- 書名:卡耐基經典作品集(全6冊)
- 作者:卡耐基
- ISBN:9787511712066
- 頁數:1875
- 定價:139.00元
- 出版社:中央編譯出版社
- 出版時間:2012-4
卡耐基在實踐的基礎上撰寫而成的著作,是20世紀最暢銷的成功勵志經典。卡耐基主要代表作有:《演講與口才》、《人性的弱點》、《人性的優點》、《快樂的人生》、《領導藝術》和《語言和突破》。這些書出版之後,立即風靡全球,先後被譯成幾十種文字,被譽為“人類出版史上的奇蹟”。他一生致力於人性問題的研究,運用心理學和社會學知識,對人類共同的心理特點,進行探索和分析,開創並發展出一套獨特的融演講、推銷、為人處世、智慧型開發於一體的成人教育方式。 由他創辦的卡內基訓練機構在進入中國時被譯為“卡內基”,而不是“卡耐基”,這其中有兩個含義:1、為區別於一些對利益趨之若鶩的山寨卡內基書籍及培訓機構;2、意寓人的改變是由內而外的,要真正從內心改變自己,才能真正的快樂起來享受人生。
1.Developing Courage and Self-Confidence
2.Self-Confidence Through Preparation
3.How Famous Speakers Prepared Their Addresses
4.The Improvement of Memory
5.Essential Elements in Successful Speaking
6.The Secret of Good Delivery
7.Platform Presence and Personality
8.How to Open a Talk
9.How to Close a Talk
10.How to Make Your Meaning Clear
11.How to Interest Your Audience
12.Improving Your Diction
Appendrix:Speech Brulding with Exercises
1.Developing Courage and Self-Confidence
2.Self-Confidence Through Preparation
3.How Famous Speakers Prepared Their Addresses
4.The Improvement of Memory
5.Essential Elements in Successful Speaking
6.The Secret of Good Delivery
7.Platform Presence and Personality
8.How to Open a Talk
9.How to Close a Talk
10.How to Make Your Meaning Clear
11.How to Interest Your Audience
12.Improving Your Diction
Appendrix:Speech Brulding with Exercises