卞夏,安徽宣城人,中共黨員,工學博士,河海大學岩土工程國家重點學科青年教授,碩士生導師。英國劍橋大學聯合培養博士,法國路橋大學和南京大學博士後。2020年獲得第五屆“谷德振青年獎”,2019年入選第五屆中國科協“青年人才托舉工程”,2018年河海大學“大禹學者”(第四層次)。曾獲自然資源部國土資源科學技術獎二等獎,江蘇省地下空間學會科學技術獎特等獎等3項省部級獎勵。主要從事地下空間開發中特殊土力學特性與理論、環境岩土工程等方向的研究工作。主持完成歐盟瑪麗居里基金GREAT項目,國家自然科學基金等8項科研項目。在《Géotechnique》、《Engineering Geology》、《岩土工程學報》等國內外主流期刊發表學術論文20餘篇,包括ESI高被引1篇,ESI熱點論文1篇。兼任國際城市地質與地下空間工作組秘書長,中國岩石力學與工程學會環境岩土工程青工委委員。擔任2019年第一屆國際地下空間探測與利用大會副秘書長,2018年地下空間開發與國土空間規劃管理高層論壇組委會秘書長等。
- 中文名:卞夏
- 畢業院校:東南大學
- 學位/學歷:博士
- 職業:教師
- 專業方向:岩土工程
- 職務:河海大學碩士生導師
2019.07―至今 河海大學岩土工程國家重點學科青年教授
2016.12―2017.12 法國國立路橋大學,博士後
2016.07―2018.07 南蒸妹說京大學,地球科學與工程學院,博士後(在職)
2014.11―2019.06 河海大學土木與交通學院,盼主達項講師
2010.09―2014.11 東南大學交通學院岩土工程,工學博士
2012.02―2013.02 英國劍橋大學,聯合培養博士生
2008.09―2010.09 東南大學交通學院岩土工程,工學碩士(提前烏鴉甩申請)
2004.09―2008.07 東南大學交通學院,工學學士
[1] 2018.11-2020.12,國際城市地質與紙戀達悼地下空間工作組(Associated Research Centers for the Urban Underground Space(ACUUS) – GEO),副秘書長
[2] 國際學術會議1st International Conference on Exploration and Utilization of Underground Space (EUUS2019),組委會副秘書長
[3] 國際學術洪碑愉會議Urban Geology and Underground Space Utilization International Symposium 2018,組委會副秘書長
[4] 2018年-2020年,中國岩石力學與工程學會,環境岩土工程青工委,委員
[5] 2018-2020年,Associated Research Centers for the Urban Underground Space(ACUUS),會員
[6] 2018-2020年,International Society for Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering,會員
[7] 2018-2020年,中國岩石力學與工程學會,會員
[8] 2018-2020年,中國土木工程學會土力學及岩土工程分會,會員
國際學術期刊《Engineering Geology》、《International Journal of Geomechanics》、《ASCE Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering》和《ASCE Journal of Testing and Evaluation》等特邀審稿立騙專家
(2)國家自然科學基金青年資助項目:天然沉積結構性軟黏土地層盾構施工引起的長期地層位移機理研究(No. 41502263),2016-2018年,項目負責人
(3)江蘇省自然科學基金青年資助項目海巴棄:蘇南軟土地層盾構隧道承受土體荷載長期分布規律研究(No. BK20150819),2015-2018年,項目負責人
(6)國家重點基礎研究發展計畫(973項目):高水壓越江海長大盾構隧道工程安全的基礎研究(No. 2015CB057803),2015-2020年,主要參與人
(1) Bian, X., Cui, Y. J., Li, X. Z. Voids effect on the swelling behaviour of compacted bentonite. Géotechnique, 2019, 69(7), 593–605. (SCI、EI收錄)
(2) Bian, X., Cui, Y. J., Zeng, L. L., Li, X. Z. Swelling behavior of compacted bentonite with the presence of rock fracture. Engineering Geology, 2019, 254: 25–33. (SCI、EI收錄)
(3) Bian, X.; Zeng, L.; Deng, Y.; Li, X. The Role of Superabsorbent Polymer on Strength and Microstructure Development in Cemented Dredged Clay with High Water Content. Polymers 2018, 10, 1069. (SCI收錄)
(4) Bian, X., Cao, Y. P., Wang, Z. F., Ding, G. Q. Lei, G. H. Effect of super-absorbent polymer on the undrained shear behavior of cemented dredged clay with high water content. ASCEJournal of Materials in Civil Engineering. 2017, 29(7), 04017023. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)MT.1943-5533.0001849. (SCI、EI 收錄)
(5) Bian, X., Ding, G. Q., Wang, Z. F., Cao, Y. P., Ding, J. W. Compression and strength behavior of cement-lime-polymer solidified dredged material at high water content. Marine Georesources & Geotechnology, 2017, 35(6), 840-846. (SCI、EI 收錄)
(6) Bian, X., Zeng, L.L., Ding, J.W., Qian, S. Assessment of the effects of initial water contents on the pore pressure response of reconstituted clays. European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering, 2017, 21(4), 454-470. (SCI、EI 收錄)
(7) Bian, X., Ding, J.W., Shi, J., Qian, S. Quantitative assessment on the variation of compressibility of Wenzhou marine clay during destructuration. KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, 2017, 21(3), 659-669. (SCI、EI 收錄)
(8) Bian, X., Hong, Z.S., Ding, J.W. Evaluating the effect of soil structure on the ground response during shield tunnelling in Shanghai soft clay. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 2016, 58: 120-132. (SCI、EI 收錄)
(9) Bian, X., Wang, Z.F., Ding, G.Q., Cao, Y.P. Compressibility of cemented dredged clay at high water content with super-absorbent polymer. Engineering Geology, 2016, 208: 198–205. (SCI、EI 收錄)
(10) Hong, Z. S., Bian, X., Cui, Y. J., Gao, Y. F., and Zeng, L. L. Effect of initial water content on undrained shear behavior of reconstituted clays. Géotechnique, 2013, 63(6): 411-450. (SCI、EI收錄)
[7] 2018-2020年,中國岩石力學與工程學會,會員
[8] 2018-2020年,中國土木工程學會土力學及岩土工程分會,會員
國際學術期刊《Engineering Geology》、《International Journal of Geomechanics》、《ASCE Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering》和《ASCE Journal of Testing and Evaluation》等特邀審稿專家
(2)國家自然科學基金青年資助項目:天然沉積結構性軟黏土地層盾構施工引起的長期地層位移機理研究(No. 41502263),2016-2018年,項目負責人
(3)江蘇省自然科學基金青年資助項目:蘇南軟土地層盾構隧道承受土體荷載長期分布規律研究(No. BK20150819),2015-2018年,項目負責人
(6)國家重點基礎研究發展計畫(973項目):高水壓越江海長大盾構隧道工程安全的基礎研究(No. 2015CB057803),2015-2020年,主要參與人
(1) Bian, X., Cui, Y. J., Li, X. Z. Voids effect on the swelling behaviour of compacted bentonite. Géotechnique, 2019, 69(7), 593–605. (SCI、EI收錄)
(2) Bian, X., Cui, Y. J., Zeng, L. L., Li, X. Z. Swelling behavior of compacted bentonite with the presence of rock fracture. Engineering Geology, 2019, 254: 25–33. (SCI、EI收錄)
(3) Bian, X.; Zeng, L.; Deng, Y.; Li, X. The Role of Superabsorbent Polymer on Strength and Microstructure Development in Cemented Dredged Clay with High Water Content. Polymers 2018, 10, 1069. (SCI收錄)
(4) Bian, X., Cao, Y. P., Wang, Z. F., Ding, G. Q. Lei, G. H. Effect of super-absorbent polymer on the undrained shear behavior of cemented dredged clay with high water content. ASCEJournal of Materials in Civil Engineering. 2017, 29(7), 04017023. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)MT.1943-5533.0001849. (SCI、EI 收錄)
(5) Bian, X., Ding, G. Q., Wang, Z. F., Cao, Y. P., Ding, J. W. Compression and strength behavior of cement-lime-polymer solidified dredged material at high water content. Marine Georesources & Geotechnology, 2017, 35(6), 840-846. (SCI、EI 收錄)
(6) Bian, X., Zeng, L.L., Ding, J.W., Qian, S. Assessment of the effects of initial water contents on the pore pressure response of reconstituted clays. European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering, 2017, 21(4), 454-470. (SCI、EI 收錄)
(7) Bian, X., Ding, J.W., Shi, J., Qian, S. Quantitative assessment on the variation of compressibility of Wenzhou marine clay during destructuration. KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, 2017, 21(3), 659-669. (SCI、EI 收錄)
(8) Bian, X., Hong, Z.S., Ding, J.W. Evaluating the effect of soil structure on the ground response during shield tunnelling in Shanghai soft clay. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 2016, 58: 120-132. (SCI、EI 收錄)
(9) Bian, X., Wang, Z.F., Ding, G.Q., Cao, Y.P. Compressibility of cemented dredged clay at high water content with super-absorbent polymer. Engineering Geology, 2016, 208: 198–205. (SCI、EI 收錄)
(10) Hong, Z. S., Bian, X., Cui, Y. J., Gao, Y. F., and Zeng, L. L. Effect of initial water content on undrained shear behavior of reconstituted clays. Géotechnique, 2013, 63(6): 411-450. (SCI、EI收錄)