- 書名:半導體器件導論
- 作者:(美)尼曼
- ISBN:9787302124511
- 頁數:670
- 定價:69
- 出版社:清華大學出版社
- 出版時間:2006年3月1日
- 裝幀:平裝
- 開本:16開
出版社: 清華大學出版社; 第1版 (2006年3月1日)
叢書名: 國外大學優秀教材微電子類系列
平裝: 670頁
開本: 16開
ISBN: 7302124515
條形碼: 9787302124511
尺寸: 23.1 x 18.5 x 2.7 cm
重量: 558 g
Preface xvii
The Crystal Structure of Solids
1.0 Preview 1
1.1 Semiconductor Materials 2
1.2 Types of Solids 3
1.3 Space Lattices 4
1.3.1 Primitive and Unit Cell 4
1.3.2 Basic Crystal Structures 6
1.3.3 Crystal Planes and Miller Indices
1.3.4 The Diamond Structure 13
1.4 Atomic Bonding 15
1.5 Imperfections and Impurities in Solids 17
1.5.1 Imperfections in Solids 17
1.5.2 Impurities in Solids 18
1.6 Growth of Semiconductor Materials 19
1.6.1 Growth from a Melt 20
1.6.2 Epitaxial Growth 22
1.7 Device Fabrication Techniques:
Oxidation 23
1.8 Summary 25
Problems 27
Theory of Solids 31
2.0 Preview 31
2.1 Principles of Quantum Mechanics 32
2.1.1 Energy Quanta 32
2.1.2 Wave-Particle Duality Principle 34
2.2 Energy Quantization and Probability Concepts 36
2.2.1 Physical Meaning of the Wave Function 36
2.2.2 The One-Electron Atom 37
2.2.3 Periodic Table 40
2.3 Energy-Band Theory 41
2.3.1 Formation of Energy Bands 41
2.3.2 The Energy Band and the Bond Model 45
2.3.3 Charge Carriers——Electrons and Holes 47
2.3.4 Effective Mass 49
2.3.5 Metals, Insulators, and Semiconductors 50
2.3.6 The k-Space Diagram 52
2,4 Density of States Function 55
2.5 Statistical Mechanics 57
2.5.1 Statistical Laws 57
2.5.2 The Fermi-Dirac Distribution Function
and the Fermi Energy 58
2.5.3 Maxwell-Boltzmann Approximation 62
2.6 Summary 64
Problems 65
The Semiconductor in Equilibrium 70
3.0 Preview 70
3.1 Charge Carriers in Semiconductors 71
3.1.1 Equilibrium Distribution of Electrons and Holes 72
3.1.2 The no and Po Equations 74
3.1.3 The Intrinsic Carrier Concentration 79
3.1.4 The Intrinsic Fermi-Level Position 82
3.2 Dopant Atoms and Energy Levels 83
3.2.1 Qualitative Description 83
3.2.2 Ionization Energy 86
3.2.3 Group III-V Semiconductors 88
3.3 Carrier Distributions in the Extrinsic Semiconductor 89
3.3.1 Equilibrium Distribution of Electrons and Holes 89