- 中文名:南威治
- 畢業院校:中國科學院
- 學位/學歷:博士
- 職業:教師
- 專業方向:探索人類認知的行為與腦機制
- 任職院校:廣州大學教育學院
- 職稱:講師
2011/09-2017/07 北京,中國科學院心理研究所,認知神經科學,碩博連讀博士
2015/10-2017/07 休斯敦,美國德州農工大學健康科學中心,生物醫學信息,聯合培養博士
2017/07 - 至今 廣州,廣州大學,教育學院心理系,講師
2016/10-2017/08 休斯敦,美國德州農工大學健康科學中心,生物醫學信息,研究助理
Zheng, Li, Tian, Nan, Yang, Liang, & Liu. Deficits in voluntary pursuit and inhibition of risk taking in sensation seeking. Human Brain Mapping, (Accepted)
Weizhi Nan, Yanlong Sun, Hongbin Wang, Qi Li, Xun Liu. Conflicts Processing among Multiple Frames of Reference: An ERP Study. Proceedings of the 39 International Conference of Cognitive Science.
Yang,G., Nan, W., Zheng, Y., Wu, H., Li, Q., & Liu, X. (2017). Distinct cognitive control mechanisms as revealed by modality-specific conflict adaptation effects. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance
Nan, W., Li, Q., Sun, Y., Wang, H., & Liu, X. (2016). Conflict Processing among Multiple Frames of Reference. PsyCh Journal
Nan, W.,Sun, Y., Liu, X., Wang, H. (2016). How Different Frames of Reference Interact: A Neural Network Model. Paper presented at the Proceedings of the 38 International Conference of Cognitive Science.
LI, Q., Nan, W., Taxer, J., Dai, W., Zheng, Y., & Liu, X. (2016). Problematic Internet Users Show Impaired Inhibitory Control and Risk Taking with Losses: Evidence from Stop Signal and Mixed Gambles Tasks. Front Psychol
Yang, G., Nan, W., Li Q., Liu X.(2015). Behavioral and electrophysiological profiles reveal domain-specific conflict processing. Advances in Computational
Li, Q., Wang, K., Nan, W., Zheng, Y., Wu, H., Wang, H., & Liu, X. (2015). Electrophysiological dynamics reveal distinct processing of stimulus-stimulus and stimulus-response conflicts. Psychophysiology
Zhou,P., Yang, G., Nan, W., & Liu, X. (2015). The time course of attentional modulation on emotional conflict processing. Cogn Emot
Zuo XN*, Anderson JS, Bellec P, Birn RM, Biswal BB, Blautzik J, Breitner JCS, Buckner RL, Calhoun VD, Castellanos FX, Chen A, Chen B, Chen J, Chen X, Colcombe SJ, Courtney W, Craddock RC, Di Martino A, Dong HM, Fu X, Gong Q, Gorgolewski KJ, Han Y, He Y, He Y, Ho E, Holmes A, Hou XH, Huckins J, Jiang T, Jiang Y, Kelley W, Kelly C, King M, LaConte SM, Lainhart JE, Lei X, Li HJ, Li K, Li K, Lin Q, Liu D, Liu J, Liu X, Liu Y, Lu G, Lu J, Luna B, Luo J, Lurie D, Mao Y, Margulies DS, Mayer AR, Meindl T, Meyerand ME, Nan W, Nielsen JA, O'Connor D, Paulsen D, Prabhakaran V, Qi Z, Qiu J, Shao C, Shehzad Z, Tang W, Villringer A, Wang H, Wang K, Wei D, Wei GX, Weng XC, Wu X, Xu T, Yang N, Yang Z, Zang YF, Zhang L, Zhang Q, Zhang Z, Zhang Z, Zhao K, Zhen Z, Zhou Y, Zhu XT, Milham MP*. An open science resource for establishing reliability and reproducibility in functional connectomics.
Li,Q., Nan, W., Wang, K., & Liu, X. (2014). Independent processing of stimulus-stimulus and stimulus-response conflicts. PLoS One
肖紅,& 南威治. (2010). 基於膚色模型與人臉結構特徵的人臉檢測.科學技術與工程