



  • 中文名:十天搞定外貿函電:白金版
  • 作者:毅冰
  • 出版時間:2019年4月
  • 出版社:中國海關出版社
  • ISBN:9787517503477
  • 類別:經濟通俗讀物
  • 開本:16 開
  • 裝幀:平裝-膠訂




第一天 前期聯絡 Pre-business Contact 1
1.邀請客戶見面 Requesting Business Appointment
2.討論時間地點 Scheduling Visiting Itinerary
3.取消本次會面 Cancelling The Meeting
4.見面後的跟進 Follow-up After Meeting
5.展會後的聯絡 Contacting After Fairs
6.開發潛在客戶 Developing Potential Customers
7.介紹自己的優勢 Introducing Our Advantages
8.突出專業素養 Highlighting Specialties
第二天 商務往來 Running Business
Part 1 詢盤處理 Dealing With Inquiries
9.回復新客戶的詢盤 Counteroffer To New Inquiries
10.回復有針對性的詢盤 Counteroffer To Specific Inquiries
11.回復語焉不詳的詢盤 Counteroffer To Non-specificInquiries
12.跟進老客戶的詢價 Inquiry Follow-up For CurrentCustomer
13.給客戶推薦新產品 Recommending New Product
14.回答客戶的各種問題 Replying Multiple Questions
Part 2 報價處理 Offer Methods
15.快速準確的報價 Prompt & Accurate Quotation
16.詳細專業的報價 Detailed & Professional Quotation
17.應對客戶的砍價 Discussion On Pricing Bargain
18.多輪價格談判 Price Negotiating
19.終確定價格 Final Price Confirmation
Part 3 細節處理 Detailed Issues Follow-up
20.給客戶準備樣品 Preparing Samples For Customers
21.向客戶詢問到付賬號 Requesting The Courier Account
22.請客戶支付樣品費 Requesting Sampling Charge
23.詢問樣品是否滿意 Asking For Sample Evaluation
24.討論包裝問題 Packaging Issues Discussion
25.討論顏色問題 Colors Discussion
26.確認設計稿 Artwork Confirmation
27.了解客戶的其他需求 Acknowledging Other Requests
第三天 訂單操作 Orders Follow-up
Part 1 訂單確認 Order Confirmation
28.收到客戶訂單 Receiving PO
29.付款方式談判 Payment Terms Discussion
30.付款細節交涉 Negotiating Payment Issues
31.終訂單確認 Confirmation For Final PO
32.給客戶形式發票 Sending Out PI
Part 2 產前準備 Pre-production Preparation
33.準備產前樣 Preparing Pre-production Samples
34.下單給供應商 Placing Order To Supplier
35.緊急修改包裝 Packaging Re-confirmation
36.重新製作訂單 Receiving Revised PO
37.重新製作形式發票 Making Revised PI
38.重新準備樣品 Re-arranging Samples
Part 3 生產裝運 Production & Delivery
39.告知客戶生產情況 Advising Production Status
40.申請第三方驗廠 Applying 3rd Party For Factory Audit
41.申請第三方驗貨 Applying 3rd Party For Inspection
42.驗貨未通過 Failed In Inspection
43.整改後申請重驗 Applying Re-inspection
44.討論裝運細節 Shipping Issues Confirmation
45.告知客戶出運計畫 Keeping Client Informed Of ETD &ETA
第四天 收款問題 Payment Terms
46.提交單據並向客戶催款 Documents Submission & PaymentPush
47.收到客戶付款通知 Receiving Payment Advice
48.請客戶提供銀行水單 Asking Bank Receipt
49.發現付款錯誤跟客戶重新討論 Re-discussion For Payment Error
50.告知客戶款項收到 Payment Receiving Notification
51.請客戶修改信用證 Proposing L/C Amendment
52.請客戶接受信用證不符點 Proposing Acceptance To L/CDiscrepancy
53.討論新訂單付款方式 Payment Term Negotiation
第五天 處理投訴 Claim Settling
54.對於品質的投訴 Quality Complaints
55.對於交貨期的投訴 Delivery Time Complaints
56.對於服務的投訴 Service Complaints
57.道歉並提出解決方案 Apology & Solutions
58.客戶提出索賠 Compensation Claim
59.商量賠款金額 Compensation Negotiation
60.申請分批賠付 Application For CompensationInstallment
61.申請延期賠付 Application For Deferred Compensation
62.拒絕客戶賠款要求 Compensation Refusal
63.討論其他方式代替賠款 Compensation Alternatives
第六天 售後跟進 After-sale Service
64.詢問產品銷售情況 Inquiring Sales Condition
65.了解市場動向 Realizing Up-to-date Market Trend
66.討論同類產品 Similar Products Discussion
67.針對缺陷提供改進方案 Solutions To Defectives
68.對於降低成本的建議 Cost Reduction Advice
69.給客戶專業的意見 Professional Advice
70.推薦其他同系列的產品 Other Series Recommendation
71.給客戶產品信息 Latest Products Information
72.告知售後服務電話 After-sale Service Hotline
第七天 其他日常工作 Other Daily Working
73.出差的自動回復 Auto-reply For Business Trip
74.通知客戶展會安排 Fair Arrangement Inform
75.通知客戶新網站完成 New Website Inform
76.公司地址變更通知 Updated Company Address Inform
77.信箱地址變更通知 Email Change Inform
78.病假的自動回復 Auto-reply For Sick Leave
79.宣布公司的新規定 Announcing New Office Regulations
80.職務調動通知 Transfer Notification
81.內部工作調整通知 Internal Work AdjustmentNotification
82.休假通知 Annual Leave Announcement
83.離職通知 Resignation Announcement
84.退休通知 Retirement Announcement
第八天 私人往來 Personal Affairs
85.結婚通知 Marriage Announcement
86.請同事們聚餐 Inviting Co-workers To Dinner Party
87.產子通知 Announcing The Birth Of A Child
88.邀請客戶聚餐 Inviting Customer For Lunch
89.跟客戶討論私人問題 Private Conversation With Customer
90.請客戶幫忙 Seeking For Helping Hand
第九天 特別問候 Special Greetings
91.聖誕問候 X’mas Greetings
92.新年問候 New Year Greetings
93.春節問候 Chinese New Year Greetings
94.感恩節問候 Thanksgiving Day Greetings
95.萬聖節問候 Halloween Greetings
96.長假問候 Holiday Greetings
97.祝賀新婚 Marriage Celebrating
98.祝賀升職 Promotion Celebrating
99.敬祝早日康復 Get-well Messages
100.寄送小禮物 Sending Out A Tiny Gift
第十天 細節問題 Issues In Detail
101.附屬檔案的問題 Attachment Issue
102.圖片的問題 Photo Issue
103.郵件長短的問題 Content & Space Issue
104.簽名的問題 Signature Issue
105.信箱地址的問題 Email Address Issue
106.格式、行文、空格、空行和標點 Format, Writing Manner, BlankSpace, Blank Line & Punctuation


