方法,中國發明專利,ZL201310112166.8,授權. 2014-12-10.
[33] 王紅潔,王超,范星宇,牛敏,史忠旗. 一種多孔陶瓷表面緻密陶瓷塗層的結構及製備方法,中國發明專利,ZL201310608160.X,授權. 2016-04-13.
[34] 王紅潔,王超,范星宇,牛敏,史忠旗,王繼平. 多孔氮化物陶瓷基體表面製備緻密O’-sialon/α-Si3N4復相陶瓷塗層的方法,中國發明專利,ZL201310603630.3,授權. 2015-04-15.
[35] 楊建鋒,張海鴻,林光,王波,王繼平,史忠旗,王紅潔. 帶有絨毛狀晶須的莫來石纖維及製備方法,中國發明專利,ZL 201310508337.9,授權. 2015-5-27.
[36] 王紅潔,樊磊,史忠旗,王繼平,夏鴻雁. 一種低金屬離子殘留的多孔氮化矽陶瓷的製備方法,中國發明專利,ZL201410108149.1,授權. 2015-11-25.
[37] 王紅潔,馬明波,牛敏,夏鴻雁,史忠旗. 一種非晶SiOC陶瓷粉體的製備方法,中國發明專利,ZL201410494091.9,授權. 2016-01-13.
[38] 金漢,李永鋒,史忠旗,喬冠軍. 一種納米級六方氮化硼/二氧化矽復相陶瓷材料的製備方法,中國發明專利,ZL201410833418.0,授權. 2016-06-29.
[39] 夏鴻雁,楊少輝,王紅潔,史忠旗,王繼平,喬冠軍,張闊,楊建鋒. 反應燒結及微氧化處理製備多孔碳化矽陶瓷的方法,中國發明專利,ZL201510465513.4. 授權. 2017-06-27.
[40] 王紅潔,蘇磊,馬明波,牛敏,夏鴻雁,史忠旗. 一種在鋯合金基體表面製備包含h-Zr3O相的緻密氧化鋯塗層的方法,中國發明專利,ZL201510508723.7. 授權. 2017-06-27.
[41] 王紅潔,劉銀超,王超,喬冠軍,史忠旗. 一種在多孔陶瓷基體表面料漿噴塗製備陶瓷塗層的方法,中國發明專利,ZL201210396094.X. 授權. 2014-12-10.
[42] 夏鴻雁,楊少輝,史忠旗,王繼平,喬冠軍,王紅潔,楊建鋒. 一種多孔碳化矽球形粉末的製備工藝,中國發明專利,ZL201510487102.5. 授權. 2017-08-01.
[43] 王波,楊建鋒,張亞明,張輝,張海鴻,史忠旗. 一種輕質高強泡沫玻璃的製備方法,中國發明專利,ZL201510114952.0. 授權.2017-10-20.
[44] 夏鴻雁,楊少輝,王繼平,史忠旗,王紅潔,喬冠軍,王生凱,楊建鋒,王珂. 一種表面富含花瓣狀石墨烯的活性炭的製備方法,中國發明專利,ZL201610480464.6. 授權. 2018-12-13.
[45] 王紅潔,蘇磊,牛敏,馬明波,夏鴻雁,史忠旗. 一種自支撐碳化矽納米線紙及其製備方法,中國發明專利,ZL201610566429.6. 授權. 2019-03-01.
[46] 王紅潔,牛敏,蘇磊,范星宇,史忠旗,夏鴻雁. 一種由納米線構築的SiC彈性陶瓷及其製備方法,中國發明專利,ZL 201710466058.9. 授權. 2019-10-11.
[47] 王波,張建飛,李紫璇,周小楠,丁克,智強,黃鑫,楊建鋒,史忠旗. 一種碳化矽/環氧樹脂複合材料的製備方法,中國發明專利,ZL201811456692 .5. 授權. 2020-05-19.
[48] 王繼平,劉攀,張立學,楊建鋒,史忠旗,王波,王紅潔. 表面改性碳化矽晶須增韌反應燒結碳化矽陶瓷的製備方法,中國發明專利,ZL201910572328.3. 授權. 2020-10-27.
[49] 夏鴻雁,李佳佳,胡佳軍,王凱,史忠旗,王繼平. 一種高分散石墨烯樹脂基複合材料及其製備方法和套用,中國發明專利,ZL 201910943163.6. 授權. 2020-11-10.
[50] 郭生武,史忠旗,葛邦治,張哲健,張曉鈺. 具有納米結構的鉛基硫屬化合物合金顆粒及其製備方法,中國發明專利,ZL201811088767.9. 授權. 2021-01-15.
[51] 夏鴻雁,王凱,胡佳軍,史忠旗,王繼平,王紅潔,楊建鋒. 一種熔鹽法製備高導熱磷化硼的方法,中國發明專利,ZL201911012596.6. 授權. 2020-04-20.
[52] 楊建鋒,程華,張南龍,常天嬌,王波,王繼平,史忠旗. 通過凝膠注模和碳熱還原製備分級多孔碳化矽陶瓷的方法,中國發明專利,ZL202010490740.35. 授權. 2021-9-3.
[53] 楊建鋒,史卓濤,智強,孫震宇,王波,王繼平,史忠旗. 一種以高長徑比晶須製備無晶間玻璃相β-Si3N4多孔陶瓷的方法,中國發明專利,ZL202110154424.3. 授權. 2022-5-6.
- Zhongqi Shi, Yoshinari Miyamoto, Hailong Wang; Combustion Synthesis of Aluminum Nitride (AlN) Powders with Controlled Grain Morphologies. In Nitride Ceramics: Combustion Synthesis, Properties, and Applications; Alexander A. Gromov and Liudmila N. Chukhlomina Eds., Wiley-VCH: Weinheim, Germany, 2015; Chapter 3, pp 75-95.
- Bangzhi Ge, Hyungseok Lee, Chongjian Zhou, Weiqun Lu, Jiabin Hu, Jian Yang, Sung-Pyo Cho, Guanjun Qiao, Zhongqi Shi*, In Chung*. Exceptionally low thermal conductivity realized in the chalcopyrite CuFeS2 via atomic-level lattice engineering [J]. Nano Energy, 2022, 94: 106941.
- Jiabin Hu, Bo Zhang, Cong Li, Laili Wang, Shenghe Wang, Zhongqi Shi*, Jianfeng Yang. Fabrication of Si3N4 ceramics with high thermal conductivity and flexural strength via novel two-step gas-pressure sintering [J]. Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 2022, 42(12): 4846-4854.
- Zhilei Wei, Zhejian Zhang, Xiaoyu Zhang, Zhiyuan Li, Tao Li, Jiabin Hu, Shunjian Xu, Zhongqi Shi*. Preparation of unidirectional porous AlN ceramics via the combination of freeze casting and combustion synthesis [J]. Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 2022, 100: 161-168.
- Xiaoyu Zhang#, Wenqi Xie#, Lan Sun, Zhilei Wei, Zhejian Zhang, Yuanyuan Zhu, Jiabin Hu, Shenghe Wang, Zhongqi Shi*. Continuous SiC skeleton reinforced highly oriented graphite flake composites with high strength and specific thermal conductivity [J]. Journal of Advanced Ceramics, 2022, 11(3): 403–413.
- Xiaoyu Zhang, Yuanyuan Zhu, Wenqi Xie, Haoran Pang, Delong He*, Kai He, Jinbo Bai, Zhongqi Shi*. Effect of carbon nanotube hybrid on the microstructure and properties of AlN skeleton-reinforced highly oriented graphite flake composites [J]. Ceramics International, 2022, 48(3): 4276-4284.
- Jiajun Hu, Hongyan Xia*, Xinguang Hou, Ting Yang, Kang Si, Yi Wang, Laili Wang, Zhongqi Shi*. Enhanced thermal management performance of nanofibrillated cellulose composite with high thermal conductive boron phosphide [J]. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2021, 9(47): 27049-27060.
- Zhilei Wei, Siyu Liu, Dangui Liu, Jinling Wu, Hongyan Xia, Bo Wang, Zhongqi Shi*. Fabrication and properties of symmetrical W/Si3N4/W functionally graded materials by spark plasma sintering [J]. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2022, 896: 163077.
- Myeongjeong Lee, Eunsil Lee, Sunae So, Sejin Byun, Jaeseok Son, Bangzhi Ge, Hyungseok Lee, Hyun Sung Park, Wooyoung Shim, Jae Hwan Pee, Bumki Min, Sung-Pyo Cho, Zhongqi Shi, Tae Won Noh, Junsuk Rho*, Jong-Young Kim*, In Chung*. Bulk Metamaterials exhibiting chemically tunable hyperbolic responses [J]. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2021, 143(49), 20725–20734.
- Da Li, Di Zhou*, Dong Wang*, Weichen Zhao, Yan Guo, Zhongqi Shi. Improved energy storage properties achieved in (K,Na)NbO3-based relaxor ferroelectric ceramics via a combinatorial optimization strategy [J]. Advanced Functional Materials, 2021, 2111776, DOI: 10.1002/adfm.202111776.
- Xiaonan Zhou, Songsong Xu, Zhongyu Wang, Liucheng Hao, Zhongqi Shi, Junping Zhao, Qiaogen Zhang, Kozo Ishizaki, Bo Wang*, Jianfeng Yang*. Wood-derived, vertically aligned, and densely interconnected 3D SiC frameworks for anisotropically highly thermoconductive polymer composites [J]. Advanced Science, 2022, 2103592, DOI: 10.1002/advs.202103592.
- Songsong Xu, Xiaonan Zhou, Qiang Zhi, Junjie Gao, Liucheng Hao, Zhongqi Shi, Bo Wang, Jianfeng Yang, Kozo Ishizaki. Anisotropic, biomorphic cellular Si3N4 ceramics with directional well-aligned nanowhisker arrays based on wood-mimetic architectures [J]. Journal of Advanced Ceramics, 2022, 11(2): 656–664.
- Ronn Goei, Tam D. Nguyen, Xiaoyu Zhang, Amanda Jiamin Ong, Daniel Mandler, Shlomo Magdassi, Zhongqi Shi*, Alfred Iing Yoong Tok*. Conduction heat transfer switching using magnetic FexOy-decorated carbon-based nanomaterials [J]. The European Physical Journal Special Topics, 2022, https://doi.org/10.1140/epjs/s11734-022-00543-4.
- Shengkai Wang, Bangzhi Ge, Jiabin Hu, Wenqi Xie, Yi Liu, Shunjian Xu*, Zhongqi Shi*. Highly textured TiN ceramic prepared by edge-free spark plasma sintering [J]. Materials Science and Technology, 2022, https://doi.org/10.1080/02670836.2022.2069213.
- Tiezhu Guo, Di Zhou*, Lixia Pang, Moustafa Adel Darwish, Zhongqi Shi. Sandwich-type macroporous Ti3C2Tx MXene frameworks for supercapacitor electrode [J]. Scripta Materialia, 2022, 213: 114590.
- Baobiao Lu, Mingyuan Wang, Jian Yang*, Haigang Hou, Xiangzhao Zhang, Zhongqi Shi, Junlin Liu, Guanjun Qiao, Guiwu Liu*. Dense twin and domain boundaries lead to high thermoelectric performance in Sn-doped Cu3SbS4 [J]. Applied Physics Letters, 2022, DOI: 10.1063/5.0084862.
- Jiangjing Wang#, Chongjian Zhou#, Yuan Yu#, Yuxing Zhou, Lu Lu, Bangzhi Ge, Yudong Cheng, Chun-Lin Jia, Riccardo Mazzarello, Zhongqi Shi*, Matthias Wuttig*, Wei Zhang*. Enhancing thermoelectric performance of Sb2Te3 through swapped bilayer defects [J]. Nano Energy, 2021, 79: 105484.
- Zhilei Wei, Kang Li, Bangzhi Ge, Chaowei Guo, Hongyan Xia, Yajie Guo, Zhongqi Shi*. Synthesis of nearly spherical AlN particles by an in-situ nitriding combustion route [J]. Journal of Advanced Ceramics, 2021, 10(2): 291–300.
- Lijun Zhao, Jian Yang*, Baobiao Lu, Xiangzhao Zhang, Jiabin Hu, Wenqi Xie, Haicheng Shao, Guiwu Liu, Shahid Hussain, Zhongqi Shi*, Guanjun Qiao*. Enhanced thermoelectric properties of n-type Cl doped PbS-based materials via Bi alloying [J]. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2021, 859: 157788.
- Yajie Guo, Chunrui Zhang, Jianghai Zhang, Kamran Dastafkan, Ke Wang*, Chuan Zhao*, Zhongqi Shi*. Metal-organic framework-derived bimetallic NiFe selenide electrocatalysts with multiple phases for efficient oxygen evolution reaction [J]. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2021, 9(5): 2047-2056.
- Zhejian Zhang, Zhilei Wei, Zhiyuan Li, Baoqiang Hou, Rong Xue, Hongyan Xia*, Zhongqi Shi*. SiC honeycomb reinforced Al matrix composite with improved tribological performance [J]. Ceramics International, 2021, 47(16): 23376-23385.
- Jian Yang, Ruofei Song, Lijun Zhao, Xiangzhao Zhang*, Shahid Hussain, Guiwu Liu*, Zhongqi Shi, Guanjun Qiao*. Magnetic Ni doping induced high power factor of Cu2GeSe3-based bulk materials [J]. Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 2021, 41(6): 3473-3479.
- Lijun Zhao, Jian Yang*, Yunhan Zou, Jiabin Hu, Guiwu Liu, Haicheng Shao, Xiangzhao Zhang, Zhongqi Shi, Shahid Hussain, Guanjun Qiao*. Tuning Ag content to achieve high thermoelectric properties of Bi-doped p-type Cu3SbSe4-based materials [J]. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2021, 872: 159659.
- Hongyan Xia*, Jiajia Li, Wang, Kai Wang, Xinguang Hou, Ting Yang, Jiajun Hu, Zhongqi Shi. Superior wear resistance of epoxy composite with highly dispersed graphene spheres [J]. Advanced Composites and Hybrid Materials, 2021, DOI: 10.1007/s42114-021-00259-4.
- Jiabin Hu, Yajing Wu, Cong Li, Laili Wang, Shenghe Wang, Zhongqi Shi*. Pressure-assisted direct bonding of copper to silicon nitride for high thermal conductivity and strong interfacial bonding strength [J]. Journal of Materials Science, 2021, 56: 17994-18005.
- Lijun Zhao, Mingyuan Wang, Jian Yang*, Jiabin Hu, Yuan Zhu, Guiwu Liu, Shahid Hussain, Haicheng Shao, Shuangying Lei, Neng Wan, Zhongqi Shi, Guanjun Qiao*. Enhanced thermoelectric properties of Cu3SbSe4 compounds by isovalent bismuth doping[J]. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 2021, 32: 18849–18861.
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- Zhiyuan Li, Ke Wang*, Bangzhi Ge, Zhejian Zhang, Zhilei Wei, Zhongqi Shi*, Guanjun Qiao. Synergistic enhancement of sinterability and corrosion resistance of ZnCr2O4 spinel by TiO2 addition for carbon-free aluminum electrolysis [J]. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2020, 400, 125924.
- Zhilei Wei, Wenqi Xie, Bangzhi Ge, Zhejian Zhang, Wanli Yang, Hongyan Xia, Bo Wang, Haiyun Jin, Naikui Gao, Zhongqi Shi*. Enhanced thermal conductivity of epoxy composites by constructing aluminum nitride honeycomb reinforcements [J]. Composites Science and Technology, 2020, 199: 108304.
- Zhilei Wei, Wenqi Xie, Xiaoyu Zhang, Zhejian Zhang, Yanjun Li, Hongyan Xia, Bo Wang, Zhongqi Shi*. Preparation of AlN micro-honeycombs with high permeability via freeze-casting [J]. Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 2020, 40(13): 4462-4468.
- Xiaoyu Zhang, Wenqi Xie, Bangzhi Ge, Ke Wang, Zhongqi Shi*, Wanli Yang, Hongyan Xia, Jiping Wang. Enhancing the mechanical and thermophysical properties of highly oriented graphite flake composites by formation of a uniform three dimensional tungsten carbide skeleton reinforcement [J]. Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, 2020, 131: 105800.
- Zhejian Zhang, Bangzhi Ge, Wenqi Xie, Zhilei Wei, Wanli Yang, Yanjun Li, Zhongqi Shi*. Effect of Si alloying content on the microstructure and thermophysical properties of SiC honeycomb/Al–Mg–Si composites prepared by spontaneous infiltration [J]. Ceramics International, 2020, 46(8): 10934-10941.
- Yongfeng Kang*, Bin Li*, Jingyi Zhao, Bangzhi Ge, Ming Weng, Zhongqi Shi*, Yuqing Zhao. Effect of structure on the secondary electron emission of tetrahedral amorphous carbon films [J]. Vacuum, 2020, 172: 109043.
- Bangzhi Ge, Jiabin Hu, Qiong Wang, Hongyan Xia, Shunjian Xu*, Zhongqi Shi*. Cu1.75Te nanowires as building blocks to fabricate bulk materials with enhanced thermoelectric performance [J]. Materials Technology: Advanced Performance Materials, 2020, 35(9-10): 529–533.
- Zhejian Zhang, Yuan Yuan, Wenqi Xie, Yuchen Deng, Zhilei Wei, Dangui Liu, Zhongqi Shi*. Tailoring the thermophysical properties of porous SiC framework reinforced Al-Mg-Si composites by Si alloying content for thermal energy management [J]. Materials Technology: Advanced Performance Materials, 2020, 35(11-12): 815–820.
- Qian Li, Biao Zhang, Zhilei Wei, Miao He, Hailong Wang*, Zhipeng Wei*, Zhongqi Shi*. Effect of Bi ion concentration on crystal structure and luminescence properties of blue-green-emitting Y2O3:Bi phosphors [J]. Functional Materials Letters, 2020, 13(7): 2050036.
- Chongjian Zhou, Yuan Yu, Yea-Lee Lee, Bangzhi Ge, Weiqun Lu, Oana Cojocaru-Mirédin, Jino Im, Sung-Pyo Cho, Matthias Wuttig, Zhongqi Shi, In Chung*. Exceptionally high average power factor and thermoelectric figure of merit in n-type PbSe by the dual incorporation of Cu and Te [J]. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2020, 142(35): 15172–15186.
- Jian Yang, Xiangzhao Zhang, Guiwu Liu*, Lijun Zhao, Junlin Liu*, Zhongqi Shi, Jianning Ding, Guanjun Qiao*. Multiscale structure and band configuration tuning to achieve high thermoelectric properties in n-type PbS bulks [J]. Nano Energy, 2020, 74: 104826.
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- Bangzhi Ge, Jiabin Hu, Zhongqi Shi*, Hailong Wang, Hongyan Xia, Guanjun Qiao. Integration of multi-scale defects for optimizing thermoelectric properties of n-type Cu1-xCdxFeS2 (x=0-0.1) [J]. Nanoscale, 2019, 11, 17340–17349.
- Bangzhi Ge, Zhongqi Shi*, Chongjian Zhou, Jiabin Hu, Guiwu Liu, Hongyan Xia, Jingtao Xu, Guanjun Qiao. Enhanced thermoelectric performance of n-type eco-friendly material Cu1-xAgxFeS2 (x=0-0.14) via bandgap tuning [J]. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2019, 809:151717.
- Zhejian Zhang, Zhongqi Shi*, Biguo Yang, Bangzhi Ge, Xiaoyu Zhang, Yajie Guo. Preparation and anisotropic thermophysical properties of SiC honeycomb/Al-Mg-Si composite via spontaneous infiltration [J]. Progress in Natural Science: Materials International, 2019, 29(2): 177-183.
- Liu-Cheng Hao, Zi-Xuan Li, Fan Sun, Ke Ding, Xiao-Nan Zhou, Zhong-Xiao Song, Zhong-Qi Shi, Jian-Feng Yang, Bo Wang*. High-performance epoxy composites reinforced with three-dimensional Al2O3 ceramic framework [J]. Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, 2019, 127: 105648
- Jian Yang, Junnan Yan, Guiwu Liu*, Zhongqi Shi, Guanjun Qiao*. Improved thermoelectric properties of n-type Bi2S3 via grain boundaries and in-situ nanoprecipitates [J]. Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 2019, 39(4): 1214-1221.
- Jian Yang, Liuxu Yu, Tingting Wang, Junnan Yan, Guiwu Liu*, Zhongqi Shi, Guanjun Qiao*. Thermoelectric properties of n-type CuxBi2S3 materials fabricated by plasma activated sintering [J]. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2019, 780: 35-40.
- Junnan Yan, Jian Yang, Bangzhi Ge, Guiwu Liu*, Zhongqi Shi, Zhewen Duan, Guanjun Qiao*. Effect of Silver and Iodine Co-doping on the Thermoelectric Properties of n-Type Bi2S3 [J]. Journal of Electronic Materials, 2019, 48(1): 503–508.
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- Jiawen Li, Hailong Wang*, Wenhao Dong, Zhongqi Shi, Wenqi Xie, Huali Qiao, Qiaoyan Yu, Min Zhang, Jiabin Hu, Lei Yang, Jiaying Hong. Phase transition dominated high-rate performances of the high voltage LiNi0.5Mn1.5O4 cathode: Improvement on structure evolution and ionic diffusivity by Cr doping [J]. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2018, 122(44): 25229-25236.
- Yajie Guo, Dong Guo, Shibo Wang, Bingxiang Gao, Xingang Wang*, Zhongqi Shi*. Field-assisted solid phase sintering of W-20 wt.% Cu nanocomposites prepared by co-precipitation method[J]. Materials Express, 2018, 8(6):547–554.
- Yajie Guo, Dong Guo, Feng Ye, Ke Wang*, Zhongqi Shi*, Xianjue Chen, Chuan Zhao*. Self-supported NiSe2 nanowire arrays on carbon fiber paper as efficient and stable electrode for hydrogen evolution reaction [J]. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2018, 6 (9): 11884–11891.
- Chongjian Zhou, Chaochao Dun, Bangzhi Ge, Ke Wang, Zhongqi Shi*, Guiwu Liu, David L. Carroll, Guanjun Qiao. Highly robust and flexible n-type thermoelectric film based on Ag2Te nanoshuttle/polyvinylidene fluoride hybrids [J]. Nanoscale, 2018, 10, 14830–14834.
- Lei Su, Hongjie Wang*, Min Niu, Xingyu Fan, Mingbo Ma, Zhongqi Shi, Sheng-Wu Guo. Ultralight, recoverable, and high temperature-resistant SiC nanowire aerogel [J]. ACS Nano, 2018, 12(4), 3103–3111.
- Zhiyuan Li, Zhongqi Shi*, Zhejian Zhang, Rongdi Liu, Ying Liu, Jing Li, Guanjun Qiao. Corrosion resistance of the ZnCr2O4 spinel in NaF-KF-AlF3 bath [J]. Corrosion Science, 2018, 131: 199-207.
- Xiaoyu Zhang, Zhongqi Shi*, Xia Zhang, Ke Wang, Yingying Zhao, Hongyan Xia, Jiping Wang. Three dimensional AlN skeleton-reinforced highly oriented graphite flake composites with excellent mechanical and thermophysical properties [J]. Carbon, 2018,131: 94-101.
- Yanjun Li*, Donghua Liu, Bangzhi Ge, Zhongqi Shi, Zhihao Jin. Fabrication of Si2N2O ceramic with silicon kerf waste as raw material [J]. Ceramics International, 2018, 44(5): 5581-5586.
- Chongjian Zhou, Zhongqi Shi*, Bangzhi Ge, Ke Wang, Danli Zhang, Guiwu Liu, Guanjun Qiao. Scalable solution based synthesis of component controllable ultrathin PbTe1-xSex nanowires with high n-type thermoelectric performance [J]. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2017, 5: 2876-2884.
- Yajie Guo*, Dong Guo, Feng Ye, Ke Wang*, Zhongqi Shi*. Synthesis of lawn-like NiS2 nanowires on carbon fiber paper as bifunctional electrode for water splitting [J]. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2017, 42(27): 17038-17048.
- Yi Liu*, Yingxin Li, Fan Li, Han Cui, Yongping Pu, Shouwu Guo, Zhongqi Shi*. Highly textured Ti2AlN ceramic prepared via thermal explosion followed by edge-free spark plasma sintering [J]. Scripta Materialia, 2017, 136:55-58.
- Jian Yang, Guiwu Liu*, Zhongqi Shi, Jianping Lin, Xiang Ma, Ziwei Xu, Guanjun Qiao. An insight into β-Zn4Sb3 from its crystal structure, thermoelectric performance, thermal stability and graded material [J]. Materials Today Energy, 2017, 3: 72-83.
- Yanjun Li*, Bangzhi Ge, Zhihong Wu, Guoqing Xiao, Zhongqi Shi*, Zhihao Jin. Effects of h-BN on mechanical properties of reaction bonded β-SiAlON/h-BN composites [J]. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2017, 703: 180-187.
- Wanli Yang*, Zhigang Peng, Lina Dai, Zhongqi Shi, Zhihao Jin. Thermal shock resistance of Si3N4/h-BN composites prepared via catalytic reaction-bonding route[J]. Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 2017, 26(9): 4291–4296.
- Sheng Lei, Zhongqi Shi, Junfei Ou, Fajun Wang, Mingshan Xue, Wen Li*, Guanjun Qiao*, Xinhai Guan, Jie Zhang. Durable superhydrophobic cotton fabric for oil/water separation [J]. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects. 2017, 533:249-254.
- Jian Yang, Guiwu Liu*, Junnan Yan, Xiangzhao Zhang, Zhongqi Shi, Guanjun Qiao*. Enhanced the thermoelectric properties of n-type Bi2S3 polycrystalline by iodine doping [J]. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2017, 728:351-356.
- Jian Yang, Xiangzhao Zhang, Bangzhi Ge, Junnan Yan, Guiwu Liu*, Zhongqi Shi, Guanjun Qiao*. Effect of Zn migration on the thermoelectric properties of Zn4Sb3 material [J]. Ceramics International, 2017, 43(17): 15275-15280.
- Yajie Guo*, Haotian Guo, Bingxiang Gao, Xingang Wang, Zhongqi Shi*. Rapid consolidation of ultrafine grained W-30 wt.% Cu composites by field assisted sintering from the sol-gel prepared nanopowders [J]. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2017, 724:155-162.
- Kuo Zhang, Zhongqi Shi*, Xiaoyu Zhang, Zhejian Zhang, Bangzhi Ge, Hongyan Xia, Yajie Guo, Guanjun Qiao. Molten salt synthesis of continuous tungsten carbide coatings on graphite flakes [J]. Ceramics International, 2017, 43: 8089-8097.
- Han Jin, Zhongqi Shi*, Xiaodan Li, Yongfeng Li*, Hongyan Xia, Zhuo Xu, Guanjun Qiao. Effect of rare earth oxides on the microstructure and properties of mullite/hBN composites [J]. Ceramics International, 2017, 43(3): 3356-3362.
- Yanjun Li*, Donghua Liu, Han Jin, Donghai Ding, Guoqing Xiao, Zhongqi Shi*, Zhihao Jin. Effect of Z values on the microstructure and mechanical properties of post-sintered reaction bonded β-SiAlON [J]. High Temperature Materials and Processes, 2017, 36(5): 453-458.
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- Chongjian Zhou, Chaochao Dun, Ke Wang, Xia Zhang, Zhongqi Shi*, Guiwu Liu*, Corey A. Hewitt, Guanjun Qiao, David L. Carroll*. General method of synthesis ultrathin ternary metal chalcogenide nanowires for potential thermoelectric applications [J]. Nano Energy, 2016, 30: 709-716.
- Ke Wang, Zhiguo Ye, Chenqi Liu, Dan Xi, Chongjian Zhou, Zhongqi Shi*, Hongyan Xia, Guiwu Liu*, Guanjun Qiao. Morphology-controllable synthesis of cobalt telluride branched nanostructures on carbon fiber paper as electrocatalysts for hydrogen evolution reaction [J]. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2016, 8(5): 2910–2916.
- Sheng Lei, Zhongqi Shi, Junfei Ou, Wen Li*, Guanjun Qiao*, Xinhua Yu. A facile process for preparing superhydrophobic PBZ-PTFE coating with excellent stable properties [J]. Applied Physics A, 2016, 122:1011.
- Hongyan Xia, Ke Wang, Shaohui Yang, Zhongqi Shi, Hongjie Wang, Jiping Wang*. Formation of graphene flowers during high temperature activation of mesocarbon microbeads with KOH [J]. Microporous & Mesoporous Materials, 2016, 234: 384-391.
- Yajie Guo, Yuqing Wang, Bingxiang Gao, Zhongqi Shi, Zhanwei Yuan*. Rapid diffusion bonding of WC-Co cemented carbide to 40Cr steel with Ni interlayer: Effect of surface roughness and interlayer thickness [J]. Ceramics International, 2016, 42(15):16729–16737.
- Han Jin, Yongfeng Li*, Xiaodan Li, Zhongqi Shi*, Hongyan Xia, Zhuo Xu, Guanjun Qiao. Functionalization of hexagonal boron nitride in large scale by a low-temperature oxidation route [J]. Materials Letters, 2016, 175: 244-247.
- Yanjun Li*, Donghua Liu, Cunfeng Zeng, Zhongqi Shi*, Zhihao Jin. Effects of Sm2O3 content on the microstructure and mechanical properties of post-sintered reaction-bonded β-SiAlON [J]. Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 2016, 25(3), 1143-1149.
- Kuo Zhang, Zhongqi Shi*, Hongyan Xia, Ke Wang, Guiwu Liu, Guanjun Qiao*, Jianfeng Yang. Preparation and thermophysical properties of directional SiC/Cu-Si composite via spontaneous infiltration [J]. Ceramics International, 2016, 42, 996-1001.
- Han Jin, Yongfeng Li*, Zhongqi Shi, Hongyan Xia, Guanjun Qiao. Effect of Y2O3 on the sintering, mechanical and dielectric properties of mullite/h-BN composites [J]. Materials Science Forum, 2016, 848:28-31.
- Santuan Zhao, Xiangzhao Zhang, Guiwu Liu, Hongyan Xia, Zhongqi Shi, Guanjun Qiao. Wetting and Interfacial Behavior of Molten Al on Mo-Ni(Co)-Si Coated SiC Ceramic [J]. Key Engineering Materials, 2016, 697, 481-484.
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- Ke Wang, Chongjian Zhou, Dan Xi, Zhongqi Shi*, Cheng He*, Hongyan Xia, Guiwu Liu*, Guanjun Qiao. Component-controllable synthesis of Co(SxSe1−x)2 nanowires supported by carbon fibre paper as high-performance electrode for hydrogen evolution reaction [J]. Nano Energy, 2015, 18: 1-11.
- Chongjian Zhou, Chaochao Dun, Qiong Wang, Ke Wang, Zhongqi Shi*, David L. Carroll*, Guiwu Liu*, Guanjun Qiao. Nanowires as build block to fabricate flexible thermoelectric fabric: the case of copper telluride nanowires [J]. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2015, 7(38): 21015–21020.
- Ke Wang, Dan Xi, Chongjian Zhou, Zhongqi Shi*, Hongyan Xia, Guiwu Liu, Guanjun Qiao*. CoSe2 necklace-like nanowires supported by carbon fiber paper: a 3D integrated electrode for the hydrogen evolution reaction [J]. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2015, 3, 9415-9420.
- Chongjian Zhou, Ke Wang, Chaochao Dun, Qiong Wang, Zhongqi Shi*, Guiwu Liu*, Guanjun Qiao. Environmentally benign synthesis of high-quality, band gap-tunable, homogeneous Te/Se alloyed nanowires [J]. RSC Advances, 2015, 5, 69268-69272.
- Hongyan Xia, Xia Zhang, Zhongqi Shi*, Changjian Zhao, Yongfeng Li, Jiping Wang, Guanjun Qiao. Mechanical and thermal properties of reduced graphene oxide reinforced aluminum nitride ceramic composites [J]. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2015, 639: 29-36.
- Hailong Wang*, Zhongqi Shi, Jiawen Li, Shuo Yang, Ruibo Ren, Jianyou Cui, Jiali Xiao, Bo Zhang. Direct carbon coating at high temperature on LiNi0.5Mn1.5O4 cathode: Unexpected influence on crystal structure and electrochemical performances [J]. Journal of Power Sources, 2015, 288: 206-213.
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- Yanjun Li, Hailiang Yu, Zhongqi Shi*, Haiyun Jin*, Guanjun Qiao, Zhihao Jin. Synthesis of β-SiAlON/h-BN nanocomposite by a precursor infiltration and pyrolysis (PIP) route [J]. Materials Letters, 2015, 139 (1): 303-306.
- Zhongqi Shi*, Yongyong Zou, Ruifeng Jing, Kuo Zhang, Guanjun Qiao, Hongjie Wang. Red-emitting AlN:Mn phosphors prepared by combustion synthesis [J]. Functional Materials Letters, 2015, 8(2): 1550025 (4 pages).
- Ke Wang, Zhongqi Shi*, Yuanyuan Wang, Zhiguo Ye, Hongyan Xia, Guiwu Liu, Guanjun Qiao*. Co3O4 nanowires@MnO2 nanolayer or nanoflakes core-shell arrays for high-performance supercapacitors: the influence of morphology on performance [J]. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2015, 624: 85-93.
- Yanjun Li, Hailiang Yu, Haiyun Jin*, Zhongqi Shi*, Guanjun Qiao, Zhihao Jin. Fast heating thermal shock test for β-SiAlON with molten metals as heating medium [J]. Ceramics International, 2015, 41 (4): 6117-6121.
- Yanjun Li, Hailiang Yu, Haiyun Jin*, Zhongqi Shi*, Guanjun Qiao, Zhihao Jin. Properties of reaction bonded β-Sialon ceramic doped by FeMo alloy for the application in molten aluminum environment [J]. International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy and Materials, 2015, 22(5): 530-536.
- Kuo Zhang, Hongyan Xia, Bo Wang, Xiangzhao Zhang, Zhongqi Shi*, Guiwu Liu, Guanjun Qiao. Preparation and thermal-physical properties of three dimensional bicontinuous SiC/Cu-Si composite [J]. Materials Science Forum, 2015, 804:187-190.
- Kuo Zhang, Zhongqi Shi*, Guiwu Liu, Guanjun Qiao. SiC/Cu composite prepared by spontaneous infiltration of copper alloy into porous SiC ceramic [J]. Materials Science Forum, 2015, 814:569-573.
- Yingying Zhao, Hongyan Xia, Rui Tang, Zhongqi Shi, Jianfeng Yang, Jiping Wang*. A low cost preparation of C/SiC composites by infiltrating molten Si into gelcasted pure porous carbon preform [J]. Ceramics International, 2015, 41(5): 6478-6487.
- C. He, R.Y. Huang, Z.Q. Shi, W. X. Zhang*. Coupling of electric field and bending modulated ballistic transport properties of copper nanowires [J]. Materials Technology: Advanced Performance Materials, 2015, 30(A1): A36-A40.
- 黃麗, 趙瑩瑩, 王衛敏, 唐睿, 史忠旗, 王繼平*. 以中間相碳微球為碳源製備碳材料的凝膠注模工藝[J]. 機械工程材料, 2015, 39(2):54-59.
- 楊萬利*, 史忠旗, 張永輝, 肖志超, 喬冠軍, 金志浩. 鋁/鋅浸液部件用非鐵基耐熔蝕材料及其耐熔蝕機制研究進展[J]. 耐火材料, 2015,49(4):313-318.
- Zhongqi Shi*, Zhilei Wei, Cheng He*, Ruifeng Jing, Hongjie Wang and Guanjun Qiao. Synthesis, crystal structure and photoluminescence of novel blue-emitting Eu–doped (SiC)x–(AlN)1-x phosphors by nitriding combustion reaction [J]. RSC Advances, 2014, 4, 62926-62934.
- Hongyan Xia, Wenbin Wang, Zhongqi Shi*. Mechanical properties of reactive powder concrete with ultra-short brass-coated steel fibres [J]. Magazine of Concrete Research, 2014, 2014, 67(6): 308-316.
- Zhongqi Shi*, Changjian Zhao, Hailong Wang, Guanjun Qiao, Hongjie Wang. Combustion synthesis of AlN nanowhiskers with different metallic catalysts [J]. Materials Letters, 2014, 128: 156-159.
- Yajie Guo*, Zhongqi Shi, Yiku Xu, Guanjun Qiao, Jian Wang. Microstructure and tensile behavior of Ni-base metal-intermetallic laminate composites prepared by plasma activated sintering [J]. Rare Metal Materials and Engineering. 2014, 43(4): 813-818.
- Yajie Guo, Zhongqi Shi*, Yiku Xu, Guanjun Qiao. Correlation between microstructure and tensile behavior of metal–intermetallic laminate compound with different initial Ni foil thickness [J]. Rare Metals, 2014, 33(2):196-202.
- Gang Zhang, Guiwu Liu, Zhongqi Shi, Guanjun Qiao*. Dynamics of spinodal decomposition coupled with chemical reaction in thermosetting phenolformaldehyde resin-based solutions and its application in monolithic porous materials [J]. RSC Advances, 2014, 4, 7068-7078.
- Lei Fan, Meng Zhou, Hongjie Wang, Zhongqi Shi, Xuefeng Lu, Chao Wang. Low- temperature preparation of β-Si3N4 porous ceramics with a small amount of Li2O–Y2O3 [J]. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 2014, 97(5): 1371-1374.
- Guiwu Liu, Ying Han, Zhongqi Shi, Jiapeng Sun, Dening Zou, Guanjun Qiao. Hot deformation and optimization of process parameters of an as-cast 6Mo superaustenitic stainless steel: A study with processing map [J]. Materials & Design, 2014, 53:662-672.
- Wanli Yang, Zhongqi Shi, Hailong Wang, Guanjun Qiao, Yongfeng Li, Jianfeng Yang, Zhihao Jin. Effects of ZrO2 on the nitridation behavior and mechanical properties of reaction-bonded Si3N4/h-BN composite [J]. Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 2014, 23(10): 3436-3443.
- Yanjun Li, Hailiang Yu, Haiyun Jin*, Donghua Liu, Guanjun Qiao, Zhihao Jin, Zhongqi Shi*. Effects of FeMo alloy on nitridation and mechanical properties of reaction bonded β-Sialon/FeMo ceramic composites [J]. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2014, 616:639-645.
- Meng Chen, Chao Wang, Hongjie Wang, Lei Fan, Hongyan Xia, Zhongqi Shi. Fabrication of hierarchically porous Si3N4 foam ceramics with stamen-like cell structure [J]. Materials Letters, 2014, 128: 156-159.
- Guiwu Liu, Xiangzhao Zhang, Qian Wang, Zhiguo Ye, Zhongqi Shi, Guanjun Qiao*. Interface and wear resistance of SiC ceramic column grid array reinforced high-chromium cast iron composite pretreated with TiH2 [J]. Rare Metal Materials and Engineering. 2014, 43(10): 2339-2343.
- 楊萬利; 史忠旗; 李永鋒; 趙常見; 喬冠軍; 金志浩. SiC復相陶瓷內加熱器套管的抗熱震及抗氧化性能[J]. 矽酸鹽學報, 2014, 42(6):698-702.
- Zhongqi Shi*, Wanli Yang, Yongfeng Kang, Guanjun Qiao, Zhihao Jin. Synthesis of AlN porous-shell hollow spheres by a combustion route [J]. Ceramics International, 2013, 39 (4): 4663-4667.
- Zhongqi Shi*, Wanli Yang, Jiping Wang, Guiwu Liu, Guanjun Qiao, Zhihao Jin. Effect of interfacial structure on the thermal conductivity of carbon nanofibers reinforced aluminum nitride composites [J]. Ceramics International, 2013, 39 (3): 3365-3370.
- Lei Fan, Zhongqi Shi, Xuefeng Lu, Chao Wang, Meng Chen, Yawen Li, Hongjie Wang. Silicon oxynitride ceramics prepared by plasma activated sintering of nanosized amorphous silicon nitride powder without additives [J]. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 2013, 96(8): 2358-2361.
- Hongyan Xia, Jiping Wang, Zhongqi Shi, Guanjun Qiao. Reciprocating friction and wear properties of mesocarbon microbeads-based graphite and siliconized graphite [J]. Journal of Nuclear Materials, 2013, 433 (1–3): 341-344.
- Cheng He, Wenxue Zhang, Zhongqi Shi, Jiping Wang, Hua Pan. Effect of bending stress on structures and quantum conduction of Cu nanowires [J]. Applied Physics Letters, 2012, 100 (22): 123107 (3 pages).
- Hongyan Xia, Jiping Wang, Zhongqi Shi, Guiwu Liu, Guanjun Qiao. Sliding wear behavior of mesocarbon microbeads based carbon materials [J]. Wear, 2012, 274–275 (27): 260-266.
- Wanli Yang, Zhongqi Shi, Zhihao Jin, and Guanjun Qiao. Effects of impregnating and heat treatment on the oxidation and thermal shock properties of pressureless sintered SiC/Graphite composites [J]. Materials Science Forum, 2012, 724: 311-314.
- Yajie Guo, Zhongqi Shi, Hongwei Li, Guiwu Liu, and Guanjun Qiao. Microstructure evolution during combustion synthesis of Ni/Ni-aluminide laminated composites [J]. Materials Science Forum, 2012, 724: 319-322.
- Cheng He, Wenxue Zhang, Li Duan, Qingwei Li, Zhongqi Shi*. First-principles investigation on Ag, N codoped in p-type ZnO [J]. Materials Science Forum, 2012, 724: 115-118.
- Guiwu Liu*, Wenzheng Jian, Haiyun Jin, Zhongqi Shi, Guanjun Qiao*. Low-temperature and rapid fabrication of Bulk Nano-TiO2 ceramic [J]. Materials Science Forum, 2012, 724: 261-264.
- 郭亞傑, 劉桂武, 金海雲, 史忠旗, 喬冠軍. Cu和Al 箔擴散結合界面相生長行為研究.稀有金屬材料與工程, 2012, 41(2): 281-284.
- 楊萬利, 史忠旗, 金志浩, 喬冠軍. 浸漬及熱處理對常壓燒結AlN/h-BN復相陶瓷微觀結構及性能的影響 [J]. 矽酸鹽學報, 2012, 40(6): 796-799.
- 楊萬利, 史忠旗, 金志浩, 喬冠軍. SiC復相陶瓷內加熱器套管的製備及性能 [J]. 矽酸鹽學報, 2012, 40(3): 362-365.
- 李永鋒,劉萍,劉桂武,史忠旗,喬冠軍. 氟化鈣對常壓燒結Si3N4/BN 復相陶瓷結構與性能的影響[J]. 矽酸鹽學報, 2012, 40(8): 1163-1168.
- Zhongqi Shi*, Shugang Chen, Jiping Wang, Guanjun Qiao, Zhihao Jin. Mechanical and electrical properties of carbon nanofibers reinforced aluminum nitride composites prepared by plasma activated sintering [J]. Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 2011, 31(12): 2137-2143.
- Zhongqi Shi*, Wanli Yang, Shujie Bai, Guanjun Qiao, Zhihao Jin. Preparation of Eu-doped AlN phosphors by plasma activated sintering [J]. Ceramics International, 2011, 37 (6): 2051-2054.
- Yi Liu, Zhongqi Shi, Jiping Wang, Guanjun Qiao, Zhihao Jin, Zhijian Shen, Reactive Consolidation of layered-ternary Ti2AlN ceramics by spark plasma sintering of a Ti/AlN powder mixture [J]. Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 2011, 31(5): 863-868.
- Guiwu Liu*, Wenzheng Jian, Haiyun Jin, Zhongqi Shi, Guanjun Qiao*. A high dielectric constant in nano-TiO2 ceramic prepared by rapid and high-pressure sintering process [J]. Scripta Materialia, 2011, 65(7): 588-591.
- Hongyan Xia, Jiping Wang, Bin Huang, Zhongqi Shi, Guiwu Liu, Guanjun Qiao. The influence of ball-milling on improving the performance of mesocarbon microbeads based carbon block [J]. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2011, 529 (25): 282-288.
- Guiwu Liu*, Wenzheng Jian, Haiyun Jin, Zhongqi Shi, Guanjun Qiao*. Dielectric behavior of TiO2 ceramic prepared by plasma activated sintering [J]. Materials Letters, 2011, 65(23-24): 3468-3471.
- Yajie Guo, Guiwu Liu, Haiyun Jin, Zhongqi Shi, Guanjun Qiao. Intermetallic phase formation in diffusion-bonded Cu/Al laminates [J]. Journal of Materials Science, 2011, 46 (8): 2467-2473.
- Wanli Yang, Zhongqi Shi, Hongwei Li, Zhen Li, Zhihao Jin, Guanjun Qiao. Improvement of strength and oxidation resistance for SiC/graphite composites by SiC coating [J]. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2011, 18: 022013 (4 pages).
- Wanli Yang, Zhongqi Shi, Zhihao Jin, Guanjun Qiao. Effect of oxide additives on catalysis and microstructure of RBSN using low-purity silicon powder as raw materials [J]. Materials Science Forum, 2011, 695: 409-412.
- 郭亞傑, 劉桂武, 金海雲, 史忠旗, 喬冠軍. 擴散結合Cu/Al 疊層複合材料的界面結構與相生成機制. 稀有金屬材料與工程, 2011, 40(s2): 215-220.
- Zhongqi Shi*, Wanli Yang, Guanjun Qiao, Jianfeng Yang, Yoshinari Miyamoto, Zhihao Jin. Growth of flower-Like AlN by combustion synthesis assisted with mechanical activation [J]. Materials Science Forum, 2011, 695: 413-416.
2010 and Before
- Hongyan Xia, Jiping Wang, Haiyun Jin, Zhongqi Shi, Guanjun Qiao. Fabrication and properties of reaction-formed SiC by infiltrating molten Si into mesocarbon microbeads-based carbon perform [J]. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2010, 528 (1): 283-287.
- Hongyan Xia, Jiping Wang, Guiwu Liu, Zhongqi Shi, Guanjun Qiao. Effect of nano-SiC on the sintering behavior and properties of calcined carbon derived from mesocarbon microbeads [J]. Journal of Nuclear Materials, 2010, 403 (1-3): 42-47.
- 史忠旗,金志浩,宮本欽生. 燃燒合成AlN粉體的放電等離子燒結及其導熱性能[J]. 矽酸鹽學報, 2010, 38(8): 1445-1449.
- 宮本欽生,史忠旗,桐原聡秀. 窒化アルミニウムセラミックスの一方向成長と高熱伝導フィラー材への応用[J]. 技術情報協會, 2010,4:1556. (日文)
- Zhongqi Shi*, Mohamed Radwan, Soshu Kirihara, Yoshinari Miyamoto, Zhihao Jin. Enhanced thermal conductivity of polymer composites filled with three-dimensional brush-like AlN nanowhiskers [J]. Applied Physics Letters, 2009, 95 (22): 224104 (3 pages).
- Zhongqi Shi*, Mohamed Radwan, Soshu Kirihara, Yoshinari Miyamoto, Zhihao Jin. Formation and evolution of quasi-aligned AlN nanowhiskers by combustion synthesis [J]. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2009, 476 (1-2): 360-365.
- Zhongqi Shi*, Mohamed Radwan, Soshu Kirihara, Yoshinari Miyamoto, Zhihao Jin. Morphology-controlled synthesis of quasi-aligned AlN nanowhiskers by combustion method: effect of NH4Cl additive [J]. Ceramics International, 2009, 35 (7): 2727-2733.
- Zhongqi Shi*, Jiping Wang, Guanjun Qiao, Jianfeng Yang, Zhihao Jin. Machinability, Deformation and cracks behavior of pressureless sintered Al2O3/h-BN composites: role of weak boundary phases [J]. Journal of Materials Science, 2009, 44 (6): 1580-1587.
- Jiping Wang, Min Lin, Zhuo Xu, Yonghui Zhang, Zhongqi Shi, Junmin Qian, Guanjun Qiao and Zhihao Jin. Microstructure and mechanical properties of C/C–SiC composites fabricated by a rapid processing method [J]. Journal of the European Ceramic Society. 2009, 29 (14): 3091-3097.
- Zhongqi Shi*, Jiping Wang, Guanjun Qiao, and Zhihao Jin. Effects of weak boundary phases (WBP) on the microstructure and mechanical properties of pressureless sintered Al2O3/h-BN machinable composites [J], Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2008,492 (1-2): 29-34.
- Zhongqi Shi*, Mohamed Radwan, Soshu Kirihara, Yoshinari Miyamoto, Zhihao Jin. Combustion synthesis of rod-like AlN nanoparticles[J], Journal of the Ceramic Society of Japan, 2008, 116 (9): 975-979.
- 史忠旗,金志浩,喬冠軍. 可加工陶瓷的弱界面結構與性能最佳化研究進展[J]. 矽酸鹽學報, 2007, 35(s1): 131-136.
- 教授課程
課程名稱 | 授課對象 | 學時 | 時間 |
《無機非金屬納米材料》 | 材料學院4年級本科生 | 32 | 2010至今 |
《納米陶瓷材料》 | 研究生 | 40 | 2012至今 |
《陶瓷材料力學性能》 | 研究生 | 40 | 2013-2014 |
《新能源材料》 | 研究生 | 40 | 2010-2011 |
《無機材料製備與性能測試實驗》 | 材料學院4年級本科生 | 24 | 2019至今 |
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