



  • 中文名:厲向東
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:智慧型用戶界面、跨設備互動、創新媒體設計
  • 職務:浙江大學碩士生導師
  • 職稱:浙江大學計算機科學與技術學院現代工業設計研究所副教授


講授課程主要包括《設計管理》(全英文課程,其中2016年為浙江大學原味課程,與瑞典斯德哥爾摩大學Preben Hansen教授合作授課),《技術創意》和《服務設計》。
2016-2019年,面向新加坡科技設計大學參加“亞洲領袖計畫項目Asian Leadership Programme”學生講授《設計敘事 Design fiction》。
2016-2019年9月至12月,在新加坡科技設計大學講授《Role of technology and design in the growth of modern China in 21st century》。


智慧型用戶界面(intelligent user interface), 跨設備互動(cross-device computing)以及創新媒體設計(creative media design and interaction)。


Zhou, Y., Feng, T., Shuai, S., Li, X.*, Sun, L., and Duh, H.B.L. An Eye-Tracking Dataset for Visual Attention Modelling in a Virtual Museum Context. In Proceedings of the The 17th International Conference on Virtual-Reality Continuum and its Applications in Industry (Brisbane, QLD, Australia2019), 1-3.
Xiangdong Li*, Wenqian Chen, Yue Wu. Distance-driven User Interface for Collaborative Exhibit Viewing in Augmented Reality Museum. UIST2019. OCT20-23 2019. New Orleans USA.
Xiangdong LI*. Cross-object user interfaces for personalised virtual reality museum tours. Research Features2019
Yu HU, Yongkan WONG, Qingfeng DAI, Mohan KANKANHALLI, Weidong GENG*, Xiangdong LI*. sEMG-based gesture recognition with embedded virtual hand poses and adversarial learning. IEEE Access. Online first. 2019
Xiangdong LI*, Yunzhan ZHOU, Wenqian CHEN, Preben HANSEN, Weidong GENG, Lingyun SUN. Towards personalized virtual reality touring through cross-object user interfaces. Book chapter 'Personalized Human-Computer Interaction'. DE GRUYTER press. Chapter
LI X. et al. (2019) Mobile Phone-Based Device for Personalised Tutorials of 3D Printer Assembly. In: Kurosu M. (eds) Human-Computer Interaction. Recognition and Interaction Technologies. HCII 2019. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 11567. Springer, Cham. 2019
Kuo-kuang FAN, Xiang-ming ZHONG, Xiaolong LOU, Weidong GENG, Xiangdong LI*. Intentional and instinctive: Simulator's mimetic behaviours with automated simulation tools in Wizard of Oz study. Journal of Design. Accepted and to be online first. 2018.
Lingyun SUN,yunzhanZHOU,weidongGENG,xiangdongLI*. Towards Personalised Virtual Reality Touring Through Cross-objects User Interfaces. PersonalisedHCI2018, book chapter, in publication. 2018
Lingyun SUN, yunzhan ZHOU, Preben HANSEN, Weidong GENG, Xiangdong LI*. Cross-objects user interfaces for video interaction in virtual reality museum context. Multimedia Tools and Applications. 77(21). pages:29013-29041. 2018.
Xiaolong LOU, Ren PENG, Preben HANSEN, Xiangdong LI*, Effects of User's Hand Orientation and Spatial Movements on Free Hand Interactions with Large Displays. International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction. 34(6), 2018.
Xiangdong A. LI*, Preben HANSEN, Xiaolong LOU, Weidong GENG, and Ren PENG. Design and evaluation of cross-objects user interface for white board interaction. HCI international 2017. Vancouver, Canada.
X. LOU, X. LI*, R. PENG, and P. HANSEN, Optimising free hand selection in large displays by adapting to users' physical movements. In the proceedings of SUI 2016, Tokyo, Japan, 2016.10.15-10.16.
X. LI, Xiaolong LOU, Preben HANSEN and Ren PENG, On the influence of distance in the interaction with large displays, IEEE Journal of Display Technology. vol. 12 no. 8:840-850, 2016.
X. LI, Xiaolong LOU, Preben HANSEN and Ren PENG, 'Improving the user engagement in large display using distance-driven adaptive interface', Journal of Interaction with Computers. 28: 462-478, 2016.
Xiaolong LOU, Andol Xiangdong LI* and Ren PENG. Distance effect: where you stand determines how promptly you interact with game. Human-Computer Interaction. Applications and Services, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 8512, pp 614-621. 2014.
Li, X. and Bonner, J. V. H. (2012) ‘Using Wizard-of-Oz method to build a multipurpose platform for domestic ambient media research and applications’, 72(2),1011-1026.
Li, X. and Bonner, J. (2011) ‘Designing intelligent domestic applications using Wizard of Oz methodology’. In: The 7th international conference on intelligent environments, 26-28, July, 2011, Nottingham,UK , pp. 395-405, IOS Press
Li, X. and Bonner, J. V. H. (2011) ‘Improving control panel consistency of Wizard of Oz design and evaluation studies’, In: The 17th International Conference on Automation and Computing (ICAC11), Huddersfield, UK, 2011
Li, X. and Bonner, J. V. H. (2010) ‘Enhancing social relationships through human-like intelligences’, In: The 9th International Workshop on Social Intelligence Designs, September 2010, Egham, UK
Li, X. and Bonner, J. V. H. (2010) ‘Improving prototype consistence for Wizard-of-Oz simulations and evaluations ’. In: Future Technologies in Computing and Engineering: Proceedings of Computing and Engineering Annual Researchers' Conference 2010: CEARC’10. Huddersfield: University of Huddersfield. pp. 136-141.
Li, X. and Bonner, J. V. H. (2009) ‘Designing interfaces to visualise domestic communication patterns’. In: Proceedings of Computing and Engineering Annual Researchers' Conference 2009: CEARC’09. Huddersfield: University of Huddersfield. pp. 88-92.
Li, X. and Bonner, J. V. H. (2009) ‘Smart control panel: Developing conventional domestic infrastructures into ambient media’. In: The 2nd International Workshop on Semantic Ambient Media Experience (NAMU series), 18th - 21st November 2009, Salzburg, Austria
Bonner, J. V. H., Li, X. and Robinson, J. (2009) ‘Methodological issues in designing and evaluating smart domestic technologies for intermittent use ’. In: Pervasive 2009, 11-14 May 2009, Nara, Japan
[Short Paper With Video Demo] Bonner, J. V. H., Li, X. and Robinson, J. (2009) ‘Designing and evaluating smart domestic technologies which use infrequent interaction’. In: The 7th International Conference on Pervasive Computing, 11-14 May 2009, Nara, Japan


