



  • 中文名:南方民族考古(第八輯)
  • 作者四川大學博物館
  • ISBN:9787030354846
  • 頁數:462
  • 出版社:科學出版社
  • 出版時間:2019年
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 開本:16




成都天府廣場東御街漢代石碑發掘簡報 成都文物考古研究所(1)
天府廣場出土漢碑略考 馮廣宏(9)
《李君碑》、《裴君碑》初探 羅開玉(21)
“裴君”當為東漢度遼將軍裴曄一成都市區新近出土漢碑碑主考證 方北辰(33)
成都天府廣場出土漢碑的初步研究 宋治民(47)
成都天府廣場出土二漢碑考釋 何嵴(77)
成都東御街出土漢碑為漢代文翁石室學堂遺存考一一從文翁石室、周公禮殿到錦江書院發展史簡論 張勛燎(107)
漢王朝影響下的石寨山文化社會轉變 江柏毅(173)
南越王墓玉器一楚、漢、越文化交匯、融合的見證 楊建芳(193)
魂兮歸去:從貴州惠水仙人橋岩洞葬棺畫論中國西南系統岩畫 李飛(225)
從圖像學角度探討成都南朝佛像與犍陀羅、秣菟羅、笈多佛像造型藝術流派的關係 胡文成胡文和(273)
雲南宜良紗帽山滇文化墓地發掘報告 雲南省文物考古研究所昆明市文物管理委員會宜良縣文物管理委員會(313)
雲陽李家壩遺址W區漢六朝墓葬發掘簡報 四川大學考古學系重慶市雲陽縣文管所(393)
夜郎時代考古的重大收穫:《赫章可樂二〇〇〇年發掘報告》讀後 羅二虎(453)
A Brief Report of Han Dynasty Stone Tablets Excavated from Dongyu Street, Tianfu Square, Chengdu Chengdu Institute of Archaeology (1)
A Brief Study on the Tablets of Han Dynasty Unearthed from Tianfu Square Feng Guanghong (9)
A Preliminary Study on the Stone Tablets of Mr. Li and Mr. Pei Luo Kaiyu (21)
-Mr. Pei ’ is Pei Ye, Du liao jiangjun in the Eastern Han Dynasty : A Textual Research on the Master of the Tablet of the Eastern Han Dynasty Unearthed from Chengdu Fang Beichen (33)
A Preliminary Study on Two Stone Tablets of Han Dynasty Unearthed from Tianfu Square,Chengdu Song Zhimin (47)
A Textual Research and Interpretation on Two Stone Tablets of Han Dynasty Unearthed from Tianfu Square, Chengdu He Zheng (77)
The Tablets of Han Dynasty Unearthed from Chengdu Are the Remains of‘ Wenweng shishi’:A Brief Study on the Development from ‘Wenweng shishi’,‘ Zhougong lidian’to‘Jingjiang shuyuan’ Zhang Xunliao (107 )
Transformation of the Shizhaishan Cultural Complex under the Influence of the Han Empire Po-yi Chiang (173)
Jades from the Tomb of the King of Nanyue :Cultural Interaction of Chu, Han and Yue Yang Jianfang (193)
The Regression of the Soul: Rock Paintings in Southwest China, Focused on the Coffin Paintings in the Rock Cave at Xianren Bridge, Huishui County, Guizhou Province Li Fei (225)
An Iconographic Inquiry into the Relationship between the Buddhist Sculptures in Chengdu during the Chinese Southern Dynasties and the Buddhist Sculptures of Gandhara,Matliura and Gupta Hu Wencheng Hu Wenhe (273 )
Report on Excavation at Shamaoshan Cemetery of Dian Culture in Yiliang, Yunnan Yunnan Provincial Institute of Archaeology Kunming Committee of Cultural Heritage Administration Yiliang Institute of Cultural Relics Administration (313 )
Brief Report on the Excavation of Han and Six Dynasties Period Tombs at Area IV of Lijiaba Site, Yunyang County, Chongqing Department of Archaeology, Sichuan University Yunyang Institute of Cultural Heritage Administration (393 )
New Advances of the Archaeology of Yelang Period : Book Review on the Report of Archaeological Excavation in Hezhang Kele in 2000 Luo Erhu (453 )


