



  • 書名:南大教輔智慧起航·國中英語閱讀複合訓練:7年級
  • 出版社:南京大學出版社
  • 頁數:178頁
  • 開本:16
  • 品牌:南京大學出版社
  • 作者:朱善萍 高靜林
  • 出版日期:2013年12月1日
  • 語種:簡體中文, 英語
  • 定價:22.00




Unit 1 Sweet home
Unit 2 Wonderful cities
Unit 3 Travelling
Unit 4 Famous people
Unit 5 Sports
Unit 6 Safety
Unit 7 Something interesting
Unit 8 Animal secrets
Unit 9 Uncommon people
Unit 10 Friends
Unit 11 Geography
Unit 12 Science and technology
Unit 13 Studying
Unit 14 How to make dreams come true
Unit 15 Stories
Unit 16 How to get a computer
Unit 17 The secret of success
Unit 18 Finding your own value
Unit 19 Strange things
Unit 20 Happiness for everyone
Unit 21 Special festivals
Unit 22 Relaxation
Unit 23 Foreign cultures
Unit 24 Ways of amusement
Unit 25 Teachers and students
Unit 26 Lovely animals
Unit 27 Amazing stories
Unit 28 Wait for local movies



Would you like to go to Beijing, our capital? It's far away from Guangdong. It's 2 313kilometres from Beijing to Guangdong. The city of Kunming is 2 216 kilometres away fromGuangdong. It's always very warm there. But it's very hot in summer in Wuhan. It's 1 084kilometres from Guangdong to Wuhan. Changsha is near Guangdong. It's 726 kilometresfrom Changsha to Guangdong.
Do you know which city is the biggest in China? It' s Shanghai. It's 1 811 kilometresfrom Guangdong to Shanghai. If you travel by air, you'll find it very interesting and fastenough to fly from Guangdong to Beijing. It only takes you about four hours and you'll getthere easily, safely and unhurriedly. But travelling by train is quite different.You have to stay on the train for over thirty hours to arrive in Beijing. More and more people like to travel by air. You can see why, can't you?
( )11. How far is it tom Changsha to Guangdong?
A. 1 084 kilometres. B. 2 216 kilometres.
C. 726 kilometres. D. 2 313 kilometres.


