




  • 書名:句標圖解式大學英語寫作.句型篇
  • 作者:單小明
  • ISBN:978-7-5636-5655-4
  • 頁數:208
  • 定價:35.00
  • 出版社:中國石油大學出版社
  • 出版時間:2018.01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 開本:185mm×260mm
內容簡介,目 錄,



目 錄

第1章 簡單句要領 Essentials for the Simple Sentence
01 簡單句和主謂結構
The simple sentence and the subject-predicate structure
02 名詞主語和非名詞主語
Nouns as subjects and non-nouns as subjects
03 謂語動詞和非謂語動詞
Predicate verbs and non-predicate verbs
04 主謂一致
The agreement of the subject and the predicate
第2章 並列句要領 Essentials for the Compound Sentence
01 基本並列句
Basic compound sentences
02 並列句中標點的多樣化
The variety of punctuation in compound sentences
03 並列關聯詞語的多樣化
The variety of correlative coordinators
04 增添並列詞語
Adding parallel words
第3章 複雜句要領 Essentials for the Complex Sentence
01 複雜句中的從屬分句
Dependent clauses in complex sentences
02 含名詞從句的複雜句
Complex sentences with noun clauses
03 含定語從句的複雜句
Complex sentences with attributive clauses
04 含狀語從句的複雜句
Complex sentences with adverbial clauses
第4章 句子結構多樣化Diversification of the Sentence Structure
01 存在句、it句、比較結構和虛擬語氣
Existential sentences,“it” sentences,comparative constructions andsubjunctive moods
02 動詞慣用法
The verb usage
03 形容詞慣用法
The adjective usage
04 名詞慣用法
The noun usage
第5章 功能主題表達句型 Expression Patterns for Functional Themes
01 時空生活類主題句
Sentences on themes of time,place and livelihood
02 科教文體類主題句
Sentences on themes of science, education,recreation and sport
03 社會思想類主題句
Sentences on themes of social thought.
04 政治經濟類主題句
Sentences on themes of politics and economics


